To have any hope of overcoming panic attacks naturally, you need to know as much as you can about them. Panic attacks, sometimes called anxiety attacks, are very frightening experiences. And if you have suffered one or more, then you know just how terrifying they can be...
As well as the symptoms you are enduring, you feel alone and isolated during an attack. The best way to help yourself in these circumstances is to understand what they are and what causes them. Knowledge is indeed power in this case.
Panic attacks usually come out of the blue without any prior warning, which is why you feel so fearful and apprehensive. Attacks last for between 5 to 30 minutes on average, with a peak of intensity at around 10 minutes.
The symptoms are devastating; tightness across your chest/throat, rapid hear rate, sweating, shortness of breath, irregular breathing, dizziness/light-headedness, and so on. No wonder you feel such terror and feel so alone and isolated.
They can be caused by anything; being in a crowded place, in a traffic jam, speaking in public, shopping in a busy supermarket, crossing a bridge, etc. They are usually triggered when your overall anxiety shoots up to such a peak that your body reacts in a pre-programmed way and a panic attack is triggered.
You'll normally get treated using tranquilizers and antidepressants to manage the cognitive issues and perhaps beta blockers to handle the physical ones. But many folks just don't like these types of drugs and prefer to approach their condition using more natural means. Perhaps you're like them too. If so then here are 7 tips on overcoming panic attacks naturally...
7 Tips for Overcoming Panic Attacks Naturally
1) Recognise that there isn't anything mentally wrong with you. You just have a behavioural issue that can be treated successfully. Once you understand this, then you're in a better position to take back control, which is a vital step in overcoming panic attacks naturally.
2) Make a list of several family members and/or friends who you feel closest to and can fully trust. Have their mobile/cell phone numbers ready so that you can contact them during an attack. They can help to reassure you, and perhaps even be able to get to you if they are near enough.
3) Practice proper controlled breathing techniques. Controlled breathing can help to re-balance your oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio and so help to reduce and bring some of the symptoms under control. See also No. 7 below.
4) A good night's sleep is very important. Not only do you have more energy next day, your overall anxiety levels are reduced with a proper sleep cycle, which helps to reduce the risk of panic attacks.
5) Studies have shown that folks who have panic attacks are more sensitive to certain foods than people who don't. So avoid foods like, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugars.
6) Make time during the day for relaxation exercises to help reduce the stress in your life. Do this every single day. Learn yoga, go running, walking, cycling, whatever you prefer, but do it as a daily routine.
7) Be prepared. As mentioned above, have the 'phone numbers of trusted ones in your cell/mobile 'phone. Carry a paper bag with you to help you 're-breathe' so that you can help to re-balance your oxygen/carbon dioxide. Even knowing that you're prepared, can make you feel better.
No matter what the cause is that triggers a panic attack you can start overcoming your panic attacks naturally by understanding what they are and that they can't harm you...
To understand even more about overcoming panic attacks naturally, especially about using a special technique to help you break out of your vicious anxiety cycle, you may wish to go here
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