When dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally you need to bear in mind that anxiety (panic) attacks cannot cause you any harm. This is an important first step on your road to recovery. So here you're going to learn why this is so, and, some natural tips on dealing with nocturnal panic attacks.
The point about dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally is that you really need to have an understanding of what causes them during slumber. Then, armed with this information, you are better able to understand why certain natural ways of tackling them can be effective.
The causes of nocturnal anxiety attacks are not really all that well-known, but one way they may occur is due to being in a state of high stress or anxiety when you go to bed. Much in the same way as daytime attacks may be triggered by high anxiety and stress levels.
Unfortunately, in some circumstances, the human body can mis-read these high anxiety levels as a 'signal' that you are in some sort of danger. It then triggers numerous chemical changes in itself to help prepare you to fight the danger or run away from it more effectively. These changes cause the symptoms you experience during an attack.
Nocturnal anxiety attack symptoms are much the same as daytime panic attacks; sweating, rapid heartbeat, trembling / shaking, shortness of breath, chest pains, etc. And, just as in the daytime, nighttime anxiety attacks can suddenly occur without any warning.
But nighttime attacks are especially frightening because you are generally asleep when the attack is triggered. This leaves you feeling very, very frightened and extremely vulnerable. Which is why you need ways of dealing with such attacks when they occur.
Dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally needn't be difficult, as there are many natural ways of handling these attacks. Depending on the severity of the attacks and their regularity, some may work better for some people than others. You just need to find which ones work best for you.
With that in mind, here are 3 tips on dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally that you may wish to try...
1) Remember that an anxiety attack cannot harm you: The symptoms you are experiencing are only your body's natural reaction to a perceived threat that doesn't in fact exist. This recognition should help to calm your fears at the onset of an attack.
2) Then get your breathing under control. Breathe slowly in through the nose for several seconds, then out through your mouth for several seconds. Ensure you use your diaphragm to breathe, not just your upper chest. Repeat the process until you feel more in control. Note: keeping a paper bag by your bed that you can breathe in and out of may also help.
3) Don't try to fight the symptoms and get back to sleep: it's not going to happen during an attack, and for a time after. Trying will only increase the stress. Get out of bed and drink some water. Splash cold water over your face. Then do two or three routine things to help you take your mind of the symptoms. For example, wash a few dishes, tidy up, etc.
But as well as using tips like these to deal with nocturnal anxiety attacks as they occur, you really need to prevent them from happening in the first place. And a key step in achieving this is to get rid of the fear, imprinted in your mind, of having another attack. This, in itself, can cause you to have one...
If you wish to, you can get information on a special technique to help you break your cycle of fear and so prevent nocturnal anxiety attacks, by going here:- http://www.thepanicattacksite.info/.
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