Discover A Super Powerful, Yet Simple Technique to Stop Panic Attacks Forever

Believe it or not anxiety is just like any other phobia, in fact, you could compare an anxiety disorder to having a phobia of heights. Anxiety is the fear of having panic attacks. If we were to try to overcome our fears we must change our state of mind, we have to use our fears proactively to overcoming our disorder. To overcome our fear of heights we would have to slowly introduce ourselves to the very thing that makes us uncomfortable and that is heights. We would have to first educate ourselves on height and safety, and practice what we learned. To overcome our phobia we would begin by climbing a ladder maybe you would start off with a 3 foot ladder, but then gradually you would increase it to 6 foot, 8 foot or 10 foot ladder. You also realize that experience with heights makes you more comfortable, once you know you can do it, you know, you got it and you are in control over your fear.

In literally three weeks of time I learned some very powerful lessons that helped me get back in control of my life. You can use these same lessons to help you to become free.

One of the powerful techniques I learned was to instantly stop anxiety in its tracks the very second I felt anxious. I would begin to breathe deeply and shift my "focus" away from anxiety and on to something else. I needed to focus on, relaxation instead of focusing on my anxiety symptoms. I needed to focus on being calm and relaxed. I would begin to tell myself that I was only having anxiety that it would not harm me in any way shape or form I would continue to breathe let go of my muscle tension and allow myself to get into a state of relaxation. My focus had to be directed in a completely different direction than anxiety.

My Result was a success.

Our mind is powerful and once you learn the secrets that keep you in an anxious state you can begin to reverse the effects, you can go from feeling helpless, tired and anxious to being, relaxed confident and free. Here is an example of how easy it is to shift our focus.

What the mind can conceive you can achieve.

A very young child is angry over a broken toy, he is crying and red in the face. He is pissed off. His emotions are only due to the fact that his mind is focused on the broken toy. I can instantly get him to focus on something other than his anger, by distracting him. If I tell him to go and get a piece of candy out of the pantry, his mind instantly shifts to "Candy in the pantry" which makes him very happy. Your mind can instantly shift states by directing it to a desired focal point. If you are feeling anxious you can focus on relaxation just as easy.

I am not a PHD medical Doctor. I am somebody who had anxiety, I am a real person who beat Anxiety and panic attacks. "Discover The Secret To Breaking The Cycle Of Fear With A Tool That Will Allow You To Never Fear Another Panic Attack again free anxiety report!

I also have a blog about anxiety and how to stop panic attacks please feel free to visit.

Original article

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