Debunk These Common Anxiety Myths

A few common Anxiety Myths are:

Anxiety is a mental illness.

Anxiety attacks stem from a lack of courage.

Anxiety can only be cured with prescription medicine.

An actual panic attack or anxiety attack causes harm to your body.

Although the scientific cause of an anxiety attack or a panic attack is yet to be proven in the medical field, many doctors attribute the body's specific symptomatic reactions to a chemical imbalance, thus treatable with medicine.

This diagnosis is attached to many other illnesses for the motivation of prescribing medicine to a particular client. However, there is no medical test to diagnose an "imbalance" in the human brain. Therefore, the label "chemical imbalance" can be attached to certain patients to justify the need for medication. It is important to note that anxiety can be cured without the use of medication.

The most common triggers of anxiety or panic disorders stem from exhaustion that is either physical, mental or emotional. Internal conflict such as past issues of trauma or various categories of abuse can also trigger panic attacks.

Physical exhaustion can be the direct result of poor diet, any type of substance abuse, or hormonal changes such as menopause.

Mental exhaustion is the result of extreme worry or stress. Emotional exhaustion might be related to life's traumatic issues such as grief from the loss of a loved one or divorce from a spouse.

If any one of these exhaustions linger, the mind and body try to cope with the change by experiencing feelings of "different" and "heightened" bodily sensations. The heart beating fast, the tightness of chest, the feeling of being closed in are all sensations felt by a person having a panic attack also known as an anxiety attack.

The mind tries to decipher the different feelings in the body. Since the response the body goes through seems abnormal, it then becomes anxious or fearful in dealing with these bodily responses that are unusual.

The fear and heightened sensitive feeling becomes ever-present in the body of the person who has experienced these same symptoms previously. As a result, the lingering fear that the feeling will return stays in the thoughts of the person who has suffered from a panic attack. The mere thought of the attack returning again and the intense occasion of fear is a constant reminder of endangerment and entrapment of the person who has suffered from an anxiety attack.

The panic attack sufferer then continues this cycle of fear thus avoiding all circumstances which serve as a reminder of the fear and entrapment experienced previously. A person can then develop a fear of flying, driving, social interaction, public speaking, etc.

There is a cure for Anxiety Disorder that does not involve medication. Medication only serves to mask the feeling or cause the heightened sensations of anxiety and panic to subside.

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Tiffani has suffered from anxiety attacks, panic attacks and depression for many years. She successfully cured herself from these disorders without any medication or professional intervention. She now dedicates much of her time to helping others experience the same freedom from fear, panic and worry. To read more about how to cure yourself from anxiety visit

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