Social Anxiety Disorder Help - 2 Core Tips

Some people suffering from social anxiety disorder suffer from panic attacks, but not everyone with social anxiety experiences the terror of panic. These more extreme cases of Social Anxiety Disorder with Panic Disorder can make a person feel like they are losing control, are becoming very unwell, and in some cases can make them feel like they are going to die though a heart attack or something similar. While this does not happen, what is often worse than feeling this way is the disbelief that some medical professionals still give to a panic episode. This can make the sufferer feel humiliated as well adding to the problem. This lack of respect for such a widespread problem leaves many wondering what social anxiety disorder help is there they can access.

Social Anxiety Disorder Help to End Panic Attacks

There are a few things that need to happen to get over social anxiety, and completely end panic attacks. The first is to know it CAN be done even if it seems like an insurmountable effort to begin with. The second is knowing where to start. I believe that it should start with controlling panic attacks before they control you. This needs to be done before you can stop them completely, and before you tackle the larger issue of social phobia as well.

There are a number of extremely beneficial reasons to tackle the panic issue first such as:

Self Esteem Boost - You will feel much better about yourself and your abilities of mental health self help.Repeatable - If you can do this just once, you can repeat this process any time you feel panic coming on.Stopping Anxiety - The same skills you use in stopping a full blown panic attack can be used again when fighting social anxiety disorder as well.

So, the issue is still of course how you stop a panic attack from social anxiety disorder. Let's look into how to arrest a panic attack underway first - this is essential to stopping it from getting out of control fast.

Breathing Techniques

How you breathe is very related to how your anxiety builds, and how your body reacts. Fast shallow breathing speeds the heart rate up which in turn overstimulates the adrenal glands and send you into a fight or flight mode. This mode can be useful in situations where you need to have a lot of energy to escape or defend yourself - but when this happens in regular social situations it is the opposite of what you want!

To counter this you can use deep breathing techniques, but if you have heard all of this before - here is a warning. Done wrong, deep breathing can make matters even worse, so knowing how to do this properly is in your best interests.

Breathe in deep but STEADY. Not a huge gulp! Too much oxygen in one hit can also affect heart rates.Keep your whole body steady, and relaxed if you can. Overly dramatic movements while trying to do this will effect how everyone around you acts which can make you more anxious. Steady and calm - close your eyes to keep stimulation to a minimum.Do not hold your breathe once it is in, release the air back out in a slow steady stream.Keep your mind focused on your breathing during this procedure and continue to breathe like this for a minute or so and you will feel your heart rate slow and your panic ease.

Stopping Catastrophic Thinking

This is something that can help you overcome a panic attack, but is even more useful in preventing them entirely. Catastrophic thinking is the train of thoughts that steadily get worse and drag your thinking down, and raises your anxiety levels til panic point.

This is not really a technique that I am offering, but an awareness of the process. If you can detect those catastrophic thoughts as they are happening you can work to arrest them. Most people who are aware of them can begin to rationalise them away as fantasy not the truth and get back on an even keel. Sometimes just taking a single thought and stopping to analyse it can help - sometimes this can drag you further down, but if you apply as much logic to it as you can, most of the time you can realise it is not right and you can at least stop yourself form becoming more anxious.

There is a heck of a lot more than you can do to eliminate SAnD, but social anxiety disorder help to get rid of panic attacks are what you have to perfect before you can work on all those other larger mental health issues.. For more information about this, click though for more on overcoming social anxiety fast!

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Obliterating Fear and Busting Anxiety

Obliterating Fear: Discovering Independence

We've all heard the cliches about overcoming fear and reclaiming your life. I'll bet most who have struggled with anxiety are able to recite verbatim all the well known rules for conquering one's fear and yet still seem to struggle with it daily.

Is there a concrete reason why this fear still has a way of intruding in their lives? And why are they still living their lives in a guarded, cautious way, avoiding anything that might once again trip those intrusive fears? The answer might just surprise you as it has so many others.

It's because these individuals still lack the most important instruction for the permanent elimination of fear. One must be willing to go after their fear, seek it out in order to experience it through correctly, rather than avoid it or temporarily medicate it. They must be willing to experience their fear out, to experience it through completely, until it no longer exists. The goal is permanent recovery, not temporary relief. It's as simple as that.

Understanding is one thing. It is extremely helpful to understand the root of your fear. It gives one some sense of control but partial recovery is not enough. We all know there is a huge difference between knowing and actually experiencing. Once must experience their fears, the right way, the correct way, in order to obliterate them from existence.

Relinquishing Fear

- Experience Your Fear: One must look at their fear head on and experience it without resistance or contraction. One must be willing to give themselves over to their fears in a way that is comfortable and effective. Medications are temporary because one is not effectively changing a behavior. The only effective way past fear is through it, but going through it correctly is essential.

- You are NOT ALONE: Fear follows a set pattern. This means that it is shared by others who are sensitized in the same exact way. Everyone is basically patterned in the same way. This is a plus in more ways than one. It indicates that the pattern that takes you out of fear is also identical for everyone and effective in the same way.

- Act Now-Take the First Step: Stop thinking about doing it. JUST DO IT! Thinking too much only gives one reasons to postpone things. Live in the moment, learn to enjoy spontaneity and jump into life. Get behind the wheel of that car and proceed to your destination. Prove your capabilities to yourself. Every single day CHOOSE to do one thing independently. Take that risk daily and your life becomes your own.

- Take Responsibility: Treat yourself kindly by eating properly and nurturing yourself. Rest is important, as is recreation. It's your job to maintain your mind and body, keeping it running smoothly and in good condition.

- Lose Previous Assumptions and Beliefs: Drop all stock thoughts and habits of unproductive thinking. Take life as it happens without preconceptions. Experience rather than live with past assumptions. Be young again by living in and experiencing the present moment.

- Release Yourself: Disconnect from the way you have defined yourself in the past. Let go of the unhappy story you define yourself by and substitute it for what is occurring in the moment. Stop listening to that inner voice of gloom and doom. This voice is unproductive habit and nothing more. Don't become "stuck" in the way you once were or fear you might be. Live by your strength by continuing to prove it. Challenge yourself every day and you will be building emotional strength. It's emotionally strong person is attractive.

- Turn off Self-Sabotage: It's time to break the chain of negative self commentary, better known as self-sabotage. This is an unproductive habit the mind often learns which succeeds in ruining any productive strides you may make as it fuels self-doubt and fear. This usually occurs whenever life begins to work in your favor. It's your responsibility to turn off that habit and do it immediately by:

1- Acknowledging its existence.

2- Deliberately turning it off. There is a simple method to be learned and it is well worth your effort. This small piece of information will enable you to turn your life around in a short period of time.

Fear is merely one's definition, one's perspective of those things they have not yet learn to experience though correctly. Everyone has the fortitude to obliterate fear by merely showing up when it is present and experiencing it through.

It's not as complicated as you might believe. Your thoughts are either your chains or your freedom. You have the choice to accept the correct perspective by telling the truth about it. By doing so, and experiencing the fear all the way through, you obliterate it. You see your fear for what it is and walk right through it. Freedom is on the other side of fear.

Never let a belief system based on fearful thinking bind you to fear. Learn to experience your fear through without holding back. Daily usage of this is exercise for the mind, keeping it fit and strong.

Every day place yourself in the position to use this practice. Challenge yourself and win. Fear will plague you until YOU CHOOSE to face it down and walk right through it, move through the ghost it merely is, and reclaim your own power as you do so. Experience it out, until it is no more.

Dr. Ronnie Freedman
Anxiety Busters, Inc.

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Confront Stress to Lose Weight

Progress in science and technology have transformed how people live and work. Headways in the 21st millennium, show that life expectancy rates have increased and diseases that were once thought incurable have been eliminated.

However, modern wonders have been unable to wayside the ever increasing numbers of overweight people.

More than one-third of adult Americans and one in three children are overweight. Commercially prepared foods and fast foods have dramatically changed how, when, and what we eat. Technology, the convenience of transportation, and the process of work from labor intensive into less active activities have added to the rise of obesity.

A significant factor that has been left behind in the news is the truth that stress plays an important role in the cause for becoming overweight.

Just what do you do when you are trying to meet a timeline? When you feel rejected, unloved or angry? More often than not, you probably scarf down food.

You begin to develop specific cravings, known as "comfort foods," as a means to calm down your nerves and to take your mind away from your problems for a while.

As your stress builds, your brain tells you, "take a break, taste me, I'm delightful!" Your thoughts are filled with spiraling images of pizza with extra cheese, cookies, ice cream, hamburgers...and not just a burger on a bun, but one with double cheese and your favorite condiments. Eating is one of the most common diversions for emotional distress.

Frustrated people are more apt to yield to food cravings. Research shows that an normal healthy person has about seven to ten pounds of toxic waste. And so it is not difficult to form a mental picture of how much waste overweight people carry. Some other studies unveil that 10 percent of those who are obese began excessive eating as a means to escape from fears, depression and apprehensions.

The joy of eating becomes a way to dampen and avoid negative thoughts and feelings. Our mind maps have a huge affect on how the body feels. One way or another, our bodies mirror our emotional condition. In addition to controlling our eating behavior, we also need to learn to deal with, and understand our emotions.

Observe what goes on in any restaurant and more than likely, you'll see people hurriedly eating whatever is on their plate...probably not really enjoying the meal. Instead of receiving good nourishment, busy people take in high fat, high calorie and processed foods.

If you're determined to shed a few or a lot of excess weight, you need to reduce the causes of stress in your life by meeting them head on. Certain foods are known to raise stress levels.

A cup or so of coffee in the morning is fine. However, too much caffeine can upset your stomach and have you bouncing off the walls, unable to focus your attention. And what about that sugar rush you get from the sweets you eat! Is the temporary rush of energy worth the increasing odds of type 2 diabetes later on?

Monitoring what you eat and being familiar with what foods promote strength and stamina is a must.

A good rule of thumb is to do everything in moderation. Do anything with your hands rather than sinking it into bucket of chicken or gripping a soda with the other.

Stop and take time to ask yourself, "why am I eating this?"

For great information and tips on exercise and weight loss, visit

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Important Facts About Anxiety Panic Disorder

An anxiety panic disorder is characterized by the recurrence of severe panic attacks. The panic attacks are difficult to predict although there are anticipatory attacks triggered by the patient's worry about having another attack. The medical world has not reached a clear-cut conclusion on the anxiety panic disorder, in the sense that some differentiate between anxiety and panic disorder while others treat them together. Although debilitating, the condition is treatable and controllable. Panic attacks could be unexpected, situational or situationally predisposed.

The attacks specific to an anxiety panic problem can wax and wane over longer periods of time, sometimes hours, although the intense episode lasts about ten minutes. The common symptoms of the panic attack include:

- rapid heartbeat;
- shortness of breath;
- a feeling of imminent death;
- trembling;
- dizziness;
- sweating;
- chest pain;
- nausea;
- numbness;
- a sense of altered reality etc.

This list of symptoms is not by far exhaustive. The symptom that appears to be common to all people diagnosed with an anxiety panic problem is the necessity to escape from the situation provoking the attack. As for causes, so far doctors have not been able to determine what the more general causes might be. Genetic predisposition has been confirmed as in families with anxiety panic disorder history, inheritance proves decisive.

Life transitions, stressful events, physical illness and even medications can be found behind an anxiety panic disorder. Stimulants in excess, such as caffeine, could also trigger a panic attack. Sometimes precisely the drugs used to control the condition (like SSRI medication) can exacerbate the condition due to their stimulant side effects. This is also the reason why doctors don't always rush into prescribing drugs to a patient suffering from an anxiety panic disorder. Medication can keep severe symptoms under control, but therapy is a lot more effective at bringing health improvement.

Some researchers suspect a chemical imbalance in patients with panic anxiety disorder. Drug therapy with benzodiazepines seems to regulate the possible chemical imbalances behind a panic attack, keeping the condition in check.

Besides drugs, there is a huge number of therapeutic strategies and techniques that can be used successfully to improve the health condition of an anxiety panic disorder sufferer. The most qualified person to answer your questions on this is your therapist. As part of the counseling sessions, the therapist will discuss various methods meant to bring you in control of your body and mind when a panic attack is at your door. Don't hesitate to ask, and start working towards achieving health improvement goals right away!

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Diet For Panic Attack Patients

We all know that the mental and emotional state of an anxiety attack sufferer should be considered. On the other hand, food is also regarded as another major contributing factor in managing panic attacks and anxiety. The food on your plate has the power to brighten mood your mood, heal your muscles, and help prevent the attacks as long as you carefully choose what's on your plate.

Eat To Beat Bad Moods

Carbohydrates - There's a good reason that a plate of pasta makes you happy. Serotonin is a substance in an individual's body. Lower levels of serotonin can be linked to an individual's depression. Carbohydrates help increase concentrations neurotransmitter serotonin in your blood thus giving you a higher chance of avoiding depression. Going for a carbohydrate-rich diet will work wonders for an individual's anxiety attack condition.

Legumes - Black eyed peas in particular provides folic acid. All of the B vitamins, including folic acid, are involved in the development of new brain cells to transfer information faster. This might help you significantly in dealing with your day to day stress.

Caffeine - Food products such as coffee and carbonated drinks causes more palpitations and may cause heavy breathing. Large amounts of caffeine will lead you to be more anxious and stressed.

Alcohol - Consuming alcohol is usually considered as a method to relax and calm down. But alcohol causes sugar imbalances and elevated lactic acid buildup in the blood. Both of these could cause increased anxiety, irritability, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Refined Sugar - A diet loaded with processed sugar is indicated in a variety of mood disruptions and reduced energy. This is considered to be due to the discharge of insulin to quickly decrease blood sugar when considerable amounts of sugar are eaten. This will cause a blood sugar "crash" or hypoglycemia, which is a state of low blood sugar. High sugar diets also can cause lactic acid to build up in the blood.

Stress - Halibut (magnesium). Stress may deplete magnesium in the body and low magnesium can trigger mental stress. Break the cycle after a high-pressure day with a diet that contains high levels of magnesium.

Polyphenols - Researchers suggest that polyphenols is a main factor in reducing stress. Chocolate has high levels of polyphenols and it may really help your metabolism in ways that affect the production of hormones. This will be able to help protect you against ravages of stress.

Discipline and Self-control
Whatever food you planned and prepared, it is very much important to discipline yourself. Stick to the diet plan that you created to deal with panic attacks and don't let cravings ruin it. Unhealthy eating would result to complications that will alter your body's wellness balance thus resulting to more panic attacks.

The ideal diet plan for panic attack patients is a healthy diet that can be adopted by everyone and does not violate any rules when it comes to food and panic attacks. This translates eating a variety of foods in moderate amounts, sticking to regular mealtimes, and maintaining a healthy balanced diet as much as possible. This means choosing a diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Avoid products that would trigger panic attacks such as food rich in caffeine and alcohol. The foods that contain your diet should be naturally rich in fat and the calorie level should not be that low.

Chris Dillard is a former panic and anxiety sufferer. He overcame this kind of condition by means of Natural Cures For Anxiety. He is now devoted in helping other sufferers overcome this condition and regain their lives back!

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How to Manage Panic Attacks Without Medication


Anxiety is a natural response to stress in our life. Your heart races due to a burst of adrenaline, your palms become sweaty, your dizzy, trembling and have a dry mouth. You might be constantly worried, have diarrhea, mood swings and can't sleep or sleep to much. You may feel fatigued, have lost your appetite or suffer from high blood pressure. These are all symptoms of anxiety.

Hope is not lost, these symptoms can be controlled with a combination of stress relief techniques. Further relief can come from dietary changes and herbal therapies which can have a serene and calming effect on your mood.

First however you need to make a trip to your doctor to rule out any underlying causes. Have your blood sugar, thyroid, and heart. Nutritional deficiency or clinical depression could also be the cause. Once these factors have been ruled out, try some of the following remedies.

Next you need to cut out as much stress as possible. Shy away from caffeine, sugar (cakes, candies, chocolate), nicotine, black tea, alcohol and drugs. Try to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy diet as described above along with the following dietary suggestions.
Plan well rounded small basic meals.Try eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three big meals.Eat Brown rice, oats of some type of whole grain every meal.Also increase your green leafy vegetables such as broccoli or lettuce, asparagus but NO SPINACH!Also, soy beans, nuts, molasses, salmon, oysters, sardines, and unsweetened cultured yogurt can help keep you cool and collected.

Other stress reducers you may incorporate into your daily plan;
Vitamin B6- 50mg once or twice daily. All B Vitamins help with reducing stress but B6 is the most important of these.Valerian- Strong nerve relaxer, when taking 300mg two or three times daily. This also helps with insomnia as well.Saint-John's-Wort- Take 300mg three times daily for depression or anxiety.Ashwagandha is a stress hormone reducer. 250mg extract daily.Chromium 200mg two or three times a day to balance blood sugar levels.Inositol- 4 grams daily to help panic attacks.Chamomile and oatstraw are herbal tea flavors.Fish oil is important for a lasting treatment.

Try one of these herbs for relief
5-hydroxytryptophan- Do not take this in conjunction with other anxiety or depression pharmaceutical medication. Take 50 to 100mg, two to three times a day.
Kava- 200 to 250mg, two or three times daily of any product with up to 30% kava lactones. Do not take with other pharmaceuticals. Only take this under a doctors supervision. Can calm panic attacks and severe anxiety.
theanine-200mg to 250mg daily for a calming effect.
GABA- 500mg two or three times daily for calming effect.
Calcium and Magnesium- take 500mg calcium and 250mg magnesium twice daily. For calming the nervous system.
Passionflower- 250mg two or three times daily. This relaxes the nervous system and is gentle enough to take during the day.

You may also try the remedy from this list that best suit your symptoms: If you have not gotten any relief after 3 days, stop that one and try another. Only take one of these remedies at a time. Take 2 pellets or 30C twice daily to prevent or reduce anxiety. For a panic attack or acute anxiety you may take this same dosage for up to 6 times every fifteen minutes or until symptoms subside.
Aconitum Napellus- for acute panic attacks that make you feel like you will die. You are experiencing heart palpitations and shortness of breath.Calcarea- You are generally chilly and tire easily and feel overwhelmed.Gelsemium- Fear of being in a crowd that is accompanied by diarrhea.Ignatia- You may have suffered an emotional trauma and feel moody.Kali Phosphoricum- For general anxiety, poor memory and fatigue. Take 6x potency, three times daily.Lycopodim for stage fright or social anxietyPulsatilla- Scared of being alone.

Although these are all remedies you may try to help reduce your panic attacks and anxiety, it will not cure the underlying cause of your attacks.

For more information regarding a natural way of curing your panic attacks, please visit us at Also pick up a copy of our free report, Holistic Healing "A path to the future". This information will be of use to you for years to come...

Anxiety can be a debilitating condition but it i not incurable. Please visit to see how your anxiety can be controlled by the food's we eat and totally eradicated by the techniques taught. Get a copy of our free report on Holistic Healing, "Plan for the Future". and see and in depth video on this book and Cd combo.

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Anxiety Disorders - Categories

Anxiety is a normal human emotion. It can be of good use in helping us to keep away from dangerous circumstances and provides us the motivation to deal with problems. However, when the feelings become too intense and blown out of proportion, it can increase the symptoms that obstruct with our day-to-day activities. Anxiety disorders are the most common of all the mental disorders.

An anxiety disorder varies from normal anxiety in these ways:

- Uneven to the severity and risks of the danger

- Persists even when the danger is absent

- Gets in the way with occupational, physical or social aspects of daily life

There are many different types of anxiety disorders. Here are some of them:

• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

- Continuous thoughts, mental images or impulses (obsession) that keep coming back even though the person try to keep them out of the mind

- Performing a routine or ritual (compulsion), such as washing hands, repeating phrases, checking for completeness or hoarding to reduce the anxiety caused by the obsession

• Panic Attack

- Repeated attacks of severe anxiety

- Episodic and attack lasts for only minutes; climax of fear

• Social Phobia

- Very worried about being negatively seen by others

- Common fears such as meeting new people, public speaking, drinking or eating in front of others

- Always try to avoid other people

• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

- Prolonged or delayed response to a traumatic event (1 month), such as physical or sexual assault, the unexpected death of a loved one, witnessing a death or a natural disaster

- Experience nightmares and flashbacks, emotional numbing, avoidance behaviour or physiological arousal (irritability, poor focus or difficulty sleeping)

• Specific Phobia

- Unreasonable and extreme powerful fear reaction to a specific situation or object such as heights, enclosed space, furry animals or spiders

• Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

- Too much and continuous worry that lasts 6 months or more

- Usually on issues such as career, finances, family or health

Different anxiety disorder cures work for different people and their bodies. It is vital to research all the choices, such as therapy, psychiatry sessions prescription drugs or natural remedies. Sometimes a mixture of two or three selections is the answer.

If you have a history of drug abuse in your family, it is essential to consider natural remedies, if you are usually against prescription drugs or if you are susceptible to the side effects of prescription drugs.

Afiqah Haidar is concern about the anxieties that can occur to anyone in this world be it young or old, rich or poor etc. All of the anxiety disorders should be treated by a physician who can prescribe the best medicines to relieve the disorders. Feel free to find out more about physicians in Singapore through

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Let's Bring Anxiety Disorders Out of the Closet

Many people suffer from an anxiety disorder and it seems the numbers are increasing daily. We live in uncertain times and have so many things to worry about. All of this stress can ultimately leave someone burned out and bring on an anxiety disorder. With that comes shame for a lot of sufferers and they try to hide it from the rest of the world. We have to bring this disorder out of the closet, so that sufferers can stop feeling embarrassed and shameful.

Anxiety disorders are hard to understand if you have never had one. I understand that people just don't always get what it's all about. I've dealt with this disorder, on and off, most of my life and just recently opened up to others about it. When I was younger, I hid it. I made up excuses why I couldn't do things or go places. Most people didn't have a clue what I was going through.

It became so bad in my twenties that I became agoraphobic for two years. For all of you who don't know what agoraphobia is, it's being afraid to leave your home. It turns into a vicious circle, because when you do leave the house, you usually have a panic attack, which, of course, drives you back to wanting to stay home.

Panic attacks are a terrifying experience. You can have trouble breathing, start shaking, feel terribly frightened and out of control, think you're having a heart attack, think you're going crazy, feel dizzy, and many other things. These are just some of the common reactions. They are also very embarrassing and hard to control because they aren't based on any real threat. You just panic for no reason.

Unfortunately, many people think that someone with this disorder are just weak- minded or not controlling their emotions. The worst opinion is that you are crazy. This is why so many people try to hide them. They are under enough stress without having the stress of knowing people are thinking horrible things about them. Now that I'm older, and anxiety problems are more in the news, I opened up and decided to quit hiding my problem.

It's very sad, but apparently people are still very uninformed about anxiety disorders. I recently had a friend ask me what I was afraid of and I told him that it wasn't anything tangible, just terrible anxiety and fear. He told me that didn't make any sense, to which I replied, "That's why it's called a DIS-order." I don't think he even got what that meant. That's why I say that we have to bring anxiety disorders out of the closet. We need to stop being ashamed of them, whether others understand or not.

While they don't have concrete answers as to what causes these disorders, it is generally accepted that several factors could be to blame. These include genetics, brain chemistry imbalance and stressful or traumatic situations. It is not because you are weak or crazy. I urge people who don't have this disorder to become more familiar with it, so that should they ever have to deal with a loved one having it, they will know how to help, and not hinder, their problem.

The main issue I wanted to bring out in this article was that anxiety disorders are a very debilitating problem and the last thing we need to do is feel like we have to hide our problem. No one would make us ashamed of a broken leg, but if it deals with the mind, it becomes something of a different nature. It becomes a shameful secret, an embarrassing problem that makes us feel abnormal.

Between sufferers talking openly about it, and non-sufferers learning the facts about it, I hope the world can finally let all of us come out of the closet. We need support and help, not criticism and shame. I, for one, will not tolerate being made to feel like a freak of nature about this anymore, and I hope others will learn to hold their heads up high and recognize they have a problem that doesn't need to be hidden.

As a lifelong sufferer of an anxiety disorder, I have learned many things along the way that I want to share with other sufferers. If anything I share about my personal experiences helps you with this problem, I feel I've accomplished something good. It's a common problem that needs to be addressed to help people overcome, or at least deal better, with anxiety problems.

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The Importance Of Dealing With Anxiety Problems

Anxiety leads to many problems which people are very well aware of. Many individuals undergo such kind of problems. This is basically due to the life style adopted by people in today's times. This is the reason why the number of people being affected by these problems is growing.

The overall health and fitness of the person is affected due to this anxiety disorder. The behavior and thinking of the affected person also has a bad impact. The required measure thus needs to be taken as soon as possible.

There are various types of anxiety disorders. One of the types can be identified as social anxiety. The people suffering from this disorder feel that they are being stared at or talked about. They thus fear being around people and are very conscious about what they do. Such people tend to stay away from other people and avoid attending social gatherings. Normally they are aware that their behavior is irrational but they find themselves helpless. At times like these one should go for medical help.

One of the other type of anxiety disorder is the panic disorder. Experiencing panic attack at random is usually observed in this condition. Overlooking this kind of problem can bring about some other psychological issues.

Prior to getting the problem of anxiety treated, it is necessary to identify its cause. A doctor is an ideal person to help you out with this. The plan of action would then be decided by the doctor based on the initial evaluation that he would perform. Undergoing talk therapy or psychotherapy is one of the options. Another alternative would include taking relief medication. Ocasionally both the options are simultaneously considered.

Lack of sleep is said to be one of the reasons that bring about this condition. Rapid eye movement or REM is one of the types of sleep that help replenish the neurotransmitters. The mental efficiency is improved by these neurotransmitters. These are usually replenished between the seventh to eighth hour of sleep. Adequate amount of neurotransmitters are not produced if one does not sleep for the specified time.

Plenty of options are available to overcome this condition. Exercising, keeping yourself busy through the day and avoiding the consumption of nicotine and alcohol are some of them. Supplements containing ingredients that help in fighting anxiety is also one of the options.

Such supplements normally contain ingredients like Phenibut and Taurine. As the Phenibut get mixed up with blood stream, it helps brain to increase the level of Gamma-aminobutyric. Gamma-aminobutyric is responsible for balancing the brain when a person is excited and, it also has an impact on the mood of a person.

Anxiety problems are the ones that can be easily cured. You don't need to fear if you are experiencing any anxiety problems. There are many people like you who are facing this problem. Suitable plan of action will help you to get rid of it.

Travacor is a serotonin supplement that contains a natural mixture of amino acids, minerals and vitamins, offering a healthy treatment for anxiety related issues. To get more related information you may take a look at: Travacor Reviews.

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All About Anxiety Drugs

Anxiety drugs are used to eliminate the main symptoms of anxiety disorders, allowing the patient to cope with daily tasks as normally as possible. Medication does not solve the causes of the problem, they just represent a means for managing the condition. They should always be used in parallel with cognitive-behavioral therapy which is the one to lead to health improvement and full recovery. The main classes of anti anxiety drugs include benzodiazepines, azapirones and antidepressants.

BENZODIAZEPINES are also known as tranquilizers. They slow down the response of the central nervous system, and they thus reduce the intensity of the anxiety symptoms fast. Drugs like Xanax or Klonopin are prescribed to reduce phobic behavior and panic attacks, as well as to induce sleep in patients with insomnia. Although they are pretty safe, tranquilizers do have side effects such as confusion and memory problems. Clinicians are also concerned with the fact that for the long term use, patients develop tolerance to the drug. One half of patients also experience withdrawal symptoms when the medication is discontinued.

ANTIDEPRESSANTS represent the conventional type of anti anxiety drugs. They include categories like tricyclic antidepressants or TCA, MAOI medication and SSRI drugs. TCA drugs usually treat panic disorders effectively. They are administered once a day, and the dosage is increased progressively according to the clinician's recommendation. The side effects diminish if the drugs are taken before going to bed. TCA medication takes longer to show effects, which makes it inferior to benzodiazepines in terms of speed of action.

MAOI medication is widely used in the treatment of social phobia and panic disorders. These drugs have serious side effects, and they should never be taken lightly. There will be diet restrictions for people using MAOIs as well as some lifestyle changes at the doctor's recommendation.

SSRI antidepressants include anxiety drugs like Prozac, Zoloft or Paxil. Their side effects are less severe than those of TCA and MAOI drugs. SSRI are also more popular because they don't have as high a sedation rate as TCAs and they cause less weight gain.

With AZAPIRONES, there is just one medication available buspirone or BuSpar. As compared to other anxiety drugs, buspirnone seems highly efficient for generalized anxiety disorders. This medication acts more slowly in comparison with tranquilizers. Another major plus of buspirone is that it does not cause sedation, which makes it ideal for people who need to drive or who work with heavy machinery. Buspirone is also a good choice for people with a history of alcohol or substance abuse, who can't use benzodiazepines.

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SOS - Save Our Souls and Sanity! We Are Awash With Anxiety!

Many of us are struggling to keep our heads above the water long enough to take a good deep breath. The 'daily news' keeps rocking our boat by evoking fear and anxiety. The waters are made choppy and the boat we're rowing is letting in water. We may have had an oar snatched away from us and no matter how hard we keep rowing we are getting nowhere. We are not alone - so may others are also 'hyper-aroused' and struggling to make progress. We all affect one another by our moods and behaviours and so anxiety 'ripples' on and on. This heightened emotional state we call Anxiety has a detrimental effect upon all of our body systems; our ability to think and plan; our sleep patterns; our ability to fight off infections and heal our wounds; our relationships....our whole lives! Certain parts of the brain are over-working - which has a knock-on effect too, and this, especially if combined with lack of sleep, results in a form of Depression.

All that we need and want to 'rely-upon' can suddenly become unpredictable and transient. Our work contracts; our home and its monetary value; our planning for our old-age.... is all in a state of flux. Previous generations had different types of stress to those of the present day, but stress anxiety and fear all erode the basis of our lives. Our brains can't tell the difference between a real physical threat to our life and the adrenalin produced by media 'news' and our active imaginations

At our primitive level we still activate "will I survive....will I belong....will I thrive?"

Relating this to Abraham Maslow's Pyramid or Hierarchy of Needs, many of us nowadays are struggling at the bottom level and worrying about keeping our homes, having enough food to eat, keeping warm and safe. We become focussed upon these levels and cannot give any energy to our other 'higher' needs such as learning new things and appreciating beauty.

Our anxiety can take many forms such as Obsessions and Compulsions, social and performance anxiety or even a free flowing general anxiety. We are struggling to feel safe in an unsafe world.

So... that's the reality for most of us... but what can we do about it?

We cannot simply 'think' our way out of a heightened emotional state, neither can we rely upon affirmations and prayers. The only way to reduce your anxiety levels at the outset is to change your physiology. The first step is with the breath. Slowing down your breathing and extending the outgoing breath activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is our natural 'soother'. When we have calmed down the breath and released the tension in our body we can then refocus our attention and awareness and give our brain a reprieve from the incessant ruminating on things, and draining mind-chatter/head-heckling that we do to ourselves.

Personally, I also ensure that I eat well, although inexpensively, and I take natural supplements to ensure that I have enough of the nutrients my body needs to make the vital chemicals, enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters that I need in order to feel balanced and for my body to function well. I also listen to specific sounds that harmonize with my brain and bring it into a relaxed state (brainwave entrainment The body has its own natural 'tranquiliser' in the form of GABA (GammaAminoButyricAcid) - which can be purchased online via a Google search. I find that GABA leaves me toooooo calm and chilled out but I know of a couple of friends who find it very helpful.

"If the situation or problem is such that it can be remedied, then there is no need to worry about it... alternatively, if there is no way out, no solution, no possibility of resolution, then there is also no point in being worried about it, because you can't do anything about it anyway"... HH Dalai Lama

Maxine Harley founder of 'The Ripple Effect' Process (12 Psycho-emotional Educational groups) see and

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Social Anxiety to Social Confidence

Developmental Social Anxiety is common in the social development factors in children. This is actually the phase where many children outgrow. But it's a different case when it comes to Chronic Social Anxiety which continues until adolescence or if not treated instantly it could be even worse and you may suffer to this condition even until adulthood.

Typical adult types of Social Anxiety are:

Shyness - Tends to stay away from being close to other people.
Performance Anxiety - Being always anxious whenever he/she is in the stage being watched by many people.
Timidness - Lack of Self Confidence.
Too much continuous worry and tension.
Depersonalization - Things seems to be unclear and hazy.
Restlessness - being always tired and uneasy.
Irritability - Gets irritated easily.
Muscle stress
Excessive sweating
Tends to lose focus over something.
Nausea or vomiting
The need to visit to the bathroom frequently.
Trouble falling or staying asleep.
Being easily startled.

Social Anxiety as a disorder could be manifested in patients suffering from physiological components like sweating and blushing; Cognitive/Perceptual Component such as signs and symptoms of disapproval; Behavioral Component like avoiding situations.

Social Anxiety Therapy varies from one individual to another. To have an effective treatment method, you need to concentrate not just with how to deal with anxiety around individuals in certain circumstances but to focus on understanding how you can do what you want in your life by being self-confident, comfortable, and competent too.

Psychotherapy and prescription medication are both effective ways to manage social anxiety disorder. In particular, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy so far has been very effective to keep signs and symptoms at bay. The Behavioral Technique of "exposure" is an efficient treatment to both short-term and long-term, for agoraphobics and many other phobia patients.

Listed here are some useful tips to conquer your social anxiety disorder;

1. Challenge negative thoughts- Social anxiety sufferers have negative thoughts and thinking that bring about their anxiety. In case you have social anxiety disorder, or social phobia, you will probably find yourself at a loss for thoughts like, "I know I'll end up looking like a fool.", "My voice will start shaking and I'll humiliate myself", and "People will think I'm stupid."

Challenging these negative thoughts, either by way of therapy or on your own, is one efficient way to lessen the signs of social anxiety disorder.

2. Learn how to control your breath - Understanding how to slow your breathing down will help you bring your physical signs of anxiety back under control. Practicing the following breathing exercise will allow you to stay calm when you're the center of attention.

3. Face your fears - While avoiding nerve-racking circumstances may enable you to feel better in the short term, it helps prevent you from becoming more comfortable in social situations and learning how to cope. Actually, the more you avoid a dreaded social situation, the more terrifying it might be.

Generally, the behavioral treatments coupled with appropriate psychotherapy have great successful remedies and should be tried before medicine is prescribed in a persistent basis.

Chris Dillard is a former panic and anxiety sufferer. He overcame this kind of condition by means of Natural Cures For Anxiety. He is now devoted in helping other sufferers overcome this condition and regain their lives back!

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How to Stop a Panic Attack - Taking Charge Of Your Life

Are you ashamed of telling someone you have panic attack syndrome? Most people do.

A panic attack may occur suddenly but there are ways on how to stop a panic attack. There are self-help methods, which include changing one's attitude, practicing breathing techniques, and relaxation techniques as well. Learning to handle worries and things that cause anxiety will go a long way towards stopping and preventing panic attacks in some cases. This article outlines the signs and symptoms of a panic attack and how to deal with them.

Some self-help advocates support turning negative feelings and attitudes into positive, healing attitudes. These include asking oneself questions like what one can learn from an episode and accepting that there is no shame in it.

Recognizing Signs And Symptoms

Because hyperventilating is also a symptom, learning to control breathing is another way on how to stop a panic attack. Usually sufferers are advised to practice deep breathing techniques, which can relax them as well.

Controlling Your Reaction is the Key Factor

Before going for medications, one should check first with a physician to determine existing medical conditions that triggers the panic attacks. After a thorough check-up, the doctor can then determine the best approach to stopping and maybe curing the anxiety attacks. Sometimes the treatment will include both psychological and medical considerations.

Panic Disorder Treatments

One such psychological treatment on how to stop panic attacks is the cognitive behavioral therapy. Here, one is thought to recognize the fears in a realistic approach, which will then result in controlling the fears and anxieties. Thought processes and behavior patterns recorded by experts are modified to adapt to the given situation.

Another therapy used is exposure therapy wherein one is exposed to the sense of panic but in a safe and controlled environment. These give the patient more control as well as learn ways of coping with the situation. Gradual exposure to the fear helps to make the panic feeling recede.

Exercise and techniques to manage stress are also used to stop anxiety attacks. Some examples would be doing aerobic exercises or practicing yoga techniques to help control breathing patterns. Medical treatments on the other hand involve using medications such as anti-depressants and benzodiazepines.

Anti-depressants are taken over a certain period as they work only after a few weeks of use. Benzodiazepines on the other hand, act rapidly, often within half an hour of taking them. Thus, they are for use in those situations when an anxiety attack suddenly occurs. However, many of these drugs are addictive which is why care should be taken when resorting to this type of treatment.

It is said that the best treatments are a combination of all these methods. The different methods work hand in hand to control the situations better. Patients are advised to avoid caffeine and smoking as these can act as triggers. What is vital on how to stop panic attacks is to seek professional help, identify the triggers, and learn to cope with these stresses and anxieties.

Practicing and learning breathing and relaxation methods help not just in stopping panic attacks but also towards leading a healthy lifestyle.

Don't allow fear to paralyze you and ruin your life. Take the next step and learn to stop panic attacks.

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What You Should Know About Anxiety Symptoms

There is a diversity of anxiety symptoms. Some of them are difficult to recognize particularly when they are mild. This explains why so many anxiety disorders go untreated for so long, until they become bothersome and interfere with the sufferer's normal activities. Over one hundred anxiety symptoms have been identified so far, and this great number finds an explanation in the unique chemical make up that defines every individual. While a person may have two or three anxiety symptoms, another one may face a real battle with numerous and severe manifestations.

Some Internet websites provide long lists of anxiety symptoms classified in such a way so that they make sense to the reader and throw light on one's condition. Needless to say that none of these lists can be exhaustive, due to the same individual uniqueness that we've mentioned above. The diagnosis for anxiety can only be given by a clinician, based on the patient's description of the symptoms. It is of paramount importance to give a detailed account of everything you feel so that the doctor may determine the kind of anxiety and recommend a form of treatment.

Drugs are often prescribed as a way of keeping anxiety symptoms under control. When these symptoms interfere with the individual's day-to-day existence, jeopardizing family life, work and the totality of one's living, something needs to be done fast. Tranquilizers usually bring immediate anxiety symptoms relief, but specialists are reluctant when it comes to prescribing drugs without trying other therapeutic strategies. Only in the severest of forms are drugs the best solution, although medication is not a cure for anxiety and panic disorders.

Therapy is the only kind of treatment that can get the patient rid of medication and allow the anxiety sufferer to lead a normal, balanced life. It's a long way to achieving the set objectives, but step by step, cognitive-behavioral therapy gives the anxiety patient the tools to fight anxiety, panic attacks, phobias and all the negative thoughts that encourage them. Individual counseling, group therapy as well as self-help strategies can beat anxiety symptoms by increasing the individual's awareness together with the capacity of self analysis or introspection.

Consequently, treating the anxiety symptoms with medication is just the first step of a much more complex approach to this mental health problem. Fortunately the sciences dedicated to the study and recovery from mental health ailments have made incredible progress with research and clinical experience, allowing for the rehabilitation of thousands of anxiety sufferers.

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An Easy Understanding of PTSD

It's post-traumatic stress disorder but everyone knows it by PTSD. This has been a common issue in recent years due to the prevalence of cases in soldiers returning from war. However, since this blog is a personal one, I can't really comment on the details of PTSD associated with the perils of war. There is a common misconception that PTSD only affects people that have experienced war. Yeah, it's more complicated than that. The stressors are defined as, "1) the person has experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event or events that involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of oneself or others. 2) The person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: in children, it may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior."

Here is where I get to put my spin on the whole thing. "Stressors" as they say, can be a million different things happening all at once, or one big thing. Usually in a situation there are many going on all at once. And, when it mentions that threat of death or serious injury, it doesn't have to be physical threat. What could traumatize you isn't necessarily going to traumatize another person. Everyone is different. Sometimes it's just the perceived notion of the threat that can screw you up. When you see something that is horrifying or experience something that triggers the fight flight response, your brain catalogs what you see in the event. Everyone seems to know about this fight or flight response - what they don't know is there a third reaction: freeze.

I don't know why it's not as popular to talk about. You've seen the movies where each is represented in an action scene. There is the person who hauls butt away from the threat of danger; the person who takes control of the situation to find a solution; and the person who does nothing but stand there, frozen. I can't tell you how long I struggled with the knowledge that I had been a person that froze. When you freeze and do nothing, then you are doing nothing to facilitate in fixing the situation. Currently, and most of my adult life, I have been one to take action when no one else would - speak up when the masses remained silent. Evidently, having just watched some of the traumatic things in my childhood has paid off with compensation to the other end of the spectrum.

Most people who witness something that fall in this category will tell you later that they don't remember a lot of it. In actuality, their brain remembers what they saw; it's just usually too traumatic to keep in the active memory, so your brain, in its magnificence, stores it away where it will do the least amount of harm. Picture it as a filing cabinet: there are files you use all the time, which are readily available at a moment's notice; files of your memory that are available if needed, and so forth. The traumatic experiences get shoved behind all these files to protect your well-being.

However, even though you don't actively remember them, they affect your actions. It's almost as if the file left a sticky note on your current files before it was put in the back of the drawer. The thing is you sometimes won't even identify that file as the cause of your problem. Therefore, it affects your daily life, whether or not you want it to. For example: I have a skin picking compulsion which is caused by trauma that experienced in my childhood. I didn't actively remember these events, but they were events that I had no control over. So, I turned to something that I do have control over and that was my skin. Focusing on this gave me control, and the intense focus gave me an escape from my reality.

Without treatment, PTSD will stick around forever. There is no time limit, which is hard to imagine. People who served in Vietnam, as my father did, can be in their 50s and 60s and still be having issues. There was no knowledge of PTSD back then, the soldiers were just considered screwed up and left to deal with it themselves. Even older people can benefit from treatment. The important thing is that they get the help, no matter how long it's been. It's never too late to get help. There is no reason to suffer from these issues, when help is so readily available - and now, socially accepted.


Kathrine Verner has extensive personal experience in improving quality of life by analyzing and taking action to change the affects past experiences, anxiety, and compulsions have in her existence. Stop by and read the blog for humor and a unique perspective at

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Cure Tips For Beating Panic Attacks

Taking the first steps towards curing your panic is the most important one. Anyone who suffers from panic attacks knows how terrifying they can be. Even to the point where you believe you will die. Your attacks don't have to be a disorder your forced to live with. It can be cured. Most suffers accept panic attacks as a way of life, hoping that one won't show up.

I know this, because this is what I used to do. Live my life in fear that an attack would show. So I used to medicate myself until I was numb to my feelings. I stop socializing. Meetings at work became impossible and social gatherings were a definite no. My previous life consisted of going to work and returning home. I wasn't prepared to risk having an attack in front of people. I convinced myself everyone would think I was an exaggerating psycho, who wanted attention. I sometimes believed it myself!

I started to look for alternative natural remedies after years of suffering. I was sick of medication. I wasn't living my life the way I wanted. My only resource for professional help (my doctor) always only recommended meds, meds, meds. It wasn't an overnight solution, but I did manage to completely stop my panic attacks. By using a variety of different natural solutions (and some help from my doctor after persistence convincing). A few of the methods I used are below. I decided to write about these 3 methods because they are easy and apply.


I know, I know. A change to your diet is not easy and it's boring (my thoughts exactly). But every panic sufferer knows their diet affects the severity of their attacks. The three main food and drink enemies for panic suffers are..

1. Caffeine

When it comes to caffeine everyone automatically thinks coffee. Yes caffeine is in coffee but is also found in many other commonly used foods and drinks. Coffee, teas, sodas, soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate and some pain relievers or cough/cold medications. If you drink a lot of coffee start by cutting down. Decreasing your coffee intake to fast can do more harm than good, so don't rush.

How? Stimulants in caffeine blocks adenosine (a chemical in the brain) which helps to calm us down. Also caffeine raises our lactate levels in our blood which leads to panic attacks.

2. Refined Sugar

Too much refined sugar decreases energy and causes mood disturbances. Your blood sugars drop and remain low (hypoglycaemia). It can also cause lactic acid to build up in the blood (similar to caffeine)

How? A high content of sugar leads to a fast release of insulin which decreases blood glucose.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol can be used as a way to calm down or relax. But it also causes sugar levels to alter. Which causes increased anxiety, irritability and bad sleeping patterns. If you are struggling to stop drinking alcohol it's best to speak to a professional (doctor/counsellor)

How? Alcohol has similar effects on the body as refined sugar and caffeine. It increases lactic acid build up in the blood.

Stop medication

Stopping medication will be no easy task (bad news). But the good news is, is that it can be done and I'm walking, talking proof of this. Coming off meds will be easier for some than others. But I'm not going to pretend it's an easy process. It took my about 1 year, under close medical supervision. You may relapse or become ill and your panic gets worse. It's normal and unfortunately part of the journey. Be prepared, stay strong and fight through. I would only recommend coming off medication under professional supervision. Tell your doctor what you want. Your doctor is a resource that should be used for guidance and support. They can also tell you what to expect.

Don't expect the unexpected

Panic attacks won't go away overnight. In fact they won't go away in a week or two. Realise before you start, that it will take time. Many obstacles in life take time and persistence to achieve the goal. Speak to other panic suffers, people you're comfortable with, professionals and get some quality advice. Don't start your journey alone, support is valuable resource throughout your recovery. You may relapse, have your worse ever panic attacks, and be unable to sleep. But if you keep pushing through you are guaranteed to be successful.

Curing your panic attacks can be done naturally and without medication. You can live without the fear of panic showing up and start enjoying your life. Panic suffers may have forgotten this, but remember "life is for living". Read my story

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Top 4 Natural Remedies for Anxiety - What You Need to Know About Them

The hectic life which we are leading today has brought about a crisis of chronic anxiety. According to professionals, more than 50% of the population are affiliated with intermittent fits of devastating anxiety symptoms. Doctors endeavour to cure these medical conditions with medications. However, most of these anti-anxiety drugs will result in adverse complications as well as withdrawal symptoms. Luckily for us, there is another way to treat anxiety, and that is using natural remedies for anxiety. Natural remedies for anxiety can help to soothe the innate chaos and regain balance back to life.

Despite the fact that numerous experts argued against the belief that anxiety is being deemed as a "disorder", most people concurs that handling a chronic anxiety predicament can greatly lowers our capability to perform efficiently in the world. It can also have adverse effect on the body's immune system

Some of the most prevalent signs and symptoms of anxiety are irritability, constant worrying, insomnia, often overwhelmed with panic, teeth grinding, chest tightness, heart palpitations, short breathing and discomfort in the stomach. I would like to highlight in here that, there are just a few of the more prevalent signs and symptoms well of anxiety. There are easily thousands of signs and symptoms of anxiety. This is primarily because every person goes through anxiety in a distinct way.

The most popular method of treating anxiety problems in North America is the administration of medications. However, natural remedies for anxiety are proven to be much more productive and it is also better than conventional medications as natural remedies for anxiety do not lead to adverse effect on the body or bring about withdrawal symptoms. Below are some of the herbs and natural remedies for anxiety which are proven to be able to reduce, or in some circumstances, get rid of anxiety totally.


Passionflower is yet another promising herb being used to cure serious anxiety. A medically controlled comparative study was being made to compare the effectiveness of passion flower to Oxazepam in 36 persons exhibiting general anxiety symptoms. Even though the test outcome indicated that Oxezepam is more effective in alleviating anxiety faster, Passionflower was discovered to be similarly powerful over a time span of four weeks. Passion flower users also did not exhibit any adverse damaging side effects or any withdrawal signs and symptoms.


Kava - a natural herb which is being used as one of the natural remedies for anxiety, are being used for many years in Europe. This organic cure towards anxiety has been studied in numerous university sponsored tests in Europe, and the results of the studies demonstrate that it is indeed very productive in managing anxiety. But, due to the lately problems about how the Kava can affect the liver, the herb is now less frequently utilized in Europe. However, you can still find this herb in the United States which is usually given to anxiety patients in lower dosages.


Melatonin health supplements have been analyzed substantially for their innate capability to induce a good sleep. Melatonin has been the main topic of anxiety studies in the last few years. There was one study which demonstrated that melatonin is as powerful as anti-anxiety prescription drugs in alleviating stress pre-surgery stress in women. Minor researches also exhibit identical results for both men and women.


Skullcap - a natural herb which is also one of the natural remedies for anxiety has been traditionally used for many years. While little research is being conducted on its usefulness, one double-blind placebo controlled research demonstrated that skullcap is extremely powerful in decreasing anxiety levels.

Besides these herbs which I mentioned together with other type of natural remedies for anxiety, there are also other alternative approaches to treat anxiety such as aromatherapy, relaxation treatments, meditation, guided visualization, biofeedback as well as acupuncture. Sadly, a majority of these options to treat anxiety have not been studied in depth. Hence, it is an uphill task to evaluate precisely how efficient any specific treatment can be. Nonetheless, there are historical proof which shows that relaxation treatment as well as guided visualization and substantially enhance both chronic anxiety and panic attacks. These other options to treat anxiety may prove to be a promising treatment to anxiety, when blended with other natural remedies for anxiety.

Is anxiety causing a serious complication in your life? Find out the killer methods in which many anxiety stricken patients are using to deal with anxiety. Discover the secrets in dealing with anxiety and lead a normal life once again.

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Do I Have Anxiety? The Top 3 Things You Need To Do Today If You Suffer From Anxiety

As a person who has struggled, and finally overcome anxiety issues, I know that if you have recently been diagnosed with anxiety (or even just suspect that you are suffering from some kind of anxiety disorder) you are probably feeling scared, overwhelmed and powerless. You might also be feeling very alone, and frustrated that your friends and family just don't understand what you are going through. I am here to tell you that if you are asking yourself, "do I have anxiety?" there are some practical things you can do to regain control of your feelings and your life. Do not despair, and read on!

1. Adopt A Non Judgmental Attitude With Yourself

Go ahead, let yourself off the hook. Enough people are going to be judgmental about your anxiety, without you beating yourself up over it. You can agonize over how you got here. The point is, you are here. Best to focus on how to move on and feel better. Recognize that panic attacks and anxiety are medical disorders - they're not just you being a "worry wart" or being over dramatic. Chemical and physical changes occur in your body when you have anxiety, just as they would with other illnesses such as diabetes. No one would assume you were being diabetic "for attention", would they? It should be the same with an anxiety disorder.

2. Educate Yourself And Your Family

There is a wealth of information available regarding how to cope with anxiety. In the past 20 years or so much research has focused on panic attacks, phobias and generalized anxiety disorders. Learn as much as you can, and encourage your close family and friends to educate themselves so that they can better understand how to help you.

3. Don't Suffer Needlessly

There are no points for trying to "tough this out". As helpful as books, articles and internet research can be, you really need to consult a medical professional. Only a doctor or psychiatrist can diagnose an anxiety disorder. They can work with you discuss a variety of proven options to help with your symptoms. Only you and your doctor can decide together if medication and talk therapy will be the best option for you. For those seeking a more holistic or natural approach, options such as behavioral therapy, reframing and relaxation techniques and meditation can certainly also be very effective for dealing with anxiety attacks.

Are you asking yourself do I have anxiety? To learn the symptoms and number one natural cure for anxiety click here - warning! It's not what you think.

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Panic Attacks and Childhood Experiences

For some reasons, admit that life can be unfair. How could certain people make you feel down and useless? How could they ruin your life just like that? Do they have some kind of control over your thought every time? How could a very important individual leave you? How can they be so mean? All the things mentioned above are the thoughts of a depressed person. Clouds of thoughts, concerns, and fear live in their heads.

It is a fact that childhood experience is a factor that influences how an adult thinks. Psychological analysis can verify this. Many adults battling worries had a sad and unpleasant childhood. They could happen to be patients of abuse and desertion. A verbal abuse encounter may affect mental tranquility at some point. Parents play an important role in a child's emotional and mental growth. This is the vital part an individual's life.

Being abandoned at an early age will result in separation anxiety later on. How a kid is brought up greatly influences a person's adulthood. In addition, it impacts how good they respond to things. Many of them grow to be strong against odds, some may be so vulnerable enough that they breakdown.

According to research children with no constant love and help will likely have negative mood, frustration, no sense of responsibility and always relying on other people when they mature.

Kids at a young age should experience love and at one time should learn how to be responsible at a young age. They should understand how to fix simple issues like when toys get dirty they must know how to clean it. They should be also present in family gatherings and recreation. Proper communication within loved ones is crucial. Families should eat with each other.

A foundation needs to be built at an early age. Our characters are built early. An individual's base as a good person also depends on how we are loved when we were young. How good our mother and father took care of us with ideals is priceless, they can't be bought anywhere. They were individuals who shaped our character right from the start.

One should know that as a parent, we should know what our children needs. Appropriate discipline ought to be carried out. This can prevent them from having doubts when they mature since trust was built and love was felt. This would really have a great impact on the child's personality thus helping them manage their issues regarding panic attacks.

Chris Dillard is a former panic and anxiety sufferer. He overcame this kind of condition by means of Natural Cures For Anxiety. He is now devoted in helping other sufferers overcome this condition and regain their lives back!

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How To Deal With Anxiety The Natural Way

The world has gotten to move at an extremely high rate of speed. People never have any downtime anymore. We commute to work, we put in long days, we commute home, we take the kids to wrestling practice, we cook dinner, we take care of the house, and when all is said and done there is absolutely no time to just relax and enjoy life. It is no wonder anxiety levels are at an all-time high. In many cases, anxiety can come on as a sudden and severe panic attack. Other times it is more an overall generalized feeling of being tied in knots. However you may suffer for anxiety, there are ways of dealing with anxiety.

Many people naturally handle the pressures of everyday life with ease. Even these people who seemingly handle anxiety well may have episodes of anxiety. Oftentimes, anxiety characterizes itself in the form of insomnia. There are times when a person suffers insomnia as a result of anxiety because they just can't seem to turn their minds off when they go to bed at night. Perhaps money is tight, there is an upcoming presentation at work, or marital stress.

Regardless, of the cause, it can be miserable for a person who is up all night worrying about day-to-day stresses.

There are some natural remedies for anxiety involving some relaxation techniques and some "planned worrying". If you take a few minutes a day, preferably several hours before bedtime, to think of the things which are worrying you and coming up with plans of attack, these things will be less likely to keep you up at night. Should they incidentally pop into your head at bedtime and keep you awake, some deep breathing and mind-clearing exercises should certainly help relax you and get you back into a state where you should be able to sleep soundly and peacefully again.

Some people suffer from sudden and severe panic attacks. For these people, there is often no known root cause, and they can strike at any time. Symptoms of a panic attack will include a rapid heart beat, sweating, fast breathing, possibly shaking, and in some cases even fainting. Most panic attacks only last a few minutes, but sometimes they can last for hours and be completely debilitating. As soon as a person feels these symptoms coming on, taking some deep breaths and doing some calming exercises should lessen the severity of the panic attack. In severe cases of panic attacks, your doctor may prescribe some type of rescue medication. These are a type of sedative such as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, or something similar. These medications work by offering light sedation, which can help the person suffering from a panic attack resume a state of relaxation until the symptoms of the panic attack pass.

In extreme cases of panic disorders, there is a close link with depression. In these cases, the patient may feel constantly overwhelmed. They may suffer severe insomnia, not want to participate in daily activities because the panic is overwhelming, and in some cases become suicidal. For people who are suffering from this type of panic disorder, daily medication is the main means of learning how to deal with anxiety. Patients will be prescribed antidepressant medication, which will be taken on a daily basis, and perhaps some type of rescue medication for severe episodes of panic attacks.

Anxiety doesn't have to ruin a person's life. For mild cases of anxiety, or for people whose anxiety attacks are few and far between, simply performing breathing exercises and relaxation techniques will help lessen the severity of symptoms. Sometimes the person will be prescribed a light sedative for times when a panic attack cannot be dealt with by relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. For more severe long-term cases of anxiety, antidepressant medication may be prescribed in order to help the patient live a more normal, functional life.

Check out my Blog on panic attacks treatment to get more detailed information on how to deal with anxiety

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How to Cure Panic Disorder - Three Good Techniques

Experiencing an anxiety attack can be considered as one of the most terrifying things a person experiences. Thoughts such as thinking and feeling as if you're dying can be very frightening. Lightheadedness, numbing sensation in different parts of the body, hyperventilation, and even an increase in heart rate can be experienced during an attack.

When these attacks happen usually, more intensely, and you become very nervous about going through the next attack, this results to Panic Disorder. When you have a panic disorder, your attitude and behavior alters remarkably because of unceasing anxiety of another attack.

Several treatments and medications can help you overpower your panic disorder. You need to discuss with your physician on which medication or treatment program is appropriate you. However, side-effects, the chance of addiction and health hazards can result when taking medications. Being aware about all the details, hazards and benefits taking medications is extremely critical for you.

1. Anti-anxiety medications are drugs that relieves your anxiety by concentrating on the nervous system. They are also known as tranquilizers. Their soothing effects have made them very popular as it calms the nerves and relaxes the muscles, making it the most widely prescribed type of medication for anxiety. Benzodiazapines are a kind of tranquilizers that are the most common and fast-acting wherein you can feel relief in as fast as 30 minutes after taking the drug. Other kinds of tranquilizers are: lorazepam, clonazepam, diazepam and alprazolam.

But while they work wonders to help you control your anxiety, they can result in side-effects and health perils. These side effects may be: drowsiness, blurred vision, disorientation, nausea and decreased reflexes.

2. Grave depression, anxiety and panic disorders, and dysthymia sufferers are often recommended with anti-depressant drugs. Anti-depressants are usually preferable over anxiolytics as they pose minor risks to become dependent to the drug. The disadvantage is that it takes up to 4 to 6 weeks for it to begin easing anxiety symptoms.

In spite of its effectiveness in producing results, they have their disadvantages. This can be comprised of dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and headaches. But a dangerous risk anti-depressants bring can be that these drugs can actually advance your level of anxiety and depression, rather than decreasing it.

3. Beta blockers are medicines that treat heart ailments as well as high blood pressure. Although, because it also works to block the effects of a stress hormone (norepinephrine) which is involved in the fight-or-flight response, it is prescribed (off-label) for anxiety. These beta-blockers have effects that are comprised of: increased respiration and excessive sweating, increase in heart rate, and trembling of hands.

Beta blockers don't have effects on your emotions, and this can be viewed as a problem. Beta-blockers can also have side-effects like any other medicine, they only work to help calm stress on your nerves.

Robbie Lee is passionate about writing about natural ways to overcome and heal health concerns. She researches the best and most popular methods for relieving symptoms and overcoming health concerns. For additional information about cure for panic disorder, please check out Linden Method Review.

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Panic Attacks Treatment - My Own Experience

Panic attacks are terrible but luckily do not cause any physical harm. Only a person who is in the situation can explain the horrible nightmare they experience when this condition comes as a surprise without even the slightest indication. Here I'll share my own panic attacks treatment.

1.The first thing to do is to familiarize yourself with the common symptoms like:

- Sense of dying
- Fear of going to work or even getting out of the house
- Sweating
- Shortness of breath
- Feeling numbness
- Weakness
- Rapid heartbeat
- Dry mouth
- Dizziness
- Chest pain
- Nausea

Being aware of this will drastically relieve the horror of you getting a heart attack or going insane. Think of these symptoms as a routine and normal and don't fear them.

2. Another useful treatment is to change your breathing pattern. Change the pattern in a way that you breathe in for a shorter time and out for a longer one. Breathe not into your chest, but deep into the belly. It may be difficult at first but when you do it regularly, you'll see the massive difference.

So, let's go give it a try! Practice this exercise when you're not having any anxiety attack.

-Sit at a comfortable place and close your eyes

-Focusing on your breathing pattern, breathe in for 7 seconds and then out for 11 seconds. If you feel comfortable, just in this position, the body has no option other than relaxing. You'll realize that a regular repetition of it will automatically make you breathe this way the next time your attack occurs.

3. Just observe your anxiety rather than getting afraid or puzzled. It's not a cure but it really helps out. Think of it as a normal and usual happening to you. Because the more you get annoyed or tensed about it, the more will be the fire that fuels up! Remember, your panic is nothing compared to your courage to fight from it. Staying in this situation will make your mind realize that a your attack is not threatening; hence the panic or anxiety level will be lessened down.

4. Another important treatment is to tell your unconscious mind that the situation which starts your condition is not dangerous at all.

5. Exercise regularly! It's possibly the easiest treatment. When you exercise, the pressure that makes you feel like your breath and chest are tightened gets reduced. It also helps making you fresh and calm all the day.

6. Try to Meditate as much as possible. It helps you control your attacks and makes your mind set and focused.

All in all, try you are best to know and judge the cause that triggers panic attack first, and then do something that makes you relax. It could be some good books, your favorite music, walk for like 30 minutes, spending time with your loved ones and many other things as well. Making your mind relaxed is the central point and the best panic attack treatment. Some natural panic attack treatments are chamomile, Kava Kava and Siberian Ginseng. These are the natural remedies you can use to avoid or treat panic or anxiety attacks.

Check out my Blog on panic attacks treatment to get more detailed information on natural remedies for anxiety

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Do You Have Panic Attacks? How To Stop Panic Attacks Now

One of the outcomes of suffering from anxiety is the physical reaction your body has to the situation... Panic Attacks! If you have one, it may help to comfort you to know that you are not alone. You are not even one in a hundred. In the United States Of America, it is estimated that in any given year around 2.7% of the adult population will suffer from what is called panic disorder (A type of anxiety disorder in which you have repeated attacks of intense fear that something bad will occur when not expected). That's 1 out of every 37 people.

Common signs are:

Pounding heartAccelerated heart rateSweatingPalpitationsDizzinessBreathing very quickly or over-breathingChest painShaking or tremblingDry mouthRinging in the earsA feeling of unrealityFear of losing controlNauseaStomach cramps

Obviously, these attacks can be very scary, especially the first time you have one. You would be surprised at how many people end up going to the emergency room absolutely sure that they are having a heart attack-- only to find out that it was a panic attack.

The first step in overcoming these attacks is learning to recognize when one is about the start. Generally they start with a tingling sensation, shortness of breath and disconnection from the world around you.

Controlling your breathing is an important thing to remember during an attack. While having a panic attack it feels like you can't breathe. In reality, you are actually getting too much oxygen, which is why you feel light headed. The key to controlling your breathing is to consciously slow down your breathing soon as it starts to quicken. Make sure you breathe slowly, deep, and fully. Breathe slowly from the lower part of your lungs, as if you are breathing from your abdomen.

Another thing along with controlling your breathing is to take the focus off the fear that you may be having another attack. A good way to do this is to notice all your senses. What do you hear, what do you smell, what do you feel, what do you taste? This will keep you in the present. Panic is mostly associated with anticipating something upsetting in the future or recalling upsetting events from the past. If you can keep yourself focused on the now rather than past/future you can end a panic attack very fast.

Be sure to check out my bio for a great resource to cure panic and anxiety!!

- Linda S Stevenson

Learn how after what seemed to be an endless 4 month battle, I eventually overcame my panic attacks within days. If you're tired of general anxiety and the looming fear of having yet another panic attack, click here now! Take back control of your life today from this tested and proven, all natural panic and anxiety relief website. Banish Panic and Anxiety Now!

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How to Stop Anxiety Attacks - 3 Effective Suggestions

The sudden and abrupt start of feeling dread and terror that carries on for 10 minutes is called a panic attack. Panic attack sufferers often feel like they are going through a heart attack or think that they are dying because of the strength of the indications that are present during a panic attack. The episode can often be so horrible and acute that people who suffer from panic attacks are terrified of another attack happening.

Do know that this condition is not a life-threatening experience. It is vital that you know what and how a panic attack occurs so that you can do steps to prevent it from occurring again. The body uses its instincts to preserve itself during an anxiety attack from harm and danger. During an attack, uncontrollable fear can be experienced. The body responds to fear and reacts to it naturally by unleashing adrenaline.

Being aware of this information will help you the next time an attack occurs, so that you may be able to exercise these measures to deflect the start of an attack, or let you to recover from one quickly.

1. Direct and manage your breathing and position. The body responds to an anxiety attack by increasing the heart rate, which often results to hyperventilation. Managing the way you breathe will slow the palpitations and hyperventilation you are going through in a panic attack. Inhaling in an upright position, then exhaling with the shoulders loose is the right way to breathe, this will help you loosen the muscles and calm your body. Take deep, even breaths and bring the oxygen deep into your lungs. Taking breaths from your belly will efficiently relax your tense muscles, calm your nerves and anxiety, as well as decreasing your heart rate.

2. Find a peaceful place. The greater the levels of tension you are feeling will equal the anxiety you will undergo. An overly busy surrounding will add to the anxieties that you are feeling, and your mind and body are incessantly checking your condition to ascertain if you can handle it. An anxiety attack is triggered when the body becomes overly stressed. Looking for an environment fit for de-stressing and relaxation is beneficial to help your mind reach a calm and relaxed state.

3. Banish bad thoughts. Thinking negatively can only intensify the fear and anxiety that you are feeling. You need to acknowledge the outcome bad thoughts bring into your disorder, so that you can better take control of your emotions and feelings to be able to subdue a panic attack. You must recognize these panic-causing thoughts and replace them with a more positive outlook. Visualizing a safe and peaceful scene in your mind will also work wonders in relaxing your mind and body as well as setting you free from stress and tension.

There are many alternatives for treating or controlling panic attacks. It is important to know all your options and gather all the information you can on these options. Treatments available are either medical drugs, which are efficient but can have side-effects; there are also natural methods you can exercise that doesn't present any risks to your health.

Robbie Lee is enthusiastic about writing about natural techniques to overcome and heal health concerns. She discovers the best and most popular methods for relieving symptoms and overcoming health issues. For more information about how to stop an anxiety attack, please visit How To Cure Anxiety Attacks.

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Why The Medicinal Use Of L-Carnosine For Anxiety Works For You

Those who suffer from panic attacks and bouts of depression, among other psychological condition may benefit from the medicinal use of L-Carnosine for anxiety. This natural ingredient is a combination of two non-essential amino acids which boost the function and health of your whole body. This natural alternative health supplement acts as a great nerve tonic and supports healthy nervous system functions. When all of your organ systems work in harmony with one another, they stimulate the body's natural healing response to reach optimal health conditions.

How using L-Carnosine for anxiety prevents recurrent symptoms

The main culprit of psychological disorders that cause the sufferer to experience severe anxiety is nutrient and body substance level imbalances. Certain Ayurvedic medicinal practices state that any imbalance in the body leads to pathological conditions. Using natural L-Carnosine for anxiety reduces inflammation, interruption and chemical imbalances that cause the symptoms of this debilitating disorder. This natural ingredient has the ability of relaxing the nervous system so that the sufferer experiences a sense of calmness, even during times of stress and stimuli.

Healthy benefits associated with the use of L-Carnosine for anxiety

This alternative health supplement normalizes activity in the brain while the naturally occurring antioxidants actually protect cells from damage from different harmful substances. This amino acid extends the life of healthy cells and stimulates the proliferation of certain tissues in the brain to reduce the presence of symptoms. This creates a healing process that starts in the brain and spreads throughout the body. The application of L-Carnosine for anxiety influences the mind to operate efficiently without delay which is essential in receiving chemical and genetic information from the proteins included in this ingredient.

Clinical analysis of the natural L-Carnosine for anxiety

Clinical research has been performed on the therapeutic effects of this amino acid which is naturally present in the brain. This anti-oxidizing substance complements any therapy currently used by the sufferer because of its innate ability to block to effects of chemical and nutrient imbalances that cause the signs and symptoms of this disease. Your cells and nerves need to be revitalized to heal from the progressive effects of this disease. When individuals begin use of L-Carnosine for anxiety, they may feel a great reduction of debilitating symptoms that cause pain, depression, and other mental and emotional disorders.

Out tips and considerations when L-Carnosine is used for anxiety issues

This key ingredient has many revitalizing properties that enhance the function of all organ systems of the body, starting with the brain and nervous system. These key amino acids act as catalysts for biochemical reactions in the body which normalize and sustain healthy functions so that individuals can live a functional life. When this ingredient is used in combination with other vitamins, minerals, and ingredients, its healing power is amplified so that the ultimate rejuvenating effects can take place. Using medicinal L-Carnosine for anxiety is a great natural solution to help normalize internal body health.

Maximilian Rudolf has been an advocate and user of natural health supplements for over 10 years. He has a passion to communicate and share the results of his findings about natural health products such as L-Carnosine. He wants to help people to make great decisions that invigorate their health or even improve conditions they may never have thought possible.

Please visit for a real experience about health with great educational information about what to look for when choosing all natural alternative health supplements and what your body needs to slow down or reverse the aging process which begins when you still young.

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Healing Anxiety - Naturally

In my work as a counselor there is no shortage of opportunities for expanding my understanding of all the different disorders that people have. Bipolar, depression, anxiety, paranoia, ADHD, learning issues, obsessive-compulsive; the list is long and seems to be getting longer.

I prefer to refer to them as 'dis-ordered states'. Rather than defining a person's inherent orientation towards life, many of these dis-ordered states occur for very specific reasons, and when we are willing to consider a variety of different possible explanations, a deeper understanding will often emerge paving the way for change.

It is important to consider the word 'disorder'.

Essentially, it describes something that is lacking order. The word tells us nothing of whether the system or environment it is describing is meant to be that way forever and is unchangeable; it simply describes an existing 'state'.

Generally, a disordered state and an ordered state contain all the same elements, all the same raw material in more or less degrees, but one is ordered and the other is lacking order. It is this lack of order that enables a host of possible issues to develop.

The question we must ask is:

What combination of factors were present at just the right time in just the right amount to give rise to an existing condition or state?

This question is only relevant if we are interested in returning the dis-ordered state to a state of order. Many economic interests and competing industries are not interested in asking or exploring these deeper questions because their continued existence rests upon people not asking deeper questions.

Because I am not from any one particular school of thought, nor am I governed nor encouraged by any particular board or body, I have the time and freedom to research several different fields of study. This enables me to often make connections that others, who are expected to conform to the mandate of their respective associations, do not see.

An overwhelming number of cases I see are consistent in one area: anxiety. I have seen clients whose memory problems improved when they gained the skills for managing anxiety. I have seen learning dis-orders lift when people ease the stress they are under, finding a renewed sense of confidence in themselves and their abilities. And I have seen severe lack of confidence and depression shift, taking someone from such an elevated state of anxiety that they couldn't make even a single phone call, to 12 months later being asked to serve on the board of a non-profit organization.

Indeed, radical change is possible when we are given what we need.

In my experience and research, stress and anxiety seem to provide a fertile breeding ground for many issues and the states of dis-order that follow. When young children are anxious and stressed, it affects their development in all areas; physical, mental, emotional, and social (spiritual too).

If this stress and anxiety is prolonged, ailments and disorders can start manifesting in seemingly unrelated ways.

When the bodymind (there is no separation between the body and mind - it is all one system) is forced to contend with unrelenting stress, it goes into protection mode. According to biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, we essentially have two orientations toward our environment; contraction (protection) and expansion (growth). Fear, stress, and threats from our environment naturally engage our fight or flight response.

The tricky part of this equation is that as kids we are great at adapting - it is what our bodies and minds are designed to do - but at this tender age we are not always versed at knowing how to communicate our needs.

Childhood trauma can be subtle. The word trauma itself evokes associations of severity and significance. But to a sensitive and fragile young person who is in that critical developmental stage from age 0-5, trauma inflicted upon the system can often go unnoticed.

At a minimum, we assume that physical issues have a physical basis, and when no causal relationship can be found, we assume that's just the way things are meant to be.

But the different parts of us don't evolve and develop inside a vacuum. Emotional pain, fear, stress, anxiety, mis-understandings, nutritional habits, love - all of these and more directly influence how we develop. Even the emotional health of the mother during pregnancy has a direct influence on the developing fetus.

If a mother is perpetually stressed, this stress is impacting, for better or worse (in this case, worse), the developing fetus.

There is a phrase used among counselors and therapists that defines a sort of roadmap for working with clients; 'follow the anxiety'. Because anxiety for many people exists as a generalized state (there is that word again) of unease that seemingly arrives from nowhere and departs just the same (or stays for long periods), it can be tricky to peg and treat.

For this reason, medication is often prescribed to address this acute period, and the client or patient is sent along their way.

But contained within that anxious state are factors that are creating and re-inforcing that same anxious state. By 'following the anxiety' we (counselors, parents, anyone) can begin to build a larger understanding of what someone is feeling and experiencing, and from there, what begins to emerge is often a collection of significant experiences that emotionally and psychically has put a client's biological system on overdrive. Bio-chemistry becomes imbalanced, and the electrical impulses that govern our body processes become altered.

It matters not what came first, the chicken or the egg. They are both part of the same system, in relationship to each other, and the presenting information is useful regardless of its directional flow.

At a behavioural-social level, confidence and self-concept become altered, which then impacts ones perception of their capabilities and what the believe they can achieve.

To continue addressing this from the angle of 'this is just who they are', without seeking a deeper interest in the conditions that gave rise to their current manifested state, the person continues to more firmly believe in their limitations. They stop believing certain things (or never begin believing and perceiving certain ideas), which begins to close the door on what is possible; emotionally, physically, spiritually, physiologically, psychologically and socially.

While it may take some time and hard work to identify and 'get to the bottom' of a condition or state of dis-order, does this mean we should stop trying?

If we don't have all the pieces of the puzzle today, should that compel us to conclude 'this is just the way I am'?

The same capacity for healing and recovery exists in each and every human being. Some may have to work a little (or a lot) harder at it, but there can be a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone.

There is not some invisible force out there that is picking and choosing who gets to feel better and who doesn't, who gets to find the answers they need and who doesn't, or who gets to heal and bring closure to the past and who doesn't.

The reality of the 'healed state' (vs. the dis-ordered state) will begin to exist for you if you first begin to believe that it can exist for you. This is the essential starting point. The reality of 'releasing yourself from the pain of the past' can and will exist for you if you first begin to conceive that you are worth it, and that you, like others who have walked a similar path, deserve to heal and grow.

Otherwise, a psychological barrier will continue to prevent not only your body but your environment from providing the answers you are seeking. If you don't choose to relax the rigid beliefs you may be carrying about your own personal worth, the mix of solutions you require could show up at your door in a neat package but your mental constructs will not enable you to recognize the Truth of the situation.

Somehow, by choosing one of its many tricks, the mind will turn you away from the answer because it won't allow itself (you) to believe is deserves the gift.

Regardless of what you have or haven't been through, irrespective of the pain you are or are not carrying, no matter what type of family you grew up in or how much money you had or didn't have growing up, the space for healing will begin to be created after you first choose to believe it is possible.

You must decide you are worth it. This is not to disregard your pain or personal situation, because they are vital pieces of the puzzle, but the answer is the same whether we are in yesterday, today, or tomorrow. You must make a choice. Or not.

The choice is eternally yours.

Go deeper my friends; it's where the good stuff is.


Timothy Gauthier
Author, Speaker, Coach

Reconstructing Timothy - A True Story about Fear, Hope and the Power of God's Love
Release Date: January 15, 2012

SMARTLife Wellness Co.

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