On Anxiety: On What Anxiety Is, And How to Work With It

What is anxiety? Anxiety, at its core, is fear. However, we do not clearly perceive anxiety as fear, because we're not consciously aware of the source of our fear, and therefore, we refer to it as anxiety. Therefore, anxiety is the perception of a threat that lies outside of our conscious awareness. Once the threat becomes conscious, it usually is more readily recognized as fear.

Much of our anxieties stem from having deeply held beliefs that most of the time come in the form of "I should, I ought, I must, I cannot, I always, I never".

For example:

"I cannot fail [at anything]" or "If I fail once then I am completely dumb"
"I must always make everyone happy" or "If I don't always cater to other people, then I will be rejected"
"I should always be nice" or "I am a lady, and a lady never get's angry."

These deeply held beliefs are essentially what I was referring to as "blockages" in previous articles. Search the site for "blockage" if you want to read more. Basically, by holding back something that is bubbling inside you, you end up with anxiety. For example, if you believe that you are a lady and ladies NEVER get angry, but someone makes you angry, then you fear becoming that which you "are not."

Many people experience anxiety the same way that they would experience fear (the fight or flight response): Sweaty palms, racing heart, trembling... I'm sure you can Google a better description of possible symptoms than I can provide you with here. In more intense cases of anxiety such as panic attacks, one can even experience narrowed vision and difficulty breathing.

"I don't know what's going on! I'm just feeling anxious!" is a common starting place for people dealing with anxiety. The next step is to explore this signal that is anxiety, slowly. Remember, be patient with yourself and take your time. How do you begin exploring this? The Gestalt way would be for you to listen to your body. By that I mean, focus on the actual physical symptoms that you are experiencing (trembling hands, tightness, muscle spasms). Observe them. Make a nice detailed list (in your mind) of all the symptoms. Familiarize yourself with them. Once you are familiar with all the symptoms, often times some of the anxiety may subside. The reason why often times some of the anxiety subsides is because not only are you anxious due to some unconsciously perceived threat, but also because you may have anxiety related to the unknown (fear of the unknown). What is unknown here is what is happening to your body as you experience anxiety. When anxiety causes us to have many symptoms simultaneously, we can get overwhelmed and confused, resulting in additional anxiety of not knowing what is going on. So, the first step is always to get to know all your symptoms of anxiety. Make friends with them, so to speak. Know them well.

Once you know your symptoms well, you can try this: Ask your symptoms (you can ask 1 symptom at a time, or you can ask them all at once. All up to you) what it is that they would like to do. "What are you trying to make me do? What are you trying to tell me?" Listen for a response. See if anything comes up. If something comes up, you can continue to have a conversation with it until you figure out what it is that you're feeling anxious about. As you work your way through the conversation, you may find that certain answers feel more truthful than others at the gut level. If the answer you get does not feel strong at the gut level, you can say something along the lines of "I don't believe you / You're beating around the bush / There's more to this / There's something else."

A heuristic that I like for finding out what the anxiety may be related to is to ask yourself questions:

"What am I afraid of?" -- Think for a while and see if anything comes up. If nothing comes up, then take a couple of guesses. Don't expect yourself to get an "A HA!" right away (though it's possible). As you work your way through various guesses, pay attention to how correct your guess feels. The level of correctness can range from an "a ha! That's it!" feeling, to a vague "hmm, maybe", to "definitely not." From my experience, you will spend most of your time in the gray area of "hmm, maybe." For more information about how to work from the gut, see my article on intuition.

If you guess something that feels roughly correct, remember it. Use it as an "anchor" so to speak, and start guessing around it. Perhaps you'll guess something new that feels even more correct. If you do, then remember that as well, and also use that as an anchor. Keep doing this until you feel satisfied that you have found your fear. At this point, depending on your fear, you can either address the issue, or you can do some form of reality testing to see whether your fear is realistic.

Some other questions that you can toss around while working this way are:

What am I concerned about?
What am I stuffing inside?
Am I not allowing myself to feel something?
What am I not allowing myself to feel?

Remember, most importantly listen to your gut. Your general felt-sense of "rightness" when working with your own mind is as indispensable as a compass when lost at sea.

Ed.M. in Mental Health Counseling, Columbia U.
Trained in Gestalt Psychotherapy


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Shy - Facing New Situations or Unfamiliar People

Being shy can involve feelings of apprehension, anxiety, nervousness, fear, awkwardness and lack of comfort when an individual is near to them or when they are being approached by other people. This is particularly the case when facing new situations or unfamiliar people. However, in more severe cases, an individual can be affected by shyness when in their most familiar situations and relationships.

Reluctance to "take a risk" is often at the bottom of the problem of shyness. Shy people have typically not "learned" that "you win some and you lose some". They focus exclusively on the possibility of rejection or embarrassment and seem to forget or not realise that in a world of 7 billion people, there's a decent chance that a few will want to be their friend!

Social life is plain and simple, the numbers game. If you don't go down to the beach, you can't find those pebbles of which, it is said, there are "many more". If you don't paddle in the sea, you're unlikely to find more of those "fish" that "popular" people trip over. First things first: to make friends, first you have to pop up in places where other people go - and there are thousands of those!

The next secret of success in the friendship game is regularity. Not necessarily frequency - just "popping up" now and again and nodding and saying "hi". You don't have to mug up on current affairs so that you've something to talk about, either! Most people talk about themselves - so you can get a long way by being interested and letting them do all the work!

Psychologists have studied how people make relationships - and years of research have shown that there are just a few "rules of the game". Being "liked" is often a matter of being "there"; being "interesting" is usually a matter of being "interested"; and "other people" are usually just as grateful for a chat and a friendly word as the shy person is.

So people who are successful in making friends and acquaintances (they're not the same; we have an average of 6 friends, Facebook, and perhaps dozens of acquaintances!) tend to spend that little bit of extra time with those they meet. Maybe just a few seconds - but that little bit extra sends a powerful message to those they meet. It says "you're that bit special to me" - a few seconds worth spending.

2011 Amber Sharpe BSc(Hons) MSc

LifeSkills self-help recordings have set the standard for excellence for the last 25 years. Thousands of GPs, hospital doctors, psychologists and counsellors recommend the LifeSkills series every year to their clients and patients and they are still the UK's best sellers.


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Surprising News About Anxiety Supplements

It is no secret that many of the pharmaceuticals that are used in the treatment of anxiety work just fine. But, it is also no secret that many of these have side-effects such as headache, sexual dysfunction, and nausea. Many of those who suffer from anxiety would prefer a more natural remedy that does not involve dangerous or annoying side-effects. Here are some natural options to consider:

The fatty acids known as Omega 3 occur naturally in some types of fish, salmon being just one example. The Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in some types of foods. These acids have been clinical proven to help in the treatments of depression as well as anxiety. They have also been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol as well as contributing to a healthy heart.

Amino acids are also known to be a good treatment option for those suffering from anxiety issues. Amino acids, in general, work as neurotransmitters. They are known to decrease the stimulation that occurs in the brain which, in turn, reduces anxiety. Several of the more popular drug treatments for anxiety, benzodiazepene medications for example, are based on amino acids. For anxiety, the essential amino acids include:

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid, more commonly known as GABA, works with neurotransmitters in such a way that it inhibits various activities within the brain which lowers anxiety levels. GABA is often taken as an anxiety supplement.

Another amino acid is L-glycine. It is provides a calming effect within the CNS, (central nervous system) much the same as GABA. It has also been shown to inhibit the release of certain known stress hormones within the human brain.

The amino acid L-theanine helps to activate alpha waves within the brain. This helps to increase relaxation and overall alertness. This amino acid is found in various types of green tea.

L-glutamine reduces feelings of stress and helps regulate blood sugar levels (a dip in blood sugar levels can cause anxiety). It also creates a feeling of alertness by reducing the build up of ammonia in the brain.

For treatment of anxiety, L-tryptophan can play an important role. This amino acid helps in the production of serotonin which is an important neurotransmitter within the human brain for regulating mood. A lack of L-tryptophan will lead to a lack of serotonin. Several of the antidepressant drugs do their work by maintaining serotonin within the brain synapses longer, thusly allowing it more time to work. This added time helps to bring about a better, more positive, mood which, in turn, reduces anxiety symptoms.

In addition, 5-HTP (5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan) also works in the process of producing serotonin. It is a proven mood regulator for those who suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety sufferers can also benefit from vitamins and minerals. The vitamins B and C, as well as the minerals calcium and magnesium are thought to very effective in helping to reduce anxiety symptoms when they are taken as anxiety supplements. All of these are key elements for improved neurotransmssions. They work to help decrease the stress hormones found within the brain. It is important to ensure that anxiety sufferers get enough of these important vitamins and minerals either in their diet or as added supplements.

Want to learn more about anxiety supplements? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn more about herbal anxiety remedies.

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Panic Away Program - Great Way to Fight Panic Attacks

In today's world and place, each person can be tagged as a victim of stress and panic. Anxiety and pressure comes with the package of our everyday life. The super busy life that one lead, adds to the problem combined with of unhealthy lifestyle. Also the economic and social pressure adds to the process of building up a pressure on an individual that is hard to deal with. Some are ending up having serious health related problems. Again, the medicines prescribed in such cases are not always good and helpful in the long run. Therefore, Panic Away program is a safe and effective natural way to fight those unbearable panic attacks.

As told earlier that there are many therapies and medication that are available in the market, to fight the common problem of stress and nervousness. But these medications may not always be good for the health so the Panic Away program is a great natural technique. This is a hundred percent natural way of treating panic attacks.The program works towards eliminating these fears with different relaxation exercises and changes in the lifestyle. The program acts to fix the problem permanently, by building ones confidence and putting the mind and body at peace.

The creator of this program himself suffered of panic attacks, which include palpitations, sweating, dizziness, shaking, breathlessness and unknown fear. During such panic situations, a patient experiences a kind of stress which makes them believe that their life will come to an end because of the problem. Often this situation is unbearable making the patient confused and hopeless. This is where the One Move Technique, developed by the creator of the Panic Away program is of great help. It helps to break the vicious circle of fear within a patient and makes him or her at peace.

Apart from the One Move Technique there are other methods, products and techniques that are used in this program to help deal with the situation. Panic Away program is a wellness program that deals with the whole problem of anxiety and stress in a very unique way. A sneak peek into the website of this program will give you a better understanding of how effective this program is and how it works. It also gives one a chance to experience the customer satisfaction the program enjoys.

With this program, one can really live and do things in life with much more confidence and peace.

For further information on Panic Away program, do visit the website at http://www.panicawayreview101.com/.

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Decoding Anxiety - Causes, Facts, And Useful Information

We have all had our encounters with the nervous tension commonly referred to as anxiety but while we may be aware of what triggered our anxious behavior rarely do we think about what might be the core cause. The truth is research has yet to deliver a clear and concise explanation and seems to be leaving dredging up more questions than answers. Hopefully, with the help of advanced brain scan technology this will change in the near future.

It probably comes as no surprise that the number of cases of severe anxiety steadily increases each year despite the best efforts of medical professional around the world.

Biological happenings in the brain are a factor

The brain is complex and depends on biological balance to communicate and function. The pharmaceutical industry has recognized this in their efforts to decode anxiety leading to drugs such as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) being prescribed in record numbers to manage problem anxiety and depression. For the most part SSRIs work to improve serotonin levels which in turn reduces anxious feelings and help with depression. SSRIs come with a long list of side effect risks especially when taken over an extended period of time.

Brain chemicals such as serotonin are what are known as neurotransmitters. The two primary neurotransmitters linked to anxiety and depression are serotonin and dopamine. Most believe it is an imbalance of these two important brain chemicals that causes us to feel depressed or anxious.

But not only do biological imbalances impact how happy, nervous, or sad we feel they also impact how well the left and right hemispheres of our brains are able to work in balance and harmony with one another. As we speak research is being conducted to ascertain more information about left and right side balance as it relates to stress, panic, and exaggerated fears.

It's a family affair

As is the case with so many mental health concerns, anxiety is a family affair. If a first or second degree relative has an anxiety disorder, children are at higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder down the road.

Statistical studies tell us that being brought up where fear and anxiety are part of everyday life can negatively impact a person for years to come. Psychologist and well as other mental health experts believe that this type of hereditary anxiety can be overcome in many cases with the help of behavioral therapy such as CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

What one experiences throughout life can impact anxiety

The saying that if it doesn't kill me it will only make me stronger does not apply when it comes to anxiety, according to most experts. Researchers believe that the correlation between anxiety disorders and a life of abuse, violence, or poverty often perpetuates anxiety disorders and anxious behaviors going forward. Even events experienced in childhood have been shown to lead to certain fears that, over time, develop into an anxiety disorder.

Do any of you have parents or grandparents who went through the great depression? If you do there is good chance the anxiety they experienced long ago is still with them today.

In some cases anxiety can be driven by caffeine, cocaine, and amphetamines. Cocaine use can have a lasting impact one's ability to cope with anxiety leading to feeling of panic long after the drug is stopped. All types of medications including those sold over the counter can cause symptoms of anxiety and lead to irritability and anger.

And finally, anxiety could be triggered by things that are happening in a person's life currently. Examples would be financial challenges, job loss, work pressure, study pressures, a myriad of illnesses, illness of a close relative, or the death of a close friend or family member.

In conclusion, decoding anxiety is easier said than actually done due to the many variables and the complexities of the condition itself. But one thing is for sure if you have a problem with chronic anxiety, or an anxiety disorder, finding help will be important for you to be able to live your life to the fullest.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.
To discover more about anxiety along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic anxiety remedies Click Here.

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Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

So you think you might have an anxiety disorder? But which one? How can you figure it out? Well, the easiest way is to go by your main symptoms. Let's see if we can sort them out.

Panic Attacks

One of the key differences between anxiety disorders is the presence or absence of panic attacks. If you have panic attacks, then the most likely disorders that you may have are either post traumatic stress disorder or a phobia. Some clinicians also consider panic attacks themselves as a separate category.

What are panic attacks?

Many people don't even realize when they are having a panic attack because they are so intensely physical. A panic attack is a strong physical and emotional episode in which the sufferer feels a series of symptoms. The most typical physical symptoms are chest pains, racing heart, difficulty breathing, nausea and hot/cold flashes. Often the sufferer will believe they are having a heart attack and rush to the hospital only to find that there is nothing physically wrong with them.

Emotional symptoms are mainly an intense fear that they are about to die and, often, the belief that they are losing their minds.

Have you had a life threatening situation in your recent past?

Panic attacks are one of the main symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by the stress of a life threatening situation. War veterans will typically suffer PTSD when they return from combat and try to readjust to civilian life. The death of or separation from a loved one can also cause PTSD.

If you are having panic attacks and have had a traumatic incident in your recent past, PTSD is likely the cause of your episodes.

Are you scared of spiders, dogs, the dark or something else?

If you freak out at the thought of a specific creepy crawler or hated creature, then the likely cause may be a phobia. Phobias are anxiety disorders that center on the fear of a specific thing, like a bug or snakes. If this is what you have then you have a phobia.

Symptoms are not always accompanied by panic attacks, however. Consider the following:

Do you get intensely nervous at the thought of interacting with people?

If you have great difficulty interacting with coworkers or peers, you may have social anxiety disorder. The inability to interact effectively with other people is one of the main symptoms. If you have few friends and have great difficulty just holding down a conversation or going about everyday interactions with people, you may be what you have.

Do you have difficulty letting a loved one out of your sight?

The fear of letting someone go is one of the main symptoms involved in adult separation anxiety disorder. If you find that you must spend every moment with a husband, son or parent because when you don't you are thrown into an intense state of anxiety, then this is the disorder you suffer from.

Finally, are you just generally anxious and nervous all the time with no apparent cause?

The central symptom of generalized anxiety disorder is a persistent and irrational fear that just doesn't go away. If you find that you cannot shake your sense of worry at any time, you are likely to have this disorder.

Finally, just to confuse matters further, many sufferers have more than one type of anxiety disorder. So it is not uncommon for someone with social anxiety disorder to also suffer from, say, separation anxiety disorder. Also, studies have shown that those with anxiety disorders are also very likely to have depression or other mental disorders. So it is important to figure out the nature of your anxiety disorder and treat any other related problems as well.

Tom Tait is focused on helping those with panic attacks. Here is more information on Anxiety Disorder Symptom. There is even more information about Panic Attacks on the website Panic Attacks.

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Dealing With Nocturnal Anxiety Attacks Naturally

When dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally you need to bear in mind that anxiety (panic) attacks cannot cause you any harm. This is an important first step on your road to recovery. So here you're going to learn why this is so, and, some natural tips on dealing with nocturnal panic attacks.

The point about dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally is that you really need to have an understanding of what causes them during slumber. Then, armed with this information, you are better able to understand why certain natural ways of tackling them can be effective.

The causes of nocturnal anxiety attacks are not really all that well-known, but one way they may occur is due to being in a state of high stress or anxiety when you go to bed. Much in the same way as daytime attacks may be triggered by high anxiety and stress levels.

Unfortunately, in some circumstances, the human body can mis-read these high anxiety levels as a 'signal' that you are in some sort of danger. It then triggers numerous chemical changes in itself to help prepare you to fight the danger or run away from it more effectively. These changes cause the symptoms you experience during an attack.

Nocturnal anxiety attack symptoms are much the same as daytime panic attacks; sweating, rapid heartbeat, trembling / shaking, shortness of breath, chest pains, etc. And, just as in the daytime, nighttime anxiety attacks can suddenly occur without any warning.

But nighttime attacks are especially frightening because you are generally asleep when the attack is triggered. This leaves you feeling very, very frightened and extremely vulnerable. Which is why you need ways of dealing with such attacks when they occur.

Dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally needn't be difficult, as there are many natural ways of handling these attacks. Depending on the severity of the attacks and their regularity, some may work better for some people than others. You just need to find which ones work best for you.

With that in mind, here are 3 tips on dealing with nocturnal anxiety attacks naturally that you may wish to try...

1) Remember that an anxiety attack cannot harm you: The symptoms you are experiencing are only your body's natural reaction to a perceived threat that doesn't in fact exist. This recognition should help to calm your fears at the onset of an attack.

2) Then get your breathing under control. Breathe slowly in through the nose for several seconds, then out through your mouth for several seconds. Ensure you use your diaphragm to breathe, not just your upper chest. Repeat the process until you feel more in control. Note: keeping a paper bag by your bed that you can breathe in and out of may also help.

3) Don't try to fight the symptoms and get back to sleep: it's not going to happen during an attack, and for a time after. Trying will only increase the stress. Get out of bed and drink some water. Splash cold water over your face. Then do two or three routine things to help you take your mind of the symptoms. For example, wash a few dishes, tidy up, etc.

But as well as using tips like these to deal with nocturnal anxiety attacks as they occur, you really need to prevent them from happening in the first place. And a key step in achieving this is to get rid of the fear, imprinted in your mind, of having another attack. This, in itself, can cause you to have one...

If you wish to, you can get information on a special technique to help you break your cycle of fear and so prevent nocturnal anxiety attacks, by going here:- http://www.thepanicattacksite.info/.

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Facial Blushing Cures

It is true that facial blushing is normal and all of us, at one point or another, have had occasion to blush. However, if you experience excessive blushing I am certain you will share my opinion that it can be an extremely stressful time when you are the only individual blushing.

For the majority of us, being an open book to the others around us is definitely not desirable and typically, facial blushing is connected with being timid or being afraid. This is why increasingly a number of individuals experiencing facial redness and blushing are thinking about blushing cures to reduce its effects. Harsh cases of blushing are known as idiopathic cranio-facial erythema; more or less any minor trigger can result in very noticeable facial blushing. There are various kinds of blushing cures available for these conditions; psychological treatments, drug treatments and blushing surgery treatments.

Psychological Treatments

One of the main reasons for blushing is social phobia and direct psychological treatments typically produce exceptional results. Psychological treatment could include unintentional blushing which is widespread among individuals who experience social phobia. In the majority of cases, these conditions respond very well to treatment. Cognitive behavior therapy or CBT is a form of psychological treatment that is intended to assist individuals in changing their thinking patterns and behavior in social situations. Another commonly used psychological treatment is breathing techniques because anxiety symptoms are brought on by hyperventilation. Yet another method administered to treat facial blushing is fear confrontation; the patient receives assistance from a counselor in overcoming social fears and recovering from the social phobias.

Drug Treatments

Propanthelin, Ditropan and Robinol, in conjunction with a series of anticholinergic drugs are fine choices as it directly relates to excessive blushing and facial redness. These provide a more traditional approach and ought to be tried prior to the consideration of any surgical operation. This approach can supply patients with great results. Some choose to mix drugs such as Xanax with the blushing treatment. Other methods of treatment may include bio feedback, although this has not been established as being very effective. Clonidine, Beta-blockers and Anxiety medications are also utilized in facial blushing cures.

Blushing Surgery

Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy or ETS is a prospective treatment for facial blushing. It was considered to be responsible for reduced facial blushing in patients who utilized it for palmar hyperhidrosis treatments. However, later studies have concluded that ETS is not really a good alternative for this condition. The sweat levels it fabricates and the various side effects are strong arguments against the use of ETS for facial blushing cures. With ETS out of the equation, you can select one of the other treatments.

Find out more about Blushing Treatments that are available online and How To Stop Blushing without the use of mediaction or surgery.

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Panic Attacks - The Cause And The Cure

About this article

I am writing this article in a hope to reach out to those who know they suffer from panic attacks, those who think they might suffer and also for anyone who knows someone who they believe might be suffering, as it isn't always as easy as simply asking him/her if they are suffering and getting a yes or no answer!

What I intend to cover, and educate you on, in this relatively short article is, what exactly is a panic attack, a few statistics on them and the best way to prevent panic one.

What exactly is a panic attack

So most of us probably have this idea in our heads that a panic attack is this big obvious horrible moment that goes on forever and the person experiencing it is almost stricken to the ground in helpless defence. If this is how you imagine a panic attack then there's a good chance you watch too much TV.

Don't get me wrong, a panic attack is a horrible moment, but not always as obvious as we might think in our heads. A person could be having one right beside you on the bus or train and you mightn't even notice. Does that make the situation any better for the person experiencing the attack, you bet not. The point I am trying to make is that, while not always extremely obvious, a panic attack is always a pretty frightening and upsetting experience for the sufferer.

Wikipedia tells us that panic attacks are, "periods of intense fear or apprehension that are of sudden onset and of relatively brief duration". If you find yourself reading this and indeed you are a sufferer this won't be anything new to you. However if you are reading this in a bid to do some research on the matter than this could be news to you. If that is you the best thing you can do in a case of someone experiencing a panic attack is attempt to calm and reassure the person. Simple, but the most effective.

Stats on panic attacks

If indeed you do find you suffer from panic attacks then just know it's not the end of the world. Here I want to share with you some of the hard facts I have researched on the subject. I hope that it will help you to get an overall view of the disorder.

• 1 in every 113 Americans suffer from it
• That's an estimated 2.4million people in the US
• Every year an estimated 1.7%, or 1 in 58, adult Americans between the ages of 18 to 54 experience a panic attack
• It is estimated that up to 15% of Americans are very likely to suffer from a panic attack at some stage in their lives
• Women have double the chance of suffering from panic attacks
• The recurrence rate in women, after treatment, is double than in men
• You are more like to experience a panic disorder in early adulthood or mid-teens
• People aged between 25 and 44 are at maximum risk of experiencing a panic attack
• Research shows that well-educated, married people with a steady job and families are less likely to develop panic disorders than those with minimal or no education

Best way to prevent

There is no great scientific way of preventing panic attacks. You can see from the statistics above that they are more common than you might have previously thought. Now I'm sure if some scientist had come up with a magical potion to completely prevent panic attacks we would all know about it and indeed the stats above would be much different. However, to the best of my knowledge, no such potion exists.

So instead what I have done for the purpose of this article is, I have went out and researched a few practical methods that you can use pretty much as soon as you finish reading this and the other articles on my website.

Will they prevent an attack 100%? No. Will they help you dramatically reduce the chance of experiencing a an attack? Greatly, from what I have gathered in my research.

#1, Breathing - Research shows that conscious breathing will actually relax the mind, in turn relaxing the whole body. Why do you think meditation is so popular worldwide! What you want to do is find somewhere where you know you wont be disturbed. Turn everything off, TV, iPod etc. Inhale nice and slow, counting to 7 whilst inhaling the whole time. As you exhale you do the same, count to 7 exhaling the whole time. You should aim to do 7 repetitions. That is just over 1 minutes of conscious breathing and trust me you will feel completely relaxed and in total control after it.

#2, Concentrate on A word - my second simple but really effective method is just as I said. Here when you begin to get feelings of worry and might feel an attack coming on you will want to switch your thought to a really positive word/s and literately repeat it over and over in your head until this word totally takes over your mind.

Two things happen here. First you release positive emotions because the positive word you are thinking of. Second, you become so overcome by this word and emotion attached the feelings of fear and worry subside almost by default as you can't be repeating something that makes you happy and feel sad at the same time.

Choose your word wisely. This word/s will be different for everyone as different things will make different people happy. My word is 'warm beach'. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't feel good when repeating the words warm beach over and over! I can almost feel the heat as I relax as I say it over and over in my head.

#3, Learn about panic attacks - Unknown to yourself you have already began with this method simply by reading this article! Education puts life's mysteries in prospective.

Simply put, knowing more about panic can indeed go a long way towards relieving your distress. Read and research as much as you can. You don't have to become a complete fanatic of researching panic but perhaps read 3 or 4 different pieces, like this one, a week. A quick search on Google for terms such as 'anxiety', 'panic attacks' and 'Natural cures for panic' will yield you more information than you could ever need.

In time you will learn that the sensations and feelings you have when you experience an attack aren't that abnormal and that NO, your not going crazy!

I am proud to say I suffered from panic attacks and general Anxiety and I ridded myself of this disorder 100% thanks to a program called The Linden Method

I was so thrilled with the results I built a website, http://thelindenmethodtruth.com/, in the hopes that I might be able to help out others who are where I was before. Feel free to visit and read my story

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Anxiety Symptoms in Children To Watch Out For

According to studies, about 4 million adult Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder. It usually begins in childhood. If left unmanaged or untreated, this would be carried on for years. It is more common in women than in men.

Although the exact cause of an anxiety disorder is unknown, it is believed that it is caused by several factors. Research shows that genetics play a role in the development of anxiety. A person with a family history of an anxiety disorder increases his chance of developing an anxiety disorder. Another factor is physiologic, particularly in the brain. People with an anxiety disorder has abnormal levels of neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA). Abnormal levels of those neurotransmitters alter how the brain reacts to a stimulus. The last factor would be environmental. Anxiety may develop primarily because of traumatic events, and use and withdrawal of addictive substances.

Even though anxiety disorders are psychologic, it also results to physical symptoms. The child would feel an excessive worry to a particular situation, which is primarily due to abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. He would also have an unrealistic view of problems. He is always pessimistic about something, and sometimes they may feel a sense of impending doom. He becomes restless and irritable. He may also experience muscle tension, trembling, headaches, and sweating. He also tends to lose focus, because he is excessively worried about something. Due to excess worrying, he may experience nausea and feel the urge to go to the bathroom frequently, either to defecate or urinate. Due to the stress he is experiencing, he becomes tired; however he would have trouble sleeping. He can be easily startled, since he lost his focus and his mind is wandering and focusing on something else.

When these symptoms show, it is important to help the child relax. This is achieved by teaching the proper breathing technique; letting him vent out his feelings about the certain situation; teaching him to redirect his thoughts to something that is relaxing. You, yourself, should also be calm during an anxiety attack because if you also become anxious, it may worsen the child's anxiety. You should also reassure the child that everything is going to be fine and that you are there for him no matter what happens. Also, establish an exercise routine for the child because it can help in relaxation. Ensure that the child is given proper nutrition by giving him those healthy foods that he likes. And, lastly, give a child a relaxing environment as he sleeps and make sure he gets at least 7-10 hours of sleep at night.

In today's crazy world, it's not surprising that childhood anxiety symptoms are becoming more and more prevalent. To know more about it, check out http://www.childhoodanxietydisorderhelp.com/

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Tips For Social Anxiety - How to End Social Anxiety for Good!

For those who suffer from social anxiety, being around people can be a frightening experience. As such, these individuals will often isolate themselves and even ignore simple tasks such as shopping or getting a haircut.

Living with social anxiety does not have to be a life sentence. There are ways to control your symptoms, and once you learn these, you can begin working on a better life.

While there are many methods and techniques available for the treatment of social anxiety, some of the more popular, and effective, ones are listed below. For most people, a combination of treatments will bring about the best results.

There are several types of therapy available for the treatment of social anxiety. In each of these, the goal is to get the person to focus on the cause of the anxiety which then allows them to deal with the issues as they come up.

CBT, which is also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, has become a very popular treatment option for many people who suffer from social anxiety. This therapy is often taught by and monitored by a professional therapist. They work together to create effective and powerful strategies that are set up to increase the person's ability to live within a social environment. This treatment is very individualized, so it is achieves the best results when performed with a trained therapist.

For many people, medications can be helpful. The SSRI class of drugs are often prescribed for the treatment of anxiety. They work by reducing the symptoms that come about during anxiety attacks.

Another class of drugs that are often used in treating social anxiety symptoms are the benzodiazepines. These drugs will often provide instant reduction of the symptoms and are very good at providing relief for sudden onset attacks.

As mentioned above, drugs in combination with effective therapy offer the best results for most people. It is imperative that patients consult with a professional health provider before taking any medications for social anxiety.

In addition to the above, self-help courses and techniques can be very beneficial as well. Self-help is often used by those who do not wish to take advantage of professional assistance or who do not wish to use prescription drugs. For those who have mild symptoms, self-help techniques can be very useful.

Learning to breathe correctly is one form of self-help. Generally speaking, those who have social anxiety issues often breathe incorrectly, taking short, shallow breaths as the symptoms occur. A better method of breathing is to take deep breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth, while meditating on positive thoughts.

Positive thinking is also a form of self-help that can help reduce or eliminate the onset of social anxiety attacks and symptoms. Positive thought thinking helps to prevent the onset of negative thoughts which often lead to panic attacks. This can be especially useful if used just prior to a social engagement.

During social interactions, a busy mind is a relaxed mind. If you feel the onset of symptoms while at a public gathering, look for things to take your mind off your surroundings. For instance, look for people who are very tall or very short, look for people wearing hats or scarves. Focus on whatever it is you are looking for, while performing your breathing exercises. Within a few moments, the symptoms should abate.

By finding what works for you, you can begin to feel more confident in social surroundings, knowing that you have the tools to fight off any onset of symptoms. Once you find the right set of therapies, make it a point to master them.

Want to discover more about available options for social anxiety help? Click here to learn about the social phobia test and see how it can help you.

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Separation Anxiety Disorder

So you've always been a little bit clingier than other kids. It wasn't as big a deal when you were a little kid. People just thought that you were a little bit on the shy side.

But now that you're a grown up, you're tired of being called a clinging vine and being told that you're too smothering. You've heard it from your boyfriends, your family and even your roommate in college. "Stop cramping my style," they all seem to say.

Well, what you may actually have is called separation anxiety disorder. Here's what you need to know:

Separation Anxiety Disorder Defined

Separation anxiety disorder is a mental condition that causes the sufferer to experience intense discomfort when s/he has to separate from a loved one. The sufferer will typically try to avoid any sort of separation between themselves and their loved ones and as the disease takes hold will find themselves worrying constantly and disproportionately about the safety or well being of the removed loved one.

Separation Anxiety Disorder: A Disease of Childhood

As you probably already know separation anxiety disorder is most common in very young kids. In children this condition is usually observed when children are first placed in school or daycare. The child will have a particularly difficult time separating from the parent for the day.

Although most children feel the pang of abandonment on the first day of school, most kids don't feel the exact same intensity of loss day after day and week after week. Whereas most kids adjust to being in their new environment, the child that suffers from separation anxiety disorder will continue to have the same fits and meltdowns long after the other children have come to see their transitions from their homes as a natural and predictable part of life.

The Adopted or Abandoned Child

Adopted children are much more likely to suffer from separation anxiety disorder. This should not be surprising. The experience of being left at the day care or school mimics the moment of abandonment at the orphanage. For the adopted child the experience opens up wounds so old that they may not even clearly remember them.

Planning for the Separation Anxiety Child

If you believe your child may be prone to separation anxiety disorder, you will want to give a heads up to the institution that you will be delivering your child to and allot yourself extra time in the early days so that you can help your child ease into his or her new surroundings as much as possible. Although many parents and mental health professionals advocate the quick goodbye method of transition for the children suffering from this condition, many others have found that withdrawing for small periods at a time and slowly working up to a whole day is a much more harmonious way of dealing with the transition to school and daycare.

This is, of course, not feasible for all parents.

Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder

Although much rarer than the same condition in kids, many adults also suffer with separation anxiety disorder. You find you have great difficulty being alone or being separated from your closest loved ones. When your loved ones leave your sight, even if they are just going about their regular routine or going to the store, you become very anxious. You fear for their lives when they are not near or immediately start to worry that something terrible will happen to them the second you hear that they are going on a trip or just over to a friend's house. These are examples you are likely to be suffering from adult separation anxiety disorder.

Until fifteen years ago, this was not even recognized as an individual psychiatric condition. But now several mental health professionals have started to consider new and exciting treatments for this condition.

Regardless of whether social anxiety disorder affects you or your kids, you should research it and consider how best to go about treating it. The best weapon against anxiety disorders is knowledge. You've taken a good first step, now keep on going.

Tom Tait is focused on helping those with panic attacks. Here is more information on Chronic Anxiety Disorder. There is even more information about Panic Attacks on the website Panic Attacks.

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Individual Psychotherapy - How It Can Help You Overcome Anxiety About Risk Taking

Individual psychotherapy can help people overcome fear of taking risks in life. To obtain important goals in life, individuals must take calculated risks. However, many people focus on failing to reach the goals they want, or they are afraid of the unknown consequences of failing. People are not sure of their own abilities, or afraid of not succeeding in the attempt. People often imagine irrational consequences of failing which frighten them.

It is very important to take rational and calculated risks to obtain goals. Otherwise, people do not progress and enrich their lives. People may have the abilities and talents to do many things in life and achieve spectacular goals, but only the rare person does not have to struggle and risk to achieve his or her goals.

Often, people seek the help of an individual psychotherapist. These trained professionals have the skill to listen in an unbiased manner and give advice and support to people to allow them to take risks. Fear and anxiety often prevent people from taking needed risks. An individual psychotherapist can help in a number of ways.

First, the psychotherapist provides guidance and counseling to help people identify their goals. The support of a psychotherapist helps people articulate and identify their goals, and imagine how they would feel once they attain these goals. For example, if a person is in a relationship they may identify that they want to attain the goal of making a commitment to their partner.

After identifying the goal, the individual psychotherapist can help people recognize the obstacles that need to be overcome to attain the goal. With regards to the above example, people may have a deep-seated anxiety about commitment based on their prior experiences in life. The anxiety may form a strong psychological obstacle preventing people from taking the risk to commit to another.

Through psychotherapy, people can determine and learn specific methods to allow them to conquer these obstacles. For example, the psychotherapist can help the above person with specific cognitive strategies to overcome the barrier preventing them from taking the risk of commitment.

An experienced, professional individual psychotherapist will allow people to recognize fears and anxieties that block them from attaining a goal. The psychotherapist can provide a supportive environment to learn specific cognitive strategies people can use to overcome their anxiety over risk taking. A major benefit of seeing a trained psychotherapist is that they can use their experience to provide effective techniques to overcome the problem in an unbiased and emotionally supportive manner.

Patricia H. Hecht, MFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist practicing in the San Francisco Bay Area. With over twenty years of experience treating individuals, families, and couples, she provides unbiased help and support to overcome many common life problems. To learn more about her and schedule an appointment, visit her website at http://www.hechtfamilytherapy.com/.

Copyright Patricia H. Hecht, MFT - All rights reserved.

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Testing Your Social Phobias

Do you suffer from social phobias? Not sure? There are tests you can take that will reveal whether or not you have issues associated with anxiety or social phobias. The results of these tests must be evaluated by a professional health provider, but they can help determine if you have problems being in social environments.

It is good to begin by understanding what a social phobia is in the first place. In general terms, a social phobia reveals itself as a fear or sense of nervousness that comes about when the person is with other people. This has also been known as social anxiety. The symptoms of social phobia vary from person to person, with some people experiencing mild symptoms and others being nearly incapacitated by their fear.

For those who are not sure if they have a social phobia or not, certain tests can be taken. The goal of any social phobia test is to see how well a person reacts when they are faced with a social event or task. It is important to remember that none of these tests are designed as diagnostic tools. They cannot take the place of consulting with a professional health provider. The tests are only tools that help inform the professional and the person taking the test.

One important use of the test is to get some sense of how severe the person's symptoms are and how those symptoms may affect the person in real life. The test can also be used to help find solutions to the problem.

A social phobia test will most often present the person with pretend social situations and then ask questions about the situation. The person taking the test will rank his or her fear level as it pertains to these different situations.

The person taking the test has two basic choices when it comes to ranking their feelings for each situation. They are avoidance and anxiety.

Anxiety normally feels like fear or nervousness but does not stop you from performing a certain task or attending a social event.

Avoidance, on the other hand, reveals itself as a fear so great that the person cannot or will not attend the event or be a part of the event. This is the most severe reaction to social phobias.

For example, a test question may ask if the person experiences any sense of fear while visiting clients in a public setting. It may also ask if that situation would result in avoidance. Or the question may ask how the person feels when communicating with fellow employees or bosses. And, ask if those situations would lead to avoidance issues.

For the most part, the test will stick with very specific circumstances or situations and ask if you would participate, even though nervous, or avoid altogether.

The results of the test are then used to determine the levels of anxiety the person faces under various situations. As mentioned above, the information is used by a professional, along with the person, to determine what causes the anxiety, how severe the anxiety is, and the reaction the person has to the situation. This is then used to formulate some treatment options.

Using the results of the phobia test, your doctor can begin to decide if medication is required and what type of medication. Your doctor may also request that you visit with other professionals who are trained in treating social phobia disorders.

The social phobia test is a good start for those who are not sure if they have anxiety disorders or not, but do know that they have trouble coping with social events or circumstances. As such, they should be considered as very helpful tools for those who wish to lead happier lives.

Want to learn more about the social phobia test and how it can help you? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn the best options for social anxiety help.

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Dealing With Panic Attacks Without Drugs - How to Deal With Panic Attacks Naturally

Dealing with panic attacks without drugs is the preferred approach to stopping panic attacks. It's always better to do things naturally rather than using drugs wherever possible isn't it? And these kind of attacks are no exception...

When dealing with panic attacks without medication, the first thing is to understand what they are all about, so that you get to know that they are harmless. Even this knowledge can help you to deal with them much more easily.

There is no doubt that an attack is hugely frightening and worrying. And to those who don't know the background to them they can seem as though you are about to have a heart attack or even worse.

One of the reasons for this is that they come on for no apparent reason, so that you can't link the symptoms to anything you've done or encountered. As far as you're concerned, the symptoms came in a rush 'out of the blue.'

But if you really know what causes them and why, then you're half way to beating them...

You've probably heard of the body's 'fight or flight' response? All this is, is nature's built-in mechanism to protect you in any dangerous situation. When your body 'senses' danger of any kind, it sets itself up (meaning you) to give you the best chance of survival.

Unfortunately, it can 'sense' what it perceives as danger when your anxiety levels rise high enough. It's your body going into fight or flight mode that actually triggers the chemical changes in your body that results in the symptoms we call an anxiety or panic attack.

So you can perhaps appreciate now that an actual panic attack cannot harm you. It's only your body mistaking your high anxiety and stress as a danger signal and so it does what it is programmed to do, and fires off chemical changes all around your body; thus a panic attack.

And now that you know you aren't in any danger, dealing with panic attacks without drugs becomes much simpler...

At the first signs of an attack, you need to remind yourself that you understand what this is all about and that you aren't in any danger. And remember too that it won't last forever and will be over shortly.

Now you are in a better position to try to calm yourself down and relax. Start to breathe more slowly and regularly. Breathing into and out of a paper bag can help to regularize your breathing. Don't think about the symptoms anymore, just get your head up and concentrate on what is going on around you.

Don't be embarrassed to telephone a family member or friend to let them know you're having an attack. By openly telephoning one of them and discussing the attack, you're actually re-positioning yourself into a more positive frame of mind, which in itself will help you in dealing with the attack.

The bottom line is that when dealing with panic attacks without drugs, a positive attitude, that recognises what an attack is and so why it cannot harm you, is vital. The rest is all about techniques (like above) to help shorten it and reduce the severity of its symptoms.

But, of course, dealing with panic attacks without medication is one thing, preventing them from happening in the first place is another, more important, issue. And this can be done naturally too...

So to get the facts on dealing with panic attacks naturally as well as how to prevent them occurring in the first place, you might want to visit: http://www.thepanicattacksite.info/.

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Identifying Childhood Anxiety Symptoms

It is unfortunate, but children can suffer from anxiety as well as adults. For many parents, the symptoms of anxiety in their child may be frightening and even confusing. The symptoms that present in children are often much different than those found in adults.

A term that most parents will need to become familiar with is GAD, also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Children who suffer from this disorder will often feel anxious or worried over various issues. These issues may include performance at school, relationships that they have with other children as well as other family members, athletic performance, and many others.

While it is true that most children will worry about these same issues, the child with GAD will worry excessively over them. Their feelings may become so overwhelming that they shy away from interacting with other people or avoid situations where they may feel pressured. Their reaction to these situations can have very negative effects on their lives.

Generally, children who suffer from GAD will become increasingly self-critical. They often need reassurance from others, and if that reassurance does not come, they can fall deeper into their symptoms. In some children, being anything less than perfect is not acceptable.

Many of these same children will find it hard to participate in group activities such as sports or other organized events. They often appear shy, which can also add to their issues, especially at school.

Some of the signs and symptoms that parents want to look for include:

Anxiety and worrying over a large variety of issues in which the child feels a sense of inadequacy. He or she may exhibit harsh, self-criticism or harsh self-evaluation on a variety of tasks including school work, sports, or relationships. The child may need constant reassurance of his or her actions.

In addition to emotional dilemmas, the child may also experience physical symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, muscle tension and frequent upset stomach.

Many children may also feel a sense of irritability or restlessness. They may have trouble sleeping and often wake up repeatedly during the night.

As these children age, they may turn to drugs and alcohol for relief of their symptoms. This path, of course, only adds to their turmoil and can result in severe depression or thoughts of suicide.

It is important to remember that these children may have difficulty in expressing how they feel. If you notice any signs of childhood anxiety, it is best to seek professional help.

Parents must understand that children with GAD need to be reassured. It is often a mistake to simply tell the child that they have nothing to worry about and leave it at that. Instead, urge the child to express his or her feelings.

If one or both of the parents are also suffering from anxiety issues, the child may pick up on this. Parents who often show their anxiety to their children become role models for the child in that the child mimics these same actions and expressions.

Again, seek help from your family pediatrician. A professional diagnosis is often needed in order for the child to get the proper treatment he or she needs. The good news is there are many treatment options now available and most children will benefit from these once treatment begins.

Want to learn more about anxiety symptoms in children? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn more about anxiety in children treatment.

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7 Tips for Overcoming Panic Attacks Naturally

To have any hope of overcoming panic attacks naturally, you need to know as much as you can about them. Panic attacks, sometimes called anxiety attacks, are very frightening experiences. And if you have suffered one or more, then you know just how terrifying they can be...

As well as the symptoms you are enduring, you feel alone and isolated during an attack. The best way to help yourself in these circumstances is to understand what they are and what causes them. Knowledge is indeed power in this case.

Panic attacks usually come out of the blue without any prior warning, which is why you feel so fearful and apprehensive. Attacks last for between 5 to 30 minutes on average, with a peak of intensity at around 10 minutes.

The symptoms are devastating; tightness across your chest/throat, rapid hear rate, sweating, shortness of breath, irregular breathing, dizziness/light-headedness, and so on. No wonder you feel such terror and feel so alone and isolated.

They can be caused by anything; being in a crowded place, in a traffic jam, speaking in public, shopping in a busy supermarket, crossing a bridge, etc. They are usually triggered when your overall anxiety shoots up to such a peak that your body reacts in a pre-programmed way and a panic attack is triggered.

You'll normally get treated using tranquilizers and antidepressants to manage the cognitive issues and perhaps beta blockers to handle the physical ones. But many folks just don't like these types of drugs and prefer to approach their condition using more natural means. Perhaps you're like them too. If so then here are 7 tips on overcoming panic attacks naturally...

7 Tips for Overcoming Panic Attacks Naturally

1) Recognise that there isn't anything mentally wrong with you. You just have a behavioural issue that can be treated successfully. Once you understand this, then you're in a better position to take back control, which is a vital step in overcoming panic attacks naturally.

2) Make a list of several family members and/or friends who you feel closest to and can fully trust. Have their mobile/cell phone numbers ready so that you can contact them during an attack. They can help to reassure you, and perhaps even be able to get to you if they are near enough.

3) Practice proper controlled breathing techniques. Controlled breathing can help to re-balance your oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio and so help to reduce and bring some of the symptoms under control. See also No. 7 below.

4) A good night's sleep is very important. Not only do you have more energy next day, your overall anxiety levels are reduced with a proper sleep cycle, which helps to reduce the risk of panic attacks.

5) Studies have shown that folks who have panic attacks are more sensitive to certain foods than people who don't. So avoid foods like, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), caffeine, alcohol, and processed sugars.

6) Make time during the day for relaxation exercises to help reduce the stress in your life. Do this every single day. Learn yoga, go running, walking, cycling, whatever you prefer, but do it as a daily routine.

7) Be prepared. As mentioned above, have the 'phone numbers of trusted ones in your cell/mobile 'phone. Carry a paper bag with you to help you 're-breathe' so that you can help to re-balance your oxygen/carbon dioxide. Even knowing that you're prepared, can make you feel better.

No matter what the cause is that triggers a panic attack you can start overcoming your panic attacks naturally by understanding what they are and that they can't harm you...

To understand even more about overcoming panic attacks naturally, especially about using a special technique to help you break out of your vicious anxiety cycle, you may wish to go here http://www.thepanicattacksite.info/.

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Natural Ways to Cure Panic Attacks - The Most Important Tips You Need To Know

For those who suffer from panic attacks, finding a cure for their symptoms may seem like an impossible mission. The truth is there are many treatment options, and some of these are naturally produced in nature and as such do not have the risks that medications often have.

Many people simply do not want to take powerful medications for their anxiety symptoms. Not only are prescription drugs expensive, but they are also known to have side effects which can be very disruptive to the person's life.

Another option is to use natural techniques to manage your anxiety symptoms. The good news is there are many effective methods available that are known to be successful.

One of the easiest natural ways to manage anxiety is through relaxation. It is a known fact that negative thinking can lead to the onset of symptoms. Relaxation methods can help cut off those thoughts before they bloom into panic or anxiety attacks.

A form of relaxation is meditation. When you mediate for five or ten minutes a day, you allow your mind to relax and focus on good thoughts. This technique is especially helpful because it can be performed at any time of day and in virtually any place.

Another natural option is the use of Vitamin B-complex supplements. Vitamin B has long been known to be an effective anti-stress supplement. It helps to keep the nervous system in balance, which is often the cause of anxiety issues.

Herbal Remedies are also an option. Some teas such as Chamomile can help lower anxiety and stress levels. It also produces a calming effect. Also, some herbs can be beneficial as well. Passionflower, Kava, and Valerian can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety.

Many people can benefit by increasing their exercise levels. A few minutes of exercise, each day, can help the person to relax which leads to lower anxiety and stress symptoms.

Many people balk at the use of positive thinking as a method of relaxation but this is a mistake. Positive thinking helps to keep the mind away from negative thoughts which can lead anxiety and stress. Try to focus on the positive rather than the negative and you will find yourself more relaxed.

Some experts suggest that you face your fears head-on as a way of dealing with them. This falls under the category of coping skills and is often best achieved when working with a trained professional.

Psychotherapy is also a natural way to deal with stress. Therapy can be very beneficial and helps people deal with their stress and anxiety issues over the long haul. One reason it is so effective is that it often works on finding the root cause of the problem. Once the cause is known, the person and the therapist can work on solutions and strategies to deal with it.

As you can see, there are many treatment options available for stress and anxiety that do not involve the use of drugs. Some of the above techniques can be self-taught while others require training from a professional. In either case, once you master the techniques that work for you, your life will begin to improve.

Want to learn more about a natural cure for panic attacks? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn essential tips for preventing panic attacks.

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Postpartum Panic Attacks: If You Are Plagued With This Condition Here Are 3 Ways To Deal With It

For many women giving birth is a happy time of their life. For others, however, symptoms of depression and panic attacks can occur so strongly as to drastically affect their lives.

Postpartum disorders occur in one in every eight women, so if this your case, you are clearly not alone.

These symptoms go far beyond the typical baby blues that many mothers experience but rather they are intense feelings of not being able to cope and not feeling like you.

What can these women experience?

These new moms worry about really harming their children. This is a large part of the cause for the anxiety as even picturing harming a child can cause anyone to feel just horrible.

Furthermore, the anxiety of raising a child, because of the feeling of not being adequate to the job, is also a contributing factor.

Such questions as how to provide proper care and nutrients to the child just keep swimming in the postpartum mothers mind.

While this depression and postpartum anxiety continues to rage on the feelings will compound, and the situation will just get worse. This is why it is absolutely crucial to seek help at the very first signs of postpartum depression!

Can Postpartum Panic Attacks Be Helped?

Fortunately, postpartum depression can be reversed, and the anxiety attacks that come with this condition, can also be treated. This is certainly not a new disorder and many Mothers go through the same feelings after giving birth.

So What Are The 3 Ways to Deal with Postpartum Panic Attacks?

1.) The best way to start to deal with postpartum panic attacks, are to recognize them for what they are and to seek out a local support group. Just talking to other mothers can reassure you that you are not going crazy.

Furthermore, these groups help to realize that these feelings do not make you a lousy mother.

2.) Another way to deal with these anxiety attacks is to seek out professional medical care. Now obviously you are nursing so the medications you take will have to be taken into account.

Just using some simple and homeopathic remedies has been proven to help many mothers with postpartum depression. As well as relaxing exercises such as some light Yoga or any other relaxing exercise could be very helpful.

3.) The last way is to seek out cognitive therapy and interpersonal therapy. The way this helps is that cognitive therapy helps to overcome negative perceptions, which can result is a lack of energy and depression.

While interpersonal therapy can overcome immediate and difficult problems also help with difficult transitions such as giving birth.

Is This a Common Condition?

While postpartum depression may not be all that common, it is vitally important that you and your family recognize the symptoms of this disorder. Once you have the ability to spot yourself falling prey to this disease it will be easier to seek out the best treatment.

There should never be any stigma associated with seeking out help when you are facing this difficult situation.

Far too many times tragedy has struck many families because they either did not know about this disease or were unwilling to seek out treatment because of the fear of being judged harshly by others.

Please for your sake and the sake of your new baby, if you ever feel hopeless, depressed or feel like you are having Anxiety Symptoms, find the help you need. Thousands of women have been where you are and come out the other side.

You've had enough by now right?

All you have to do is Go Here Now to see exactly how you can get your Panic Attacks under control fast. Truly it could save your life!

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How To Combat Stage Fright Anxiety

Stage fright affects more people than you might think. The level anxiety one feels when faced with speaking in public varies from person to person, but most experience feelings of anxiety, stress, nervousness, and fear.

For some people the level of stress and fear can become so great that they avoid any type of situation where they may have to be in front of a group of people. As you might imagine, this can cause severe problems for some people.

Before learning ways to combat stage fright anxiety, it is best to know what causes it. Once you understand the underlying root cause, you can begin to work on strategies to fight it.

Generally speaking, the cause of stage fright is based on a fear of failure. This may manifest itself as feelings of being overly judged for their performance. There may be fear of being criticized. There may also be feelings of needing to be perfect which can easily transform into anxiety.

Many of those who suffer from stage fright are able to find suitable techniques to help them deal with their symptoms. It should be noted, that what works for one person may not work for another. For this reason, experiment with different techniques and use the ones that work for you.

One of the first steps to take if you suffer from stage fright is to accept the fact that you have an anxiety disorder. Once you accept the fact that you have a treatable disorder, you can stop blaming yourself for your feelings.

For most people, stage fright begins with a series of small, negative thoughts concerning their performance in front of other people. These small thoughts become larger and larger until they get to the point that the person may be completely blocked from doing what he or she needs to do.

A very good technique to use when faced with the onset of stage fright is breath control. Breathing exercises only take a few moments to complete, and they can bring about very quick results. A positive breathing session will also help to calm the nerves and allow you to focus better.

One good breathing exercise is to inhale slowly through the nose as you count to four. Hold as you do a five count and then slowly exhale through your mouth.

This exercise can be repeated several times or until the symptoms begin to fade. As mentioned above, it only takes a few moments to complete and it does work.

Another useful technique is known as mindfulness. This technique requires the person to be fully aware of their surroundings as well as the feelings that are being felt at the time. It is a way of gauging the internal and the external at the same time in order to deal with the internal feelings in a positive way.

This technique takes time to master. It is often taught by professional health providers or through self-help courses. While it may take longer to master than other techniques, it often provides better, long-lasting results.

Some of the key elements to using mindfulness are to pay attention to what is happening as it happens. This includes both what you see and what you feel. As you gather this information, jot it down so you can study it later on in private. It is also suggested that you verbalize (either out loud or in your head) what you are seeing and feeling.

It does take time and practice to master this technique, but as said earlier, the effort is worth the results you can achieve.

Want to learn more stage fright tips to help combat your anxiety? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and get the social anxiety help you need!

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Panic Away Review - A Great Way to Put Stress Aside

In today's times the stress and anxiety that one has go through on a regular basis takes a toll. It is natural to face problems related to the strain and panic. Such problems are mostly to do with the kind of busy lifestyle one leads which forces them in such highly pressured situations. Problems big or small, are always there to make things worse and this is leading more and more people into the trap of panic and stress, making it hard to avoid. Then again, to get relief from this pressured situation often one takes on to medication; this is not very effective in the long run and also ruins one's health. Through this Panic Away Review one can have a better understanding of the topic.

This problem has given rise to many natural methods like Panic Away program which deals with anxiety in a more effective way. This Panic Away Review will help in shedding some light on the program and how it works. The program deals with all the stress is holistic way. Its products and methods are of great help too. The program is based on the therapy of Cognitive Behavior which is also referred to as "taking therapy" and is known to be very effective in such cases. The program helps to get rid of panic attacks forever, guiding one towards a healthier and peaceful life.

It is vital that the importance of this program is discussed in this Panic Away Review. As told earlier though many people may deny suffering from the ailment, the truth is that over time more and more people are coming under its grasp. Symptoms like palpitations, dizziness, shaking, sweating, breathlessness and the sense of fear are indicators of high stress levels. Through the methods prescribed in this program, the problems of panic, hyper tension and stress can be fixed and cured forever.

Let's now discuss in details, about the program in the Panic Away Review. The program includes some ground breaking methods that have brought relief to millions of sufferers. One such technique is the called the "One Move" which helps to evacuate fear and anxiety from a sufferer's mind. Another big advantage of the program is the fact that it is hundred percent natural and uses no medication in the course of the treatment. Thus, it saves the patient from the ill-effects of prescribed medicines. The process helps to rebuild confidence too, making an individual stronger, mentally. Hope, this article, inspires you to fix your problem of anxiety and stress.

For more on Panic Away Review click this link, http://www.panicawayreview101.com/.

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Identifying and Controlling Severe Anxiety

Anyone who suffers from severe anxiety will already know that their symptoms can, at times, be hellish. Many of those who suffer these severe symptoms will experience chest pain, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, and other frightening symptoms. For those who have severe anxiety attacks a trip to the hospital ER is not uncommon as many of these symptoms mimic heart attacks.

There are reasons these symptoms feel so terrifying. During a severe anxiety attack the body often produces a great deal of adrenaline. This is one of the more powerful stress hormones that we produce naturally. It is the hormone that is produced during times of extreme stress or fear.

When a severe anxiety attack occurs you may feel a sharp or dull pain in your chest. Your heartbeat may increase to the point where it is noticeable and frightening.

You may also encounter problems catching your breath or breathing in general. This is often seen as quick, swallow breaths. Many of those who suffer these attacks are taught to breathe into a paper bag as this can help restore carbon dioxide balance which occurs during hyperventilation.

Many people will also feel dizzy during an attack. This is often the case with those who also have breathing issues during an attack. Also, it is not uncommon to experience upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting.

The sense of feeling as if all is lost or doomed is also a common symptom. These intense feelings can become very powerful in some people and can cause a variety of quality of life issues.

What is important to remember is that these symptoms are phantoms. They cannot hurt you or kill you. It may feel as if they can, but they cannot.

If you have suffered any of the above symptoms, seek medical advice first. Make sure you do not have a real problem with your heart or other part of your body. Tell your doctor about your attacks and listen to their advice.

Once you know that you are otherwise healthy, take some action to fight your anxiety symptoms. Your doctor can help with this as well.

Today, there are many treatment options available for those suffer from severe anxiety attacks. These range from medication to relaxation techniques, with each having its own level of success depending on the person. There are also herbal remedies as well as many self-help programs available. It is possible to control symptoms of severe anxiety!

Want to learn more about symptoms of severe anxiety? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn about the best anxiety natural remedies.

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A Brief History Of Stress

The history of how stress evolved is both interesting and helpful in understanding how your mind deals with internal and external stresses. In fact, the key to understanding negative stress aspects was first pioneered by a physiologist from France, Claude Bernard. His studies emphasized how certain principles regarding equilibrium dynamics could remain steady and constant, both in a situation or state, thus continuing the survival of the internal part of the human body. He showed how external influences within our environment or forces beyond that could upset the fragile balance our internal systems, resulting in reactions to bring about a re-balance. External influences could include outside temperature variations, a lack of or a presence of too much oxygen, a lack of energy, and the existence of predators or other threats, diseases or simple negativity from someone close.

Interestingly, even though this is a brief history of stress, the facts that are revealed show that even science has an explanation for the causes of stress that we feel and the activity that goes on within our minds and bodies as we undergo reactions to stress as a normal part of life and as an effect of living life that in many senses is a protective measure used by our bodies naturally.

The famous neurologist, Walter Cannon, was better known as the scientist who defined the emotional and physical aspects of stress through homeostasis. He pioneered the discovery of the fight or flight response, a reactionary result of stress in both animals and humans. His work showed how the medulla's adrenal gland in the brain released neurotransmitters during such responses. He isolated the 2 neurotransmitters which were being released, including adrenaline (epinephrine) and norephinephrine. His evidence showed definite stress to physiology effects on the body and mind, resulting in varied responses, including hypervigilence, nervousness, an increased heart rate and heightened alertness.

Another expert did some experiments regarding reducing stress, determining how the immune system slowly broke down, ulcers formed in the gastrointestinal system and how the adrenal gland began to enlarge. Giving it a new name, stress syndrome, the scientist concluded that how the body and mind became almost ill to adapt to the stresses was not bad, but a part of a normal and natural process. However, additional observations concluded that though the process of stress adaption was normal, continued stress adaption could cause bodily damage. Sadly, though the positive side of how the mind and body adapts to stressors was finally realized, stress overall was considered from then on as a bad rap.

Whichever way that you view stress, it has its pros and cons, helping mankind survive over the cycle of human evolution, a brief history of stress that is far more useful than you might have once realized. Ironically, though the fight or flight response that we have to stress is normal, the stress effects on us physically and emotionally are so uncomfortable to us that we too easily forget its importance in our very survival. However, even too much of this is not normal and as such as humans we spend our whole lives learning and coping with stress.

Williams Tehoy, an expert in coping with stress, reducing stress and stress effects, for more than 30 years, developed control stress program for home use.

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Social Anxiety and Unemployment

One of the most difficult challenges for people that have social anxiety is getting employment or finding a job that they like. For many, just the fact of going to work and meeting with a boss becomes a nightmare and a very anxious situation.

Social anxiety often stems from a fear of disapproval. Not just from bosses, but also from coworkers, customers, or anyone else that we may need to interact with.

This fear of disapproval can be so strong that we may avoid these situations entirely.

Research has shown that people with social anxiety are more likely to take off from work (for example, calling in sick even when they aren't really sick). They also have higher unemployment rates and are more likely to settle for lower incomes.

Last month the unemployment rate in the U.S. held steady at 9.1%. I wonder how many of those people are unemployed because they are too afraid to step out of their comfort zone and find a job? These psychological causes can often be underrepresented in economic data.

I believe self-esteem is incredibly important to a healthy economy and healthy workers.

People need to feel confident in themselves if they are willing to try new jobs, interact with new people, and adapt to new work environments.

A person with social anxiety will often have difficulties in these areas of life. Their fear of disapproval is often rooted in the belief that they are inadequate. Instead of being judged negatively, they would rather not try at all.

This becomes a vicious cycle. Socially anxious people avoid social situations because they fear rejection from others, but by acting in this way they essentially reject themselves.

If you are socially anxious and it's affecting you from finding a job, here are some tips:

Remember that most people aren't judging you. Most of the time people are too concerned with themselves than to be busy judging you. So don't be too anxious about other people's thoughts - there's a good chance they aren't about you.
Don't expect to please everyone. We all have our fair share of differences, and it's unrealistic to expect us all to get along perfectly. Accept the fact that you're going to mix better with some people over others and don't feel obligated to win everyone over.
Reflect on your positive traits. Focusing on your strengths can be very important in building self-esteem and overcoming social anxiety. We can overcome many insecurities by recognizing skills and talents that distinguish us positively from others. I believe everyone can discover something positive in themselves if they do some honest self-reflection. Try to make a list of 5-7 of your strengths.
Gradually expose yourself to social situations. If you've been unemployed for awhile, you may feel extremely uncomfortable just jumping right into a new job. Try slowly exposing yourself to social situations again by volunteering a couple times a week. This is just one way to hone your social skills outside of a job - it can also be something positive to put on your resume.
Learn to fail forward. Failure is often unavoidable. You aren't going to nail every job interview. And you aren't going to get every raise. The goal isn't to avoid failure, but learn how to take these failures, learn from them, and persist forward. Use them as a source of motivation, not something that makes you quit.

These are some key tips for overcoming social anxiety. For more information check out The Shyness and Social Anxiety System.

Steven Handel is a frequent blogger on psychology and personal development who practices what he preaches. Check out his article on The Social Anxiety System.

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How To Control Your Anxiety

People who suffer from anxiety attacks undergo emotions that most other people cannot imagine. One of the more prevalent emotions they go through is a sense of helplessness as their symptoms begin to take shape. For these people, controlling their anxiety symptoms seems impossible. But, there is hope.

In order to learn how to control your anxiety, you must first understand why your symptoms become so powerful. As you may already know, one negative thought can lead to a series of more negative thoughts. Each one becoming more powerful than the last. Those suffer from anxiety disorders are not as able to dismiss these thoughts as other people are. As the thoughts continue, they move toward a full-blown attack.

One of the more insidious side-effects you may face involves the cycle of thought patterns, as it can be referred to. This means as each thought enters the mind, you may feel helpless to stop the next, and then when the next arrives, the cycle begins. Each new thought giving more power to the following thoughts.

At this point, symptoms often begin to show up. These may include shortness of breath, fast heart rate, sweaty palms, and other symptoms. As the symptoms appear, the internal thought process only increases as well, feeding upon itself, as it were.

Once you understand that this is a cyclic process, you can begin to come up with strategies to stop the cycle before it has a chance to take hold of you. That is the goal of most anxiety treatments.

In terms of stopping the cycle, the earlier you recognize the onset and take steps to break the cycle, the better the results will be. For many people, they wait too long before they attempt to stop the process. Catch it early on and you will have better success of stopping it dead in its tracks.

One of the most important things you can if you suffer from anxiety attacks is to learn the early signs of an attack onset. This may take some time, and you will have to pay close attention to your emotions, but it can be done. Perhaps your attack starts with a subtle feeling of being uneasy. Perhaps, it begins with a feeling of shortness of breath. Whatever your signs are, learn them and be on the lookout for them.

As soon as you feel the first signs of your symptoms coming on, take action. You can control your anxiety! Start by recognizing that these truly are signs and must be respected as such. Then, begin to calm yourself using a variety of relaxation techniques such as breath control.

It is also important to not allow your fear of the anxiety to overwhelm your thoughts. Do not allow the usual negative narrative to formulate in your mind. Instead, you take control and tell the anxiety that you are in charge now. Focus on positive thoughts, use visualization techniques if needed to keep the onslaught of negative thoughts at bay. You can control your anxiety!

Want to learn more about controlling anxiety? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn about the best anxiety treatments!

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What You Need to Know About Teenage Anxiety

Today's teenager is under more stress than ever before. These stress events come in a variety of forms from school to peer pressure and many others. One response to these stressors is anxiety. When anxiety becomes an issue, parents must act.

We all know that it is not uncommon for teenagers to have issues as they grow and learn. This is normal. For some teens, however, their level of anxiety becomes more than average and can affect their daily life. For these teens, they may encounter trouble with their school work; they may have problems making or keeping relationships; and they may avoid social events and activities.

Many of these teens will feel as if they have to be perfect in all areas of their lives. This can lead disappointment as no one is perfect. It can also be a root cause for avoiding certain tasks or activities.

It is important that parents monitor their teenaged children for any of the symptoms that come about with severe anxiety disorders. Teens are at a special time in their lives and their psychological development is just now beginning to form into what they will carry into adulthood.

Parents already know that teens are often less than open with it comes to expressing their feelings or fears. They may not come to the parent when they feel anxious, thinking it a form of weakness. For this reason, parents must be on the lookout for the symptoms of anxiety disorders.

Some of the things to look for include being overly irritable for no apparent reason; trouble sleeping or waking up a lot during the night; problems at school; unexpected mood swings; and depression.

Parents should also be on the lookout for drug or alcohol use as these are often used by anxious teens as a form of self-medication. Use of these substances should always be considered a symptom of anxiety until it is proven to be otherwise. To make matters worse, the use of these substances will actually increase the symptoms of anxiety, thus causing the teen to use them more often or at higher levels.

If you feel your teen is suffering from anxiety above that which is normal, sit down and talk with him or her. Encourage the child to express his feelings, no matter what those feelings are. Do not be judgmental as this may cause the teen to shut down. Let your child know that you care and that as a family you will find treatment options that will work!

Want to learn more about teenage anxiety? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn more about how to beat anxiety.

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Childhood Anxiety Treatment Options

Children can suffer from anxiety issues just as adults do. Their symptoms are somewhat different, and the causes may be slightly different as well, but the bottom line is these children are suffering and need help.

One of the challenges that parents face is recognizing the symptoms. It is no secret that children have issues as a normal part of growing up. Distinguishing between normal reactions and reactions based on anxiety can be difficult.

There are several treatment options that parents can consider once they have a professional diagnosis that their child has an anxiety disorder. These options are based on two broad categories: counseling and medication.

Under counseling, children with anxiety may benefit from psychotherapy. This type of treatment can help the child to learn coping skills in order for them to be less critical of themselves. For many children, they feel as if they have to be perfect in all things. This, of course, is impossible.

Because they feel they have to be perfect, children may avoid taking part in certain activities that they fear they may not excel in such as sports. Through psychotherapy, they can learn to be less severe on themselves.

Another counseling option is called Cognitive Behavioral-Therapy or CBT. This type of counseling is considered effective for children with anxiety disorders. It is most effective when taught by a trained professional. The goal is help the child to recognize when they are becoming worried or anxious and to then use the tools and skills taught to them to deal with their feelings in a positive manner.

In addition, school counseling can prove to be very helpful. This type of counseling can help children whose anxiety is school-performance based. Counselors at school can help children work through the specific issues that come about at school, including stress about grades and relationships with peers.

In terms of medications, children with severe symptoms may benefit from drug therapy. Drug therapy should never be started without first consulting with a professional health provider. Child psychiatrist specialize in prescribing medications for children, who have unique needs compared to adults.

For many children, antidepressant medications, such as Zoloft, Celexa, or Lexapro can be effective for anxiety. These drugs regulate certain types of chemistry within the brain.

In addition to medication and counseling, parents can also help their children by reassuring them and presenting a calm environment within the home. Parents can also teach their children relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises which are known to be effective in most children.

It's important for parents to help their children work through the anxiety, because children will often model the anxiety of their parents. The more a parent displays a calm demeanor, the more the child will have a good role model for how to approach their own anxiety.

Want to learn more about anxiety in children treatment? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn about anxiety symptoms in children and what to do about them.

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder In Children

A few weeks ago I knew I was in for it. I left talk radio on as my ten year old and I were on our way to grandma's house. It seemed like a harmless enough story about the discovery of water on the moon. I've learned to tune away quickly from stories about global climate change, swine flu and war, but this didn't seem like a dangerous topic. I mean it's not even about something on this world!

But then one of scientists happened to mention in passing that knowing which planets might have water might be useful since our planet only had a limited time to exist. "Or, in case one of those world destroying comets happens to be spotted heading our way," the moderator joked. And right then I knew I was in for it.

You see I'm the father of a ten year old with GAD: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. So for the next three weeks I was bombarded by questions about how long the Earth had to live. How would we get off of Earth when the comet came? Could we survive in space? Would Grandma be able to go on the space ship too, even though she smokes? How would we know if a comet or meteorite was headed our way? Could we stop it somehow from hitting the Earth? Etc. Etc.

When you live with generalized anxiety disorder in children you get used to spending hours putting out fires like this. It doesn't take much to get them going. This hyperactive worrying is really the main part of generalized anxiety disorder in children but here are some of the other typical symptoms to watch out for if you think your kid might have GAD:

Stomachaches and Headaches

Children with generalized anxiety disorder literally worry themselves sick. They often, especially on school days, complain of stomachaches. Because school is the focus of most kids' lives, GAD children worry about the things that happen there: will they make friends, keep friends, do well on tests, do well in sports, etc. My kid is on a first name basis with the school nurse-Rosie if you're wondering-and his stomachaches tend to happen on Sunday nights because school starts the next day, and on Thursdays, because Fridays are test days. It's like clockwork.

Trouble Sleeping

Insomnia is another problem that is worst on Sundays and Thursdays but it is pretty much a problem every night. A barking dog, the creak of the house, the wind blowing on the gate outside, a screeching car-any of those are enough to keep him awake. It is not unusual for me to see the light on in his room and come in to find him awake and doing nothing in particular. I used to not believe him when he said he never sleeps but now I know the truth about this slight exaggeration.

Irritability and Hyperactivity

Finally, anxiety disorder children are always seemingly wound up and tend to be very testy. This is partly because they are tired from not sleeping but also because worrying about everything, as we adults well know, can really wear you down. It's like when you are working on a big project that you are barely keeping up with. Everything seems more irritating and you are much more likely to lash out at the smallest of triggers. They are like this all the time.

If these symptoms seem to describe one of your children then you should know that there are treatments for anxiety disorder children. Although this is a condition that is likely to be with them for their whole lives, there are techniques you can learn that will help them to cope with their conditions. So don't despair. Learn more about anxiety disorders and how to treat them.

Tom Tait is focused on helping those with panic attacks. Here is more information on Anxiety Stress Disorder. There is even more information about Panic Attacks on the website Panic Attacks.

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