Your Guide to Panic Attacks

Some people anticipate panic attacks, while others feel tsunami stricken quite out of the blue. Panic attacks seem to appear in a life context when the person has difficulties coping with reality. The extremely anxious episode is sometimes a symptom of anxiety disorders. This is why in medical literature, panic attacks are discussed in the context of panic disorders. Yet, one panic attack is not enough for the diagnosis of a mental health problem.

The anticipatory thinking pattern with the constant fear of panic anxiety attack recurrence usually leads to more such episodes. Lots of people start to avoid the situations that trigger the feat of panic, but instead of helping, this evasive strategy actually deepens the problem. The therapeutic approach to panic anxiety attacks usually aims at breaking the vicious cycle of fear, training the mind into a different thinking pattern that takes the individual away from anxiety.

The correct identification of the triggers that cause panic anxiety attacks, a deeper understanding of the mind mechanisms and the effort to keep negative thoughts under control lead to an efficient approach to the treatment of panic disorders. As part of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the patient learns to recognize a phobic situation and control the upsurge of adrenaline that derives from it. This is possible by breathing techniques accompanied by visualization, mindfulness, self-talk and other soothing methods.

It is of paramount importance to get an accurate diagnosis for panic anxiety attacks. In lots of cases, the panic attack sufferer thinks that he/she is having a heart attack, and there is pressing fear that death is coming. Fear of death, of losing control and collapsing is mixed with an imperative urge to escape from the situation responsible for the panic episode. Numerous symptoms, physical, psychological and cognitive accompany panic attacks, and the sensations are so intense that the person cannot express the way he/she feels.

Panic anxiety attacks usually last between five and ten minutes, yet, in very severe cases there may be ups and downs over several hours. It is important to seek medical help immediately, and turn to therapy even if you've suffered from just one panic attack.

Getting correctly diagnosed and starting treatment represent the only way of successfully preventing panic attacks from happening again. Without help, your fear of yet another attack will become a trigger for more and more such episodes. You need to find the strength in you to go to therapy for as long as necessary so that you recover completely and for good.

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