Beat Panic Disorder And Live A Better Life

Those who suffer from panic attacks understand the need to find a way to beat panic disorder and move on with life. A panic attack is an episode of fear that can last for several minutes. These attacks make a person fear disaster or loss of control even if no danger is present. There may also be a strong physical reaction during this time that brings on the feelings of a heart attack. Panic attacks can come on at any time and many people who suffer from this disorder will worry about future attacks. Many people who suffer from this type of disorder will feel embarrassed or ashamed because they can not do simple things like going shopping or driving a car. These attacks often start when a person is in their late teens or early 20s. Females are more likely to have panic and anxiety disorders. However, not everyone who has panic attacks has a disorder.

Before finding a way to beat panic disorder, it is essential to identify the signs and symptoms. Those who suffer from a panic and anxiety will suddenly feel attacked by fear, feel out of control, and have an intense fear about the timing of the next episode. Physical symptoms include a racing heart, severe sweating, problems breathing, dizziness, chest and stomach pain, and a numbing sensation in the hands.

Panic disorders may be genetic, but there is no known reasons why certain people are more susceptible than others. Science has found that many sections of the brain are included in fear and anxiety. When researchers get the opportunity to learn more about this connection, better treatments may be able to be developed.

When a person feels as though they have a panic disorder, they should speak with a doctor. A medical professional will be able to test to make sure that there is no other physical problems. If there is not, a mental health specialist maybe recommended. The main ways to treat a panic disorder is through psychotherapy, medicine, or a combination of the two.

Psychotherapy is also called cognitive behavior therapy and is extremely effective in treating a panic disorder. This therapy teaches a person new methods of thinking, behaving, and reacting to situations that make them less fearful or anxious. For example, some people benefit from exposure therapy. During this treatment, a person is exposed to the physical feelings of panic in a controlled environment. This gives the opportunity to learn better ways to cope. With each exposure, a person should become less afraid and gain a higher sense of control over the situation.

Doctors also can prescribe special medications to help end panic disorders. The most widely used drugs are usually antidepressants and anti anxiety medications. There is a great variety to choose from and they are quite powerful. Anti anxiety medicines usually begin to work immediately, but must not be used for long periods of time. On the other hand, antidepressants may take weeks to work. They may bring on negative side effects like nausea, headaches, or troubles with sleep. Antidepressants are usually safe for most people, but recently there have been issues among children and young adults. Labels now warn that antidepressants may cause suicidal thoughts within this group of people.

Learning how to beat panic disorder is the first step in regaining a more normal life. Besides medication, breathing and relaxation techniques may be very helpful in avoiding the terrible attacks.

Jessie is a young woman from Australia who managed to beat panic disorder, and create a blog to help others who are struggling to beat this terrible condition.

You can follow Jessie's writings at

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Dealing With Anxiety Effectively

Many people today deal with the common issue of anxiety. Anxiety can be caused by many different things in life and can seem difficult to cope with. There are ways that anxiety can be dealt with, though. Using certain tactics, you can learn how to cope with your anxiety. You may even be able to minimize your anxiety as a whole. As you read the tips on coping with your anxiety, you will learn to worry less about things. You will be happy with the end result, which is a less stressful life.

Analyze the Cause of Your Anxiety - Once you analyze what is causing your anxiety, it will be easier for you to deal with. If your work stresses you out, take a break every so often. If it's certain people or other situations, take breaks from those people or situation. Whatever it is, a break is necessary to minimize your anxiety.

Become More Social - When you close yourself off and are alone most of the time, your anxiety can be by far worse. This is because you are alone with nothing but time on your hands to worry about everything under the sun. So, become more social and get out of the house to take your mind off of things.

Find an Outlet - People who suffer from anxiety generally need an outlet to help them cope. For some people this is a journal and for others it may be working out. You just need to find something that works for you. Whatever it is, do it religiously if it helps to minimize your anxiety levels.

Confide in Someone - Sometimes when your anxiety is through the room, talking to someone is all you need. So, find someone who you trust and who is willing to listen to you. See if they're willing to set aside some time each week to talk to you. This can be a family member, a friend, or even a professional counselor.

Find Something to Calm You - This may sound easier said than done, but everyone has something that calms them. This can be a bubble bath, relaxing music, or the scent of a certain candle. It doesn't matter what it is or how silly it sounds. Whatever it is, do it once a day.

Most people with anxiety need a schedule of things to minimize their anxiety. So, finding an outlet you do a few times a week, someone you talk to once a week, and something that calms you once a day can really bring down your anxiety a lot. When you throw getting out of the house and take a break from your stressors into the mix, you're good to go.

Danny Hawkins has more than 15 years of experience in psychology, and is very insightful on dealing with anxiety. In his free time he enjoys reading, watching movies, and being outdoors.

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Panic Attack Treatment - Don't Let Panic Attacks Ruin Your Life

Are you looking for a reliable method of panic attack treatment because these attacks are holding your life ransom? These attack scan be very debilitating because they come on with hardly any warning and can take place anywhere, at home or outside. You can get one when you are about running errands or are in certain social situations. Many people actually believe they are having a heart attack instead. Considering that these attacks last for 20 to 30 minutes and can sometimes take as long as an hour to get over, you need to find an effective way to treat them so that you can bring your life back to normal.

You will be happy to know that panic attack treatment is well within your reach and that most people respond very well to them. Medications are not generally advised except to alleviate the symptoms on a temporary basis or if the attacks are very severe. The problem with psychiatric medications is that they tend to have many negative side effects and also that they mostly lead to addictions. Besides, medicines should always be used in conjunction with other methods of treatment.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very effective treatment for panic attack treatment since it encourages you to view your fear in an objective manner. If you understand what is causing the fear then you will be able to deal with it better and also avoid situations that lead to the panic attacks. Doctors and mental health professionals believe that demystifying fears have a major role in making them go away.

You might even be required to go through exposure therapy in order to learn how to control your fears better. You might be made to experience the physical sensations of panic but in a safe environment. This will help you learn how to deal with them on your own. When you do get a panic or anxiety attack the next time, you will be able to use these coping skills to control the attack on your own.

Your panic attack treatment has a greater chance of being successful if you eliminate all artificial stimulants from your diet. These include tobacco and caffeine. You will find caffeine in most energy drinks and sodas and not just in a cup of coffee. Stay away from diet pills as well because they contain lots of caffeine. You should also practice yoga, tai chi or medication as another form of panic attack treatment.

Find out about the most effective methods of panic attack treatment. You can get freedom from panic without having to rely on psychiatric medications.

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Dealing With Panic Attacks - Advice That Is Certain To Help

Are you dealing with panic attacks? Do not let these attacks rule your life by reducing your self-esteem. Dealing with panic attacks by learning these successful management techniques is essential. Within the following article, you'll be given guidance that will assist with managing these attacks so that you are able to have a much more enjoyable life.

Be conscious of how you're breathing when you are experiencing an attack. Rapid breathing ought to be slowed down to manage any attack. The severity and duration of the attack can be reduced by getting your breathing under control. So, take slow, deep breaths. These are the most effective method for dealing with panic attacks.

Identifying the signs and symptoms of one's particular attacks is the 1st step to ridding yourself of them. Once you have identified the signs, you can detect the onset in the attack. This will prevent you from "freaking out" by taking lots of the fear and anxiety out of your attacks.

Here are a few tips for dealing with panic attacks:

1. Use the energy from your adrenaline surge to complete some daily tasks, like housecleaning, laundry or home de-cluttering. This may let you release the pent-up energy, as well as your organization efforts might divert future attacks.

2. Get a full night's sleep every night. A tired body leads to a restless mind and increases the possibility of an attack. Be sure to consult your doctor if you have issues sleeping.

3. Search the internet for local assistance groups. Chatting with other people who have similar symptoms can provide useful information which you can use, and also give you an opportunity to locate emotional assistance from other people who suffer from anxiety attacks. Also, therapy can be a big help. Treatment from a professional can be very beneficial to those suffering from anxiety attacks. Before you make an appointment, be sure to research licensed professionals online. You'll be able to choose a professional who is experienced in helping people who are dealing with panic attacks.

4. If you feel an episode coming on, splash water on your face. This can tell your brain to calm down.

5. Exercises can help. Stretch your facial muscles and move your head from side to side. Then, make circles both backward and forward with your shoulders. Pull your shoulders up to your ears and drop them. This can reduce the tension in your back. These simple exercises can relieve tension when dealing with panic attacks.

6. Use breathing techniques. Breathe deeply and consciously. Breathe in and then exhale slowly, as a way to stay calm. Breathing techniques work because they increase circulation to your brain and help to keep you relaxed and focused.

Perhaps your anxiety attacks are brought on by a medical condition. There are lots of instances where these attacks are diagnosed as symptom of a deeper condition. As soon as these underlying circumstances are addressed, the frequency and intensity of the attacks are reduced.

Throughout an attack, the worst thing you can do is permit the symptoms to get the very best of you. You are capable of dealing with panic attacks. Just follow the steps above. The attack will pass.

Consciously, dealing with panic attacks can help to end them sooner.

This article has shown you ways in which you can successfully manage your attacks. By applying these ideas, your self-confidence will increase and you will be better able to appreciate daily living. These attacks are typical problems for many people, but they can be less of an influence on your daily life.

Do you want help dealing with panic attacks?

Learn more tips for dealing with panic attacks. Stop by JC Dawkins' site where you can find her tips and strategies to Stay Motivated in your online home business, featuring Freedom Freeda.

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Help For Anxiety

Anxiety can be a very debilitating condition for many people. Approximately 40 million adults are affected by an anxiety disorder. Over 42 billion dollars are spent annually by the United States to treat anxiety. The causes of anxiety conditions vary from individual to individual. Some of the common causes include chemical imbalances, genetic predisposition, traumatic life events and personality type. The condition is highly treatable with medication prescribed by a physician. However, there are also numerous other changes in diet and lifestyle that can help alleviate the condition. These milder forms of anxiety can often be lessened with positive lifestyle changes.

Control Worry: Worrying is a natural part of life. There are appropriate times to worry. If you have a reasonable concern that needs to be resolved quickly, sometimes a little worrying can motivate you into solving the issue. However, when worry becomes chronic and consumes your day, it is a problem. People who have anxiety often develop irrational levels of worry. They will imagine the worst possible scenarios. This becomes a drain on their physical and mental well being. Sleep can become difficult and anxiety levels will increase. There are ways to control your worrying if you wish to alleviate your anxiety.

First you need to understand yourself better. What is it that makes it so hard for you to stop worrying? Often anxiety makes a person rationalize that worrying will help them find the solution to their problem. It is a self destructive cycle that makes it hard to stop for fear that the problem will never go away. There is a level of needing to control every aspect of one's life when worry is so persistent. There are several cognitive methods you can use to help you get the worrying under control. Schedule worry time: Choose a specific time of the day that you will set aside to actually "worry" about whatever is bothering you. During this worry time which should be no more than 20-30 minutes, think about what's concerning you. Try to find solutions that are reasonable. Do not worry at other times of the day. If you find yourself doing so, remind yourself that you have a scheduled worry time to analyze these concerns. Soon you will automatically begin to worry less as you retrain your thought process in more productive and constructive ways. You will more than likely find resolutions to many of your problems this way.

Uncertainty is part of life: When you accept this truth of life, you can begin to ease your anxiety about needing to control everything. Most people with anxiety have a difficult time dealing with anything that is unpredictable in their lives. They seem to believe that worrying will help them to prevent anything out of the ordinary from occurring. This type of behavior leads to anxiety. You cannot enjoy living in the present because you are always worried about what might happen. Challenge Yourself: To help combat this behavior you can ask yourself questions. Identify what thoughts are causing you to feel fear. Ask yourself if there is a better way to look at this particular problem. How would you advise a friend who may have a similar problem? Is that how you are handling the problem yourself? These self help type questions will help you to identify patterns you may have developed in your thought process. These patterns can be changed with consistent effort on your part to develop more positive thinking.

Thought patterns that create anxiety: Certain thought patterns can contribute to anxiety. Over Generalizing: For example, let's say you did not get accepted into the university that you applied for. You criticize yourself. You believe you aren't intelligent and college is now out of the question. This is an example of over generalization. This is an "all or nothing" type approach to life and is very unhealthy. Life really is not black and white. There are many shades in between. Learn to not be so critical of yourself.

Live in The Present: When you worry you are concerned about the outcome of a future event. You can practice living in the present by first acknowledging these thoughts and feelings. Try to remain objective, like an observer and do not judge the behavior. Then try to relax and let the worries pass through your mind, visualizing them moving away from your mind. While doing this stay focused on the present moment, on your breathing, etc. This will help keep your mind focused in the present. This type of exercise can teach you to live more fully in the moment.

Good Support System: When you are dealing with anxiety you must be careful to associate with positive people who are not anxious as you are. Human behavior can be greatly influenced by those we surround ourselves with. Think about times that your mood was affected by the mood and behavior of others. Negative behavior creates tension in the environment. Of course we cannot always control our environment. Learn to set boundaries in relationships that are important to you but that may be emotionally draining. Find activities you are interested in and join local groups that participate in them. For example, you can join various sport clubs, reading, art or music appreciation associations. Finding people with similar interests is a positive experience and will help you to reinforce behavior that is not anxiety based. Anxiety can be a very serious problem. But clearly there are many ways to lessen the anxiety you may be experiencing through positive lifestyle changes. Remember whenever beginning any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with a medical professional, particularly if you are taking prescription drugs or suffer from any disease or ailment.

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If you would like more information regarding the treatments available at The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California, please call 805-962-2126 or toll free at 888-374-7735. And please visit the website at:

Tina C. Loren

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Basic Guide To Understanding The Available Panic Attack Treatments

A panic attack poses threat to anyone. It could happen to any age group, gender, at no specific time of the day. If untreated in its early stage, the frequency of occurrence increases. Now it's important to know what causes the problem, the symptoms and what you can do when the signs become inherent. Its physical manifestation is often a sympathetic nervous system (SNS) response and must not be ignored by being aware of different options to panic attack treatments. The first thing to note are initial signs showing on the person experiencing it. Some of the observations you have to look after are uneasiness, isolation behavior or sudden unreasonable fear. Symptoms become intense after a few minutes. This may include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, nausea, chest pains, shaking, feeling of being choked, fear of losing their mind, being out of touch to reality, etc. Although panic attack is not always associated to psychological disorder, this could be a common indication though of anxiety problem.

To understand the type of panic attack treatments to use, whether it is long or short term, the cause should be first examined. Some panic attacks may be hereditary in nature. There's a probability of acquiring it if the problem runs in the family. Panic and anxiety could also be initial signs of phobia. Other causing factors are parasitic infections, withdrawal signs from an addiction, temporary effects of antidepressant medications on its first use, result of too much caffeine taken, or a response to an overstressed environment.

When someone is observed to be showing signs, a psychological specialist should be consulted to get a pre assessment of the condition. The specialist would be able to tell based on the results and depending on the seriousness of the problem, the best panic attack treatments to advise. The treatment is either psychological therapeutic in nature or that requiring medications. If the panic attack comes so sudden and the person has difficulty breathing, the initial aid to panic attack treatments is to calm down and practice breathing exercise. By focusing on it, you are not only gearing away from whatever is causing the stress but also stabilizes the heart rate.

Basically, everyone has tendencies to be burn out by different forms of stress, mostly from problems encountered at work, family dealings, or relationships. If not managed properly, this could lead to anxiety problems and in time panic attack. Change in lifestyle helps. Healthy diet, regular exercise, meditation or sports condition your mind and body, thus putting you into the right perspective when encountering difficulties.

If you are going through a withdrawal syndrome as a consequence of major addiction as nicotine or drugs, you can get recommendations from a specialist on how to subside that body response. If panic attack is a result of anxiety or psychological disorder, psychotherapy is often required usually suggesting behavioral and cognitive therapies. In some cases, specific medication might be required depending on the severity of the condition. If you're unable to calm the person at one point and continuously experiencing chest pains or shortness of breath, the condition could lead to cardiac arrest. There are medicines approved by US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) such as sertraline, venlafaxine, lorazepan, duloxetinxe, etc. You have to realize though that you cannot just irresponsibly take any pills without recommendations from your doctor. Without pretest and knowledge of those medicines, it could trigger the symptoms more than cure.

Appropriate panic attack treatments cannot be ignored and should always come from a specialist who has professional experience as far as providing medical solutions. Other than that, it would greatly help to get support from your families and friends who care more and understand what you're going through.

Jessie is a young woman from Australia who managed to overcome panic and anxiety disorders by finding the right Panic Attack treatments. As a result, Jessie decided to create a blog to help others who are struggling to beat this terrible condition.

You can follow more of Jessie's writings at

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Self Help for Social Anxiety Disorder

There had been many drugs and lab-made medication out there that claim to help alleviate social anxiety and other anxiety disorder, but few ever step up to full recovery. Much like drug addictions, anxiety disorders can come back and haunt you if you don't take careful steps in preventing it or completely overcoming it. In most cases of anxiety disorders, a select few of medications truly work but self help for social anxiety disorder is slowly proving to be more effective means in treating these types of disorders without having to resort to heavy medical measures.

Shyness in Relation to SAD

Is shyness related to social disorder? Well, shyness can be a symptom of social anxiety disorders, but they are categorized as such in its more severe cases. Simple shyness is attributed to a common feeling of awkwardness in a given environment, but SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) cases tend to be more extreme in this case. The person exhibits physical manifestations caused by panic such as increased palpitation and nausea to this effect. People who have this anxiety do have shyness since they will do everything in their power to avoid social contact of any kind depending on the severity of their situation. This dissociative behavior exists within them so as to maintain their sanity much like how your brain tells your hand to get itself away from stove in order not to get burned.

Diagnosing SAD

It can be determined fairly easily, but it's safer to take him or her to a therapist or licensed psychologist in order to get a more thorough diagnosis. Untreated symptoms of this disorder might even result in alcoholism or even substance abuse as coping substances. Since treatment varies greatly on how early the stages of the anxiety are, getting a proper diagnosis as early as possible can greatly help the person recover as soon as possible.

Possibility of Treatment

Unlike more severe variations of anxiety medical conditions, social anxiety has a possibility of being overcome. Since all that's need to be done is to re-establish that person's comfort zone when it comes to social situations, all it takes is a slow reintegration into social circles without scarring the person suffering from social anxiety. Self help for anxiety disorder can even be done in milder stages to calm him or her down without having to resort to heavier forms of medical treatment. It is tough when you don't understand what you're going against.

Check the link below to get to know about this disorder and ways on how to fight it on your way to overcome social anxiety to live a life filled with love, laughter and freindship - without fear.

Self Help Social Anxiety Disorder

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How To Beat Panic Disorder In The Short And Long Term

Do you know what it takes to beat panic disorder? I'm not talking about short term relief, but long term relief so that you can go on living a great life, happy and content free of panic and anxiety. If you don't, then you are in the right place, because that is exactly what I plan to cover with you today, if you are willing to listen.

Understanding Anxiety

Without going too much into specifics, Anxiety and Panic Attacks are related to feelings of worry or uncertainty that trigger a release of adrenaline into your blood system, and cause a feeling of extreme fear. Whilst many people around the world actually thrive on the feeling that you get when adrenaline begins to flow through your blood stream, when it is due to a feeling of fear, generally this causes what is referred to as being a "fight or flight" mechanism.

Controlling Anxiety

Although it is very easy to say that to beat panic disorder you need to simply control the thoughts that cause adrenaline to be released into your blood system, most anxiety sufferers simply do not realize exactly what feelings are causing their attacks. Even in instances where a sufferer is aware of what thoughts cause panic and anxiety, often these very thoughts are extremely hard to face.

The key in most instances is to be able to find a way to keep calm when ever you have an attack using short-term relief methods such as slow deep breathing. Based on good advice from a qualified GP or Psychologist, you may also rely on medication to initiate calm as well. Once you have calm, you will have a greater level of control over your thoughts, and will be able to understand them much better.

How To Beat Panic Disorder

The key when it comes to getting past panic and anxiety long term is to understand that the very thoughts and emotions that cause panic are just thoughts, and can't hurt you or endanger your life. This can be difficult, as often we have little or no control over how these thoughts can affect things such as the release of adrenaline into our blood stream, which certainly makes things a little more difficult. The key at the end of the day is to try and initiate calm, so that you can be with your thoughts, interpret them, and understand them better.

You then need to understand that all thoughts that are negative or initiate fear are fueled by our current circumstances. This is where the ideal way to beat panic disorder is to initiate life change. Only you will understand what changes need to be made in your life, I can not advise you of this, as all situations are different with all sufferers.

Many millions of people over the world currently suffer with anxiety and panic, and whilst many of them manage to beat panic disorder, many others have a great deal of trouble regardless of the amount of advice they receive. This is a serious situation to be in, so please do not discount the importance of speaking to your doctor, so that you can get the best help possible at the end of the day.

Jessie Artisan is a recovering Anxiety and Panic sufferer from Australia, and the author of the Beat Panic Disorder blog, where she discusses her ordeal and methods to recovery.

Be sure to drop by sometime and visit

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5 Minutes of Breathing for Relaxation at Work

Do you ever wish you could truly relax for just a few minutes at work? Deep breathing for relaxation will give you a method to let go of stress anytime, day or night. If you can get just 5 minutes of breathing for relaxation at work you can completely re-energize your entire body and mind with this technique. You may think that you just don't have time to stop unwind, and relax, but all you need is 5 minutes to restart. Fortunately for us, focused and deep breathing is one of the best techniques for quickly letting go of anxiety and stress.

1. Just sit up straight, or stand up, or lie down. Place both of your hands on your abdomen, down around your belly button.

2. Now breathe in while you are mentally counting to 5. As you breathe in force your stomach out, as much as possible. Feel your stomach protruding out and enlarging. Think of yourself as breathing into your stomach when you practice.

3. Now breathe out for the same count of 5. As you breathe out pull your stomach in, and go to the same extremes you did when you inhaled. Force your stomach in to your backbone and under your rib cage as far as possible, causing a complete exhalation of the air from your lungs. Continue to count to 5 on the inhalation and exhalation, as you feel your hands moving with your stomach. For added stress relief and relaxation try holding your breath for a count of 5 while your lungs are full of air, before slowly and completely exhaling.

When you do this exercise for about 5 minutes, you will feel the tension and stress leave your body as you relax. This technique helps you get enough oxygen into your body, get all of the stale air out of your lungs, and still your mind. As you concentrate on your hands, your body, and your breath your mind naturally becomes centered and brings you back to the present moment. If you are concentrating on these things your mind can't possibly be concerning itself with the past, or fortune telling about the future. When you find yourself in the moment you will realize that there is no worry or no fear. Not in the moment, those are only in the past and the future. You will be amazed at the difference in your day, and your attitude, when you take just a few minutes and use breathing for relaxation.

Breathing for relaxation is just one of many techniques we bring our readers with new articles everyday to deal with stress and anxiety. Go now to Natural Cure For and get your FREE copy of Stress and Your Health and learn 12 methods to reduce your stress.

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Looking for Peace and Relaxation? Try Mediation

In today's fast-paced world, where everything whizzes by at breakneck speed, we find ourselves becoming more stressed, lives are becoming more chaotic. What we really want is a peace of mind, and be able to relax. Yet, we never seem to be able to achieve this blissful state, do we? We take off to other destinations for yearly vacations in seeking that peace we so desire, only to find we're more exhausted and stressed out by the time the week is over.

Meditation is proven to help bring you to a deep inner state of relaxation and peace. Ten million Americans use this practice on a regular basis. A lot of people think that they don't have any time in their day, this is one of the biggest reasons meditation is avoided. It only takes 10-15 minutes of your time a day to achieve the benefits of this mental activity. Surely, there is a period of your day that you can find that time to take your mind off the cares of the world.

Incorporating this practice into your daily routine can reduce the inner noises and distractions that accumulate from all the outer noise such as TV, radio, etc. With meditation you can activate a part of your brain that is dormant, the underlying cause to many emotional and physical problems we face.

Through this practice, you can identify the positive and negative thoughts, eliminating the negative ones and cultivating the positive ones. When you can train your mind to be more peaceful and quiet, you will find more happiness in daily life, even in adverse conditions.

Through regular meditation you will find that it reduces stress and you'll find you can relax easier. You can break free from phobias and behavior problems such as addictions, like overeating or drug use, even sleep problems. You'll find you have more energy to get you through your day. Having a more positive mind creates, within you actions that are more wholesome, and your overall life will be more satisfying.

Meditation does not have to be a complicated at all. All it takes is to getting somewhere where you have no distractions. You can either sit in a straight posture, or lie down, as long as you are comfortable. Close out the rest of the world, and pay attention to the thoughts that are filtering through your mind, and breathe deeply. Observe the thoughts, negative or positive. Adjust your thinking toward the positive. Meditation helps improve concentration, clarity of vision, awareness, and brings you to a calm, peaceful state of mind.

You can also add what is called, binaural or trypnaural to your daily meditations as well. Sound can alter the brain-wave state, when there is rhythm to it. This is the reason Indian tribes, during their rituals, use special drumming techniques. Any way you make meditation work for you, you are boosting your health in a natural, side effect-free way.

MyReviewsNow offers information regarding meditation. To learn more about meditation, visit our website at

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Learn How To Stop Anxiety Attacks So That You Can Enjoy A Happier Life

If you are one of the 40 million Americans diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, chances are that you want nothing more than to find out how to stop anxiety attacks and live a normal life. Every person should be able to live a happy life without the haunting fear of being humiliated in public by these terrible attacks. First of all, you should understand that you are not the only one dealing with this awful malady, but there are millions out there who are also experiencing this struggle themselves. Anxiety disorders can affect people of all races, genders and ages, including children. The good news however is that there are treatments available that can help you stop anxiety attacks and get rid of the symptoms associated with them.

Medical therapists and doctors describe anxiety as a group or cluster or afflictions that are related to one another. Since it is not just about a single affliction or disorder, it is more difficult to diagnose a precise form of anxiety and prescribe the right treatment. Another thing that you should understand is that anxiety attacks are not just psychological, but physical causes and symptoms are involved too, which makes it even more confusing to the doctors or technicians trying to make the diagnosis.

While some treatments are focused on treating the anxiety symptoms, others are focused on discovering what the actual source of the anxiety is. This is the only way to break this cycle, as it is required to first get rid of the fear of the next possible attack in order to be cured. The treatments should be merged and combined with combating the anxiety physical symptoms as well. This is because these symptoms are interfering with your normal lifestyle, so medication like antidepressants or beta blockers may be needed to relieve them. Such medication should be used in conjunction with other types of treatment that are focused on finding the cure rather than simply keeping the symptoms under control.

Never forget that the final goal is to stop anxiety attacks for good, not just delay them by taking medication. For this reason, some anxiety therapists will also practice different natural remedies such as breathing exercises and muscle relaxation exercises. Herbal teas and other relaxants like chamomile, lavender may also help towards curing anxiety. In addition, keep in mind that you should do your part by exercising regularly, drinking plenty of water and eating as healthy as possible, knowing that unhealthy habits may contribute to your disorder too. On the other hand, a healthy functioning of your brain will produce the right moods and attitudes.

Other treatments that have proven to be effective in stopping the anxiety attacks are talk therapy or psychotherapy, which are focused on rooting out from your past, leaving behind the source that triggers your anxiety. Alternative treatments include hypnosis techniques, yoga practicing, and special exercise programs and breathing techniques. As long as you follow your therapist's advice thoroughly and you stay on the track, there are no reasons why you could not get back to the normal lifestyle you once had. Now you know how to stop anxiety attacks, and all you need is willing to leave them behind and learn how to live happily again. You do not need to suffer any longer, because anxiety attacks can be stopped, not just managed.

Allow me to teach you how to stop anxiety attacks today, so that you can enjoy your life, burden free, and without fear.

I, much like you, have been there and experienced the highs and very deep lows of suffering from Anxiety, and I am here to help you get to a better place. Start today at

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Learn How To Reduce Anxious Thoughts

If you want to find out how to lower anxiety it's worthwhile taking a couple of minutes to really understand exactly how our brains works when we are stressed as it is the reaction that causes anxiety and an anxiety disorder.

Understanding anxiety and the effect it has on our brain is the first step towards reducing anxiety or curing it.

Man has evolved a long way since primitive man. The brains of our ancestors were completely different to modern man's and yet we also have a lot in common with our ancestors.

Think of your brain as being in two halves. The best way to describe this is to think about the two halves is as a primitive brain and a civilised brain. The inner part of our brain is known as the Limbic system. In our caveman ancestors this part of the brain made up a larger proportion of the brain than with modern man.

Contained within the limbic system is a small part of the brain called the Amygdala. This is the part of our brain that is responsible for our instinctive reactions to things including our instinctive response to being threatened or frightened. This part of the brain contains all the instinctive, reflex actions that we make without thinking. These are the reactions that helped our ancestors to remain alive.

Whenever they experienced fear they reacted instinctively with the flight or fight response. Thousands of years of evolution have perfected our response to danger. Any of our ancestors that reacted the quickest to a threat, survived. The slowest didn't!

If you feel a rush of adrenaline in answer to a situation you have nature to thank or curse. You can't help it. You have been programmed by centuries of evolution.

When we are threatened and when we feel frightened it is the primitive, basic piece of the brain that engages on autopilot.

Scroll forward several thousand years and we have evolved. The frontal lobes of our brain have developed to be much bigger. This is the section of the brain that is responsible for rational thinking, the piece of the brain that stops us reacting in an instinctive manner and allows us to make reasoned decisions. Unfortunately, whenever we feel frightened or anxious the Amygdala over-rides the rational part of our brain and we start to react in an instinctive basic way which leads to all the anxiety symptoms that we experience.

To deal with anxiety properly you need to start to use the rational side of your brain, the part of your brain that will allow you to reason and decide whether or not the perceived threat is real or not.

Most of the threats in modern day living are not a real threat. Things are unlikely to hurt us in the work situation for example and yet, because of the programming of our brain our body will over react leading to anxiety in the short term.

If the short term anxiety is severe enough or happens frequently enough we can develop an anxiety disorder as the Amygdala goes into overdrive, switching on the flight or flight response whenever we perceive the slightest threat.

Any successful anxiety therapy will involve reprogramming you to use the civilised, rational part of your brain whenever you are anxious, suppressing the natural instinctive reactions to stress.

So, whether you are looking for short term relief for temporary anxiety or a cure for anxiety disorders the answer will almost invariably mean that you will need to teach yourself how to think in a different way.

Switch off the caveman and learn to cope with today.

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Natural Anxiety Remedies - Interesting Things That You Should Know

Panic and anxiety disorders are one of the most common ailments according to doctors. While most people have felt mild to severe panic at some point in their lives, there are many others who are suffering from chronic panic and anxiety on a daily basis. For these people, trying different natural anxiety remedies and finding one (or many; if need be) that work has allowed them to get their lives back on track and live in a world without crippling anxiety.

Many people have managed to get their panic disorders and anxiety under control with a variety of prescription medications - often times narcotics - but have found that these medications only provide a quick fix and can often lead to dependency and depression. They will get you out of the panic stage; but can leave you without the ability to be able to drive or do your job. While these drugs certainly have their places in the world of anxiety disorders, a long-term fix they are not; and for people who need help that won't inhibit their abilities, more natural anxiety remedies are needed.

Eliminating caffeine and other stimulants can reduce anxiety symptoms greatly. These things can cause your mind to race, sometimes, without you even realizing it. Being focused and calm when going into a potentially stressful situation can be the difference between a reasonable and coherent solution or a mad frenzy of panic and stress. Not realizing the effects that caffeine can have on your ability to make decisions can certainly be a factor when finding your core issue. For some, thinking of life without caffeine can induce panic; so by even reducing your daily intake you may see significant results.

Finding the root of your panic through psychotherapy can usually be beneficial. For some, the act of discussing situations that normally bring on anxiety can help to identify triggers and often help in finding the root causes of anxiety and eliminate them altogether. If therapy is out of your budget or you have time restraints, keeping a diary of your symptoms and what brought them on is a great first step to identifying and isolating the core issues which makes eliminating them that much easier.

Daily meditation has been shown to greatly reduce stress for a huge number of people suffering from panic and anxiety. Just a few minutes a day spent in a quiet environment and focusing on your breathing can aid in your mind relaxing and enable you to see things more clearly. For many, letting your mind take a break, so to speak, from the stresses that cause your anxiety can allow you to focus on things that are truly important.

Hypnosis has worked for many people fighting anxiety; and it is one of the best natural anxiety remedies. Hypnosis is used to decrease panic due to anticipating anxiety and teach you how to regain control over your relaxation process. By training your mind to handle things unconsciously before panic erupts you can stop it before it happens.

While this is certainly not an all-inclusive list, I hope that you find a natural anxiety remedy that suits your needs and allows you to start down the road to recovery from your anxiety issues.

I am Becca Jordan.

Having suffered from anxiety for several years; I have explored many different natural anxiety remedies.

I hope you found this article helpful; thank you for taking the time to read it.

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Why Is Anxiety So Scary?

Many of us live in fear of anxiety. In fact, anxiety itself is one of the reasons that panic attacks are so difficult to deal with. The experience of panic is so uncomfortable that sufferers become afraid of having another attack, and will do almost anything to avoid it. So what is it about anxiety that makes it so scary?

Think of the primitive caveman... he wasn't very bright, and his environment was so dangerous that there were countless ways that he could be killed or injured every day. Fortunately his nervous system had a trick up its sleeve to help him survive: anxiety. We don't usually consider anxiety in a positive light. At best it is an inconvenience, at worst it can take control of our lives. But the purpose of anxiety is to protect us and keep us safe. There was so much about the caveman's environment that he didn't really understand, so many unknowns, that there were literally a multitude of ways that he could be killed or injured. But being killed would not help him fulfill his biological imperative to propagate the species. Anxiety is designed to scare us into not doing something that might kill us. It's our inbuilt 'risk management system', designed to help us makes decisions that will increase the chances that we will survive long enough to have offspring.

And it is because of this underlying objective that we can find change so difficult, because anxiety also discourages us from going outside our comfort zone. Think back to the caveman again. If eating red berries and getting water from the same watering hole are safe, then his internal risk management system will discourage him from trying the blue berries, or getting water from a different watering hole. Because eating the blue berries instead of the red, or getting water from the new watering hole instead of the regular one could turn out to be a disastrous decision. And perhaps his last.

So we're biologically wired to be afraid of anxiety because, for it to be a good survival mechanism, it needs to be scary. It's trying to protect us from doing something that might cause us injury or death. In other words, anxiety is scary for good reason.

The problem with anxiety is that, whilst it takes its job to protect us very seriously, it isn't always very good at assessing what is and isn't a true threat. If, for example, you find socializing difficult, your anxiety system will likely treat a friend's birthday party as an enormous threat to you and act accordingly. For many people, public speaking triggers their anxiety, and the thought of having to give a speech or presentation to a group of people can bring on such a feeling of dread that it almost does feel as though their life was at risk. And yet none of these situations are life threatening, so why would our internal risk management system be triggered by them? To understand this, we need to understand that evolution doesn't happen over generations, it happens over millions of years. Our bodies aren't really so different to that of the caveman, and our anxiety system hasn't caught up with the changes in our environment. We might not be facing the life threatening possibilities of being eaten by saber-toothed tigers or having to choose between good and bad berries, but our anxiety system still behaves as though risks and changes in our environment are risks to our lives.

So anxiety is meant to be scary, that's its purpose. It's trying to protect us from ourselves. The next time that your anxiety is triggered, remember that these are just the signals of an ancient risk management system and thank it for doing such a wonderful job of keeping you safe. Then turn your attention to finding productive ways to manage your anxiety system so that it doesn't prevent you from doing things that are important to you. Just because your anxiety system says there is danger, doesn't mean that there's tiger that's about to eat you!

Simone Eyssens is a Melbourne psychologist with over 10 years experience. She specialises in working with anxiety, depression and trauma, utilising mindfulness-based approaches to help her clients reclaim their lives and feel better. To find out more, and to read her mindfulness and wellbeing blog, visit her website:

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Home Remedies For Anxious Thoughts

However you have decided to treat your anxiety, there are a few simple things that you can do for yourself to speed things up. Having a healthy lifestyle and making sure that you look after yourself will help improve your natural resilience to anxiety and stress, helping you to cope much better with the everyday symptoms caused by anxiety. Here are some ideas on home treatment for anxiety. Firstly, be honest with yourself.

Don't read any further if you have a closed mind.

These suggestions will genuinely help you to cope with your anxiety but one of the problems with anxious thinking is negativity and an unwillingness to step outside of your comfort zone. This is a perfectly normal part of anxiety. It may just be that you are not ready to take on board new ideas just now

Make sure that you eat healthily! I'm not talking about going vegetarian, eating whole grain foods or maxing out on fruit and vegetables. balance into or back into your diet and lifestyle. Try to eat three meals every day. Steady blood sugar levels from regular eating habits will be less anxious.

If you don't believe me, try missing a meal and see how your anxiety levels increase.

Cut out junk food. Take the time to eat and enjoy it. Cook proper meals. It might sound simple but take the time to enjoy your food. Give yourself permission to slow down and relax whenever you eat a meal. A bit of quality self-centred time will always help to reduce your anxiety levels so stop eating on the run and don't snack.

Start exercising! But have fun. Do something that you can enjoy and start exercising two or three times a week. Aerobic exercise has been proven to help with anxious thoughts by releasing endorphins into the bloodstream. Endorphins produce a natural feel good factor when we exercise. Exercise will also help to distract you from your anxious thoughts and also helps your heart to cope with the side effects of anxiety. Try to do different exercises to keep it interesting. Try a different class each week, start a sport like tennis, badminton or squash that makes you interact with others to help take your mind off your worries. Join your local gym, try swimming. Even something as simple as a brisk walk will help you cope with anxiety. Mix strength building and aerobic exercise. As you start to get fitter you will begin to feel better about yourself and cope better with anxiety.

Try a weekly class of Yoga or Tai Chi. It will show you useful breathing techniques to help you relax and will also get you fit into the bargain.

Start gradually. Try just ten minutes exercise each day to start off with and then, when you start to feel fitter decide about joining your local gym or an exercise class. Gradually build up the level of exercise. You are far more likely to stick with it if you start gradually and build up.

Allocate some time to your anxiety. One thing about anxious thinking is that it can start without warning, taking you completely by surprise. You're just getting on with your day and suddenly an anxious thought sends you into a downward spiral. Try just accepting that thought. Is it something worth worrying about? If it is, then give yourself permission to think about it later. Allocate a time to think about your worries. At the alloted time, think about them until you have come to a conclusion.

This is an amazingly powerful tool that really helps to to take control again.

It also works for the anxious thoughts that wake you up at two in the morning. Simply acknowledge the anxious thought but tell yourself that you will deal with it in the morning. Set a time and think about it later.

You can do lots to help yourself with anxiety or even overcome anxiety completely. Give yourself the best chance that you can by beginning your own home treatment for anxiety regime.

If you found this article interesting and would like more tips on overcoming anxiety visit

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Probable Treatments of Panic Attacks

You have your anti-depressants and you have your medicine to keep you from getting to excited. Altered states may be effective in stifling the effect of panic attacks, but it doesn't solve the fact that you still have the attack. It doesn't cure it, it merely delays it. This is exactly why there are a large number of panic attack sufferers that prefer natural treatment over medicated treatment.

To be realistic, natural treatments can be hard at times especially if you're relatively new to the concept. However, they are effective in the long run in completely overcoming attacks. They may take some getting used to but these natural treatments will help you get through the rough patches once you've mastered them yourself.


Panic attacks are usually caused by intense amounts of stress or traumatic events that had occurred recently to that particular person. Treatments for these attacks vary, depending on the severity of the case. Early stages are usually easier to cure than late stages of these attacks as they tend to turn into more drastic forms of traumas and phobias.

Another underlying cause is substance abuse; altered states from illegal substance can lead to symptoms of panic attacks.

How It Work

Panic attacks are essentially adrenaline runs into your system; your adrenal gland pumps emergency doses, giving you an elevated state of awareness. The attack gets you ready to react to a situation; in which case, forces you to have an elevated heart rate and an uneasy feeling that makes you unreasonably jumpy at the given situation.

Fortunately enough, your adrenal glands don't exactly activate your adrenaline rush in an instant. It takes about three minutes before the rush final bursts into a full onset takes effect. During this phase, the person suffering from panic attacks must learn to relax him or herself in order to stifle the adrenaline effect.

Natural Treatments

Natural treatments are usually about getting a positive state of mind and keeping yourself relax on its onsets. Here are a couple of natural treatments or therapy that you can do to help alleviate its symptoms.

Muscle and breathing relaxation. Taking deep and slow breathes during onsets of these attack can potentially help in stifling the progress of adrenaline that is getting shot up your body. These techniques can help remove the tenseness in your muscles when you start to panic.
Using an Outlet. Being creative or at least writing down your thoughts on paper can help alleviate the frustration you feel or otherwise give you a more expressive frame of mind. The more you keep negative things in your head, the worse your panic attacks are.

There is still a lot to understand about Treatment of Panic Attacks, but don't be left in the dark. Knowledge can definitely give you a considerable edge to mediating your condition and even healing it. Check out the link below.

Panic Attack Treatments.

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What Are The Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

If you find yourself worrying about things that, in reality, are unlikely to take place or you often feel worried, anxious or tense all day when there is really no reason to, then you may well be showing some of the symptoms of GAD.

All of us have worries and fears about parts of our day to day lives but if your worrying is constant enough to get in the way of your life, preventing you from relaxing and preventing you from carrying on normally you may have developed generalized anxiety disorder.

GAD is a fairly common problem that affects millions of people throughout the world. It tends to manifest itself as chronic worrying or anxiety, general nervousness and tension with sufferers finding it very difficult to switch off and relax.

When you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder your anxiety isn't related to any specific thing, event or occasion. You can feel anxious all the time and your anxiety can colour every part of your life. The feeling is, however, no where near as intense as, for example, a panic attack but instead is a long lasting feeling of general anxiety that makes a normal life impossible.

The condition is both mentally and physically debilitating, it saps your energy, destroying any sense of feeling good and generally wearing you down. You will probably worry about the same things as other people such as health, family, money and work but your worries will be exaggerated out of all proportion.

Your worries will be constantly repeating in your head, you won't be able to switch them off.

People with generalized anxiety disorder will go through their days in a constant state of anxiety, thinking the worst of every situation even when there are no grounds for their anxieties.

Being worried or concerned about things is a normal part of our lives but it is when the worrying gets out of hand and begins to get in the way of our normal life that you have a problem. Excessive worrying, intrusive thoughts that keep appearing in your head are symptoms of Generalized Anxiety. The anxiety can become debilitating actually preventing you from finding a solution.

The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can be different from hour to hour and day to day. You will experience good days and bad days, you may find that your worrying is worse first thing while for others, late at night will be the worst time their worries. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms but most people with GAD have some or all of the following symptoms of GAD.

Worries continuously running through your mind. Intrusive, irrational thoughts with anxiety popping into your head at any time.

An inability to cope with uncertainty, a need to know exactly what is likely to happen in the future.

A sense that your anxiety is out of control, that you can't stop yourself from worrying.

An all encompassing feeling of fear or apprehension.

Feeling tense all the time with muscle pain from the tension.

Trouble sleeping either difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

An inability to relax, as if your brain can't switch off.

Unable to enjoy being alone.

You put things off because you feel completely overwhelmed by life and avoid social situations where you feel anxiety.

You have difficulty concentrating on things.

You feel nervous and edgy a lot, jumping at sudden sounds.

You might start to suffer stomach problems, diarrhoea and sickness.

It is always worth getting a professional diagnosis and getting yourself checked over. Generally speaking, if you have tended to worry or be anxious in the past you could well have developed GAD but similar symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions and medication

General Anxiety Disorder can be treated successfully and people go on to make a full recovery!

If you found this article informative and would like more information on overcoming generalized anxiety disorder visit my site at

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