Anxiety Disorder - The True Causes of Anxiety

The exact cause of anxiety disorder is unknown. Some people think anxiety is a result of weakness or some kind of character flaw. This is not the case. Research shows that these disorders can be caused by changes in the brain or environmental stress. People who are in situations such as unemployment can get anxiety disorder because of the stress connect to it.

Anxiety disorders may also be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. Long-lasting stress can change the balance of the chemicals in the brain and cause anxiety disorder. People with certain types of anxiety have changes in the brain that control memory or mood. Anxiety disorders can be inherited. Sometimes several members of a family may have tendencies toward these disorders.

Millions of Americans have anxiety disorders. Many of these disorders begin in childhood, teenage years, or early adulthood. Women have them more than men. They occur with the same frequency in whites, African-Americans, and Hispanics.

These disorders are diagnosed by an evaluation by a doctor. He will ask questions about medical history and may perform a physical exam. The doctor may do tests to find out if there is a physical cause for the symptoms.

If no cause is found, you may be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist. These are mental health professionals that are trained to treat mental illness. They will use an interview and other assessment tools to evaluate people for anxiety disorder.

Diagnosis will be based on a patient's report of how intense the symptoms are. They will also look at the duration of the symptoms. This will include daily functioning with the symptoms and observation of the patient by the doctor. They will look for the behavior and determine if the symptoms and degree indicate a specific disorder.

Progress had been made in this area in the last few years in mental illness including anxiety disorders. The exact treatment approach will depend on the type of disorder, one or a combination of several therapies may be used. These include:

Medication: medicines used include anti-depressants and anxiety-reducing drugs.

Psychotherapy: This is a type of counseling which addresses the emotional response to mental illness. A trained mental health professional will help the patient by talking through strategies for understanding and dealing with their disorder.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy--People can participate in the type of therapy in which the person learns to recognize and change thought patterns and behaviors that lead to troublesome feelings.

Anxiety disorders cannot be prevented, however, there are things that can be done to control or lessen the symptoms. These include stopping or reducing the consumption of caffeine in coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate.

Ask the doctor before buying over the counter medicines or herbal remedies. Some of these may contain ingredients that can increase anxiety symptoms.

Seek counseling.

Original article

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