Does Anxiety Have An Effect On Physical Illnesses?

Anxiety disorders affects over 20 million of the adult population in the USA alone; worldwide these figures are astronomical, and anxiety is becoming more and more prevalent in younger people with many teenagers and even younger children being diagnosed each year. Normal everyday anxiety is natural and acts to help keep us safe from hazards and dangers but when it persists and becomes extreme not only can it damage our state of mind but it can also affect us physically.

Research proves that anxiety and related disorders can takes its toll on our bodies and that people with anxiety disorders are at a higher risk for some medical conditions.

Here are 3 chronic conditions known to be aggravated and made worse by an anxiety disorder:
Heart Disease - studies have proven that people who suffer from anxiety are twice as likely to have a heart attack or related cardiac problems than those who do not have an anxiety disorder. Anxiety is also linked to the development of heart disease and can be a factor in heart attacks suffered by those already with heart disease.
Chronic Pulmonary Disease and Asthma - Many studies have found an elevated rate of anxiety symptoms in people who suffer chronic pulmonary disease or asthma with a long-term study reporting that people with an anxiety disorder are 6 times more likely to develop respiratory illnesses than people who do not suffer with anxiety.
Gastrointestinal Disease: Around 10% of the adult population in the US have been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal disorder such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS. There is ongoing research into the connection between anxiety disorders and irritable bowel syndrome and a recent study in New Zealand has found a definite connection between high anxiety levels and the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
So, from the 3 examples above we can see that an anxiety or stress related disorder can have a significant impact on our physical well-being too. There are, obviously many other physical ailments which can be initiated or made worse by high levels of anxiety, our mind and our way of thinking does affect our physical bodies.

It is important therefore to recognise and seek treatment for anxiety or stress related illness as soon as possible, family doctors being the first port of call, they will either prescribe medication or suggest therapy such as cognitive behavioural therapy which is proving beneficial in the treatment of anxiety disorders. If necessary they can refer you to a specialist for evaluation and treatment.

© Andrew Tudor Jones

Andrew Tudor Jones is the owner of, a website dedicated to anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression.The website offers valuable information on these conditions as well as 2 e-books which can be downloaded for free and a Blog,updated on a regular basis with relevant information. You can connect with Andrew on Facebook at

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Treatment for Panic Attacks: Natural Vs Medicated Treatment

Panic attacks are a very touchy subject when it comes to deciding the proper treatment. for some it's a disorder that can be best managed with the right medication and the right treatment, for others it's all about overcoming your fear and retaining a form of self-control to fully recover from such things. So which is the more correct procedure, you ask? Below is a comparison between two respected processes of curing panic attacks.

Natural vs. Pharmaceutical

Natural treatments are essentially using non-medicated means to cure your panic disorder. These extend to relaxation techniques and the use of other outlets in order to free themselves from stress. The pharmaceutical procedure of course, is using medicines such as depressants and anti-depressants in order to alter one's mood to a more acceptable state that prevents the onset of panic. Early diagnosis of how you have an attack can certainly determine your level of treatment.

Drug-based Treatment

To be clear, anti-depressants can help prevent instances of heart attacks but completely curing them is another matter. What SSRI medication is used primarily and SNRIs if the patient doesn't respond to the primary medications. The second-line forms of medications have a risk of creating dependency issues and patients can sometimes suffer from withdrawal symptoms. SSRIs or Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are antidepressants that are usually given to patients with general social phobias; these are mood enhancer drugs that artificially facilitate a blissful state in order to not coax the onset of adrenaline rush during stressful situations.

Natural Treatment

Self help books and literature that can educate the patient on relaxation techniques can certainly help in alleviating the stress you feel by achieving a more positive frame of mind, thus controlling a panic attack without having to take medication. Learning how to act during times where your panic attacks set in can definitely give you the edge of not only stopping instances from happening, but also help you fully recover from it in the long run.

A lifestyle change might also be in order for people who have anxiety disorders. Taking out caffeine or dropping cigarettes as a habit is a great way for your body to feel better about itself. eating healthier foods and dropping the alcohol (which is can worsen anxiety disorders by the way) won't exactly cure your condition overnight, but it'll be instrumental in making sure that you recover from it.

Exercising is also a great way to release endorphins, which enhance your mood naturally. It keeps your blood pumping and your nerves in full operating condition. Remember, the happier you are, the more effective your treatment for panic attacks will be.

Find out more about panic attack, treatment for panic attacks and how best to combat them in the link below.

Panic Attack Treatments.

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Social Anxiety Disorder Natural Remedies

Known treatments for social anxiety includes medication, psychotherapy and even simple exercises such as deep breathing. There are also other methods concerning this disorder such as natural remedies, and generally being able to bring yourself to relax as one way in easing this disorder. Psychotherapy is proven to be very effective in dealing with this disorder especially if combined with herbal treatments and other alternative remedies.

Though there is several SAD medications available at the present time, some people still use the natural means of curing this condition. This is because natural remedies offer less, or no side effects at all. Here are a number of natural ways in treating social anxiety.

1. Get used to having people around. You can't do this task right away, do it one step at a time. Start with hanging out with a close friend or relative. Then move to situations where in there are a lot of people around, like being in a park or public restaurant. You can keep practicing on getting used to these situations to build up self-esteem.

2. Start a conversation, like getting engaged to a question and answer setting. Give a compliment and talk about yourself sometime. Ask questions in stores if needed and by regularly doing this, you will lessen your anxiety.

3. Practice exercises to help you relax such as aromatherapy. This treatment not only supports a physically healthy lifestyle it also makes the person psychological fit. Phototherapy or Light Therapy can be also a great way to fight against anxiety. Here you sit in front of the box a couple of feet away and get exposed to its light, which usually ranges from an hour or so. The light in the box is similar to the light outside and patients usually respond to is within three to five days.

Causes and symptoms of social anxiety can't be explained in full detail, this is because there are different explanations in where social anxiety originates. It is said to be genetically acquired or can be influenced by psychological factors, also social anxiety disorder or social phobia includes nausea, blushing, palpitations and difficulty in speaking.

This is why social anxiety disorder natural remedies are done in order to manage one's fear and overcome situations where it usually tends to happen. Dealing with this kind of disorder and the many complications in can bring may not be easy as you think, but by simply practicing these remedies every day, you'll be able to find peace in yourself whenever you go or with whoever you talk to.

Click on the link below for you to get more information on social anxiety disorder natural remedies and get a head start on eliminating this debilitating condition!

Overcoming Social Anxiety

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What Are The Best Vitamins For Anxiety?

With more and more people suffering from anxiety disorders it is not surprising that more and more people are starting to look for natural remedies for anxiety.

It should come as no surprise then, the association between anxiety and food being widely accepted, that vitamins are now being considered as an aid to anxiety sufferers.

It is now widely accepted that the healthier your lifestyle the easier you will find it to cope with or even overcome anxiety. With so many people leading busy, hectic lives in which our diet is often the first thing to suffer, it makes sense that some vitamin supplements or a change in diet to help our day to day intake of vitamins is bound to help with anxiety. So which vitamins for anxiety are best?

Omega 3 comes from fish oil and is known to help with anxiety and depression. Described by some as "brain food" it is good for adults and children alike as it helps to maintain the health of brain cells and improve how chemical messages move around the brain. Research has shown that people who have a lack of Omega 3 in their diet are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression than those who don't.

As well as being in oily fish Omega 3 is also in things such as flax oil and flax seed. Omega 3 supplements are also available.

B Vitamins are a group of vitamins that are associated with general good health. A deficiency can lead to, amongst other things, insomnia and mood changes, not really the type of symptoms that you want to have alongside an anxiety disorder. Vitamin B is also thought to have a beneficial effect on people suffering from depression.

Vitamin B3 which is also known as niacin helps the body to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter which is linked to mood. High levels of serotonin lead to a happy,feel good state of mind while low levels can lead to feelings of low self esteem and anxiety. A number of drugs used to treat anxiety target serotonin. Vitamins B12 and B6 also help in the production of neurotransmitters within the brain and are key ingredients in any diet for anxiety. These are found naturally in beans,green peas, poultry, fish and grain cereals. Vitamin B capsules which contains the entire vitamin B group can also be taken. Vitamin C which is found in most fresh fruit and vegetables boosts the immune system helping to keep us healthy and free from minor infections, colds and coughs. This can only possibly help our general state of mind.

Vitamin E is thought to help act as an oxidant for our brain helping the brain to take in oxygen and reducing the damage done to the brain cells by free radicals in the environment that can happen we are stressed.

There are also certain minerals that you should consider taking supplements for: A deficiency in magnesium has long been related to anxiety symptoms such as depression, irritability, fear, confusion and restlessness and insomnia.

Amino acids help the body to produce neurotransmitters which are key to a healthy nervous system.

In general terms, if you lead a healthy lifestyle, take regular exercise and have a well balanced diet which contains the right minerals and vitamins you will cope with anxiety much better.

If you feel that your diet is missing some of these essential anxiety beating vitamins then it could be worth looking at taking some vitamin supplements.

Before taking any vitamin or mineral supplements it is essential to seek the advice of your doctor.

If you found this article interesting and would like to know more about how anxiety and food are related visit

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Natural Remedies For Sleep Anxiety Relief

Most people have felt night-time anxiety many times in their lives; however if you are one of the millions of people who suffer from bedtime anxiety on a daily basis; you know that sometimes even thinking about getting into bed can be an anxiety inducing situation; and you no doubt could use some anxiety relief. If you have ever found yourself lying awake at night hour after hour listening to the clock - and your own heart beat racing - you may be suffering from panic disorder.

Many people who suffer from anxiety and insomnia find anxiety relief from traditional doctors and psychiatrists. Getting help from either can be daunting, however; as taking prescription medications to manage your anxiety can affect your health and cause dependence. Some people take over the counter sleep aids; although many times (more often than not) they are left feeling groggy and not at all well rested in the morning.

A lot of people who have been in this situation who, rather than risk their health, have sought out more natural remedies to help them through their daily lives. Doing research into my own sleep anxiety problems I have found quite a few things that have worked for me and I hope that after reading this, you can be helped, too.

Below are a few things that, while not every remedy works for everyone; and after trial and error, could lead you down a path to getting relief from your sleep and anxiety issues.

Melatonin: Melatonin is a naturally occurring chemical found in plants and animals. It has been used in the U.S. since the mid 1990's as a natural sleep aid which works by helping you to get to sleep faster. Taking a tablet, which you can find in most health stores, about 30 minutes before bed can greatly reduce the amount of time you lie awake.
Valerian Root: Smells like dirty gym socks but works like a charm! This herb is sold in capsules or tablets and found over the counter. Valerian root has been shown to have sedative-like effects on many people; and has been used for just this reason since the time of ancient Rome. Hippocrates dug it and hopefully you will, too.
Calcium and magnesium supplements: Drinking a warm glass of milk before bed has been known as an insomnia remedy for eons. Did you know that the reason this works is because of the calcium and magnesium in the milk? Taking both right before bedtime can aid in getting to sleep faster and staying asleep longer.
Meditation: For centuries people have been using meditation to get a handle on their anxiety. As little as ten minutes a day can help to relax you. Meditation can help to teach you relaxing breathing techniques; and allow you to feel chilled out and rested immediately after; and allow you to feel calmer when going to bed.

In conclusion, if you are either not very keen on taking prescription medications or have tried these medicines only to find that they don't bring anxiety relief to you, please give some of these suggestions a try. As always, talk to your doctor before trying any of the herbal supplements. While they are generally known to be safer than most narcotic sleep aids, if you have a pre-existing condition they can exacerbate that.

Just because they are natural does not make them 100% side effect free; and only your doctor will know if they could affect you adversely.

Good luck and sleep well!

I am Becca Jordan.

As a long time sufferer of sleep anxiety; I have spent many hours researching and trying different types of anxiety relief.

I hope you found this article helpful.

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Quelling Anxiety's Overwhelming Power

Creeping, crawling anxiety presents as an issue for no apparent reason, rearing its ugly head at both opportune and inopportune times, indiscriminately.

It suggests we have less control over ourselves and our circumstances than we'd readily desire or settle for; it seems provocative in nature - like, "Now I'm here, what are you going to do with me?"

The ball seems to be in our court but we can't see where the ball is.

Anxiety has its genesis like a cancer, invisibly, below the conscious awareness, well before it manifests itself through the avenue of a physical, physiological, or psychological ailment - then we've got a battle on our hands; to tame an already prowling tiger.


Provocations that we accept, and therefore resolve to deal with, cannot harm us, long-term. And though they are uncomfortable, as anxiety is, visceral provocations are not devoid of value - for they compel, from within us, the search for a solution, for the arrangement of peace, and for the hope that fuels faith to achieve all this. Provocations force us to develop resilience.

Beneath and beyond all sufficiency is the power of God sponsoring our combat at the head of provocation; the peace of the Spirit sustaining us through the journey that is goading provocation.

Such a peace avails an as-pleasant-as-possible acceptance of the visceral provocation upsetting the inner workings of our souls. We can be calm within the storm.


Like the onset of ergonomic illness and injury, anxiety is often picked up - consciously, via mindfulness of symptoms - later than earlier.

There are things that precipitate it we can't possibly be aware of. We are unfair on ourselves, therefore, to expect a quick fix or for quick fixes to work. Delayed onset of symptoms begets delayed recovery. We need to employ the discipline of patience.

This means for bouts of anxiousness we are best patiently enduring the moments, not fretting (as best we can) for quick resolution. We come back, then, to the resilience to search, to the adeptness of gradual and momentary problem-solving, and to the arrangements for peace and hope that might be achieved.

The insidiousness - the slow, covert onset - with anxiety requires us to be patient; to be gentle with ourselves; to experience the peace of Christ that transcends understanding - and purely because of the knowledge: God has overcome all these things... and we, in his name and power, can too.


The onset of anxiety is usually insidious and it is therefore provocative. We are best patiently bearing with such provocation as fighting anxiety is likely to lead to more anxiety. Acceptance is our resilient key; it provides hope for calm problem-solving and arrangements for peace within our control. Finally, in God's power we overcome.

© 2012 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: and

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Tips for Handling Anxiety - How to Relax Completely and Let Go of Anxiety

Anxiety is a very common problem today. A lot of people tend to suffer from it. Luckily, there are some different relaxation techniques available for people to try to cease their anxiety. Some techniques work for some and not for others. So, it's really up to you to find the relaxation techniques that work best for keeping you anxiety levels at bay. Once you find something that works, stick with it. These techniques won't rid your anxiety forever, but they will provide a temporary fix. So, reuse techniques that work for you when your anxiety makes an appearance in your life.

One relaxation technique that tends to work well for people who suffer from anxiety is breathing techniques. When people take slow deep breaths, they tend to lose any high-stress anxiety levels they once had. As you are diverting your attention onto your breathing, your body is able to slow down and drop your anxiety levels. Your nerves will begin to calm down and you will soon be able to regain your thoughts and composure again. You will then be able to continue what you were doing prior to your anxiety getting the best of you.

Another method that seems to have a benefit for those who deal with anxiety is progressive muscle relaxation. With this, you flex your muscles beginning with your feet and working your way up. Your muscles will slowly begin to lose tension and will loosen up. During this process, your mind and body will be able to relax. Once you go through the entire process, you will feel completely relaxed. Then you will be able to go back to do your tasks.

When you concentrate your mind on something else, you are generally able to lose any trace of anxiety you had. Given this piece of information, there is something you can do that will really calm your nerves and take away your anxiety with little to no work on your part. All you have to do is read a magazine or a book. As you focus on what you're reading, it will relax you and take your mind off of whatever made you anxious in the first place. Once you finish reading you will feel a lot better. You can read for as little as ten minutes or for as long as you want. As long as you fully concentrate your mind on what you are reading, you will gain a benefit from it as you lose your anxiety.

Using these relaxation techniques, you will find yourself having the ability to rid any anxiety that you get. You will be happy as you free your mind and body of the extra added stress anxiety brings. You'll be able to live a calmer, carefree life.

Jake Blitzer has over 15 years of experience in psychological writing, and is very knowledgeable on the subject of anxiety. In his free time he enjoys being outdoors, cooking, and playing cards.

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How to Worry Successfully

They'll never admit it, but the world's most successful people do it! Yes, I'm talking about WORRYING. Although it's gotten a bum rap, worrying is actually a good thing. Worry causes us to look ahead and to anticipate potential obstacles. We are then in a position to function proactively, heading off possible problems, while steering toward opportunities for success.

The Problem
Many of us don't know how to control our ruminations. Instead, worry controls us. As a result, we worry, when doing so is unproductive -- even paralyzing. So how do we make this much-maligned "activity" work for us?

The Solution: Steps to Successful Worrying
Identify the problem. Determine what you are worrying about and write it down. Putting the issue on paper helps clarify it and allows you to look at it less emotionally.

Analyze it; but just once. Now that you have identified your concern, what can you do about it? You must first ask yourself how much control you have over the object of your worry. In each case, your concern will fall into one of the following categories:

Controllables -- These are worries over which you have direct control. In this case, you will get almost immediate relief by writing down the steps that you will take to address the concern and determining when you will take these action steps.

Givens -- These are dilemmas over which you have no control; therefore, they are the ones most likely to trigger intense worry. If the problem falls into this category, "schedule" a future time (within the next 12 hours) to worry, and then refuse to think about it any further in the present. Eventually you will see that you have control over when or if you worry, and you'll probably choose to do something more productive or enjoyable with your time!

Negotiables -- These are concerns over which you have limited control. Come up with an action plan for aspects of the concern you can influence. Then handle what is uncontrollable in the same manner you deal with "givens."

Now don't think about it! After you have determined whether your issue is a controllable, a given or a negotiable, and after you have taken steps as indicated above, the trick is to not rethink your problem. From here forward, worrying is no longer productive, and engaging in obsessive thinking about the issue will only turn into destructive or "unsuccessful" worrying.

Now I know what you seasoned worriers are saying to yourselves right about now: "Oh sure, just stop thinking about it -- easy for her to say." Truth is, there are ways to avoid revisiting the problem, and here they are:

Take a break from your problem -- Do something you love. It's hard to worry when you are absorbed in an activity you enjoy.

Have a good laugh about anything -- It is especially helpful if you can find humor in the situation that has been troubling you.

Be with others -- Do not isolate yourself. Spending too much time alone is an invitation to re-engage in destructive worry. Being with others helps keep things in a healthy perspective.

Help someone else -- Doing this takes your focus off you, and reminds you that everyone wrestles with concerns.

Have faith -- Remember that you have resolved previous problems that may have seemed insurmountable at the time. It also helps to turn to a higher power to re-establish a sense of inner peace.

Ask for reassurance -- Look to those you trust for support, and most importantly, for hugs! Physical touch is a great curative, especially in times of uncertainty.

Making these tools work for you will take some practice. But as you begin to take control, you will see that being a worrier may be one of your greatest strengths!
Useful materials about anxiety

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How To Learn More About Your Anxiety And Stress By Keeping A Diary

Anxiety disorders along with stress and even depressive disorders are often difficult to understand, by keeping a daily diary you will be able to recognise when you are feeling more anxious or stressed than usual, be able to pinpoint the symptoms you are feeling and over time you will be able to recognise the stressful situations and triggers. By avoiding situations that trigger stress and anxiety whenever possible you will be able to minimise the amount of suffering you have to endure. There are of course situations which simply cannot be avoided and have to be faced and we have to deal with them in the best way we can, but by keeping these situations to a minimum we will reduce our anxiety and stress levels.

Here are some tips to help in planning and keeping an anxiety and stress diary:

Choose a diary with plenty of space for daily entries, preferably a day to a page in A5 or A4 format, you could also just use a notepad or writing pad and date the pages as you use them
It is very important to try and make an entry everyday, by being consistent you will get the best results from your efforts
Write down what happens in your day, whether it good or bad. You can list symptoms and how you were feeling at a certain place or in a certain situation. If you felt terrible and you panicked, write it down in detail, why you felt that way and what triggered or caused you to react in that way. Remember to also write down the good times during that day, it is important not to dwell only on the negative feelings you had. If you have felt bad all day just think back to one moment that maybe something made you smile for a few seconds or perhaps you received something nice in the mail. Write it down, there's usually something good you can include each day and it will help to balance out the negative entries.
When you have had your diary for 2 or 3 weeks you can begin to go back over it, study each day and each entry you have written. Write a separate list of triggers that appear time and time again, situations that regularly make you anxious or stressed. Keep this list and add to it weekly or monthly, you will soon begin to see a pattern emerging. After a period of maybe 6 months you should have a list of most of the stress inducing situations, you should know what symptoms to look out for and you will recognise your individual triggers or anxiety provoking conditions.

If you follow the above consistently you will then be able to use your findings to make a drastic reduction in your anxiety and stress levels. Avoid stress inducing situations as much as you possibly can you will then have more strength and mental coping skills to deal with the situations that are unavoidable in our everyday lives.

© Andrew Tudor Jones

Andrew Tudor Jones is the owner of, a website dedicated to anyone who suffers from anxiety and depression.The website offers valuable information on these conditions as well as 2 e-books which can be downloaded for free and a Blog,updated on a regular basis with relevant information. You can connect with Andrew on Facebook at

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Treatments That Work for Anxiety Disorders for Children and Adolescents

Parents ask me often, "Is there any way to know what actually works to treat my child's anxiety?" The simple answer is 'yes,' but the more complicated answer about how we arrive at 'yes' is a bit more interesting. To understand the more-complicated answer, it's important to know more about the term 'meta- analysis.' A meta-analysis is a large analysis of many studies or analyses - bringing a large amount of data together under strict requirements to look at conclusions more broadly. About 15 years ago, psychologists Ollendick and King conducted a very influential meta-analysis of evidence-based psychosocial treatments for child and adolescent (referred to as youth from this point forward) anxiety disorders. They concluded that psychosocial treatments (i.e., cognitive and behavior therapies) were likely effective but that better methods and further research were needed before stronger conclusions were reached. In the interim years, methods for evaluating treatments have improved dramatically and strong conclusions now support the effectiveness of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). This is explained further below, but first let's look at the scope of the problem.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common disorders in youth. Depending on the report, in the United States between 5%-10% of youth have an anxiety disorder with some studies reporting as high as 20% (ref Silverman). The same article cites, a study based on surveys in New Zealand and Australia reporting between 3% and 44% of youth have an anxiety disorder! In these studies, the anxiety disorders include separation anxiety/school refusal (sometimes called school phobia), social anxiety, specific phobias (e.g., needles, animals, heights, etc.), and overanxious/generalized anxiety. Three anxiety disorders together - social anxiety, separation anxiety, and generalized anxiety - make up what clinicians call the 'anxiety triad' and are highly prevalent among youth. Most youth who have symptoms of one of these disorders often have symptoms of the other two. Similar prevalence rates in the 3% to 10% range occur for OCD (ref March and Storch, Drew article).

In 1998, Ollendick's and King's meta-analysis showed that behavioral procedures like imaginal (using guided instruction to imagine a real-life event) and in vivo (real life) desensitization (exposure therapy that uses small steps to help the brain turn off alarms related to a specific trigger) were "probably efficacious " (such a cautious statement!) for childhood phobias and that these same procedures were similarly effective with and without family anxiety management training. In 1998, the authors concluded (as researchers are wont to do) - that more research with better methodology was needed. Thankfully, better studies with better methodologies occurred, producing the updated meta-analysis by Silverman and colleagues and numerous publications about separate, effective OCD treatment for youth by March, Storch, and many others.

Studies included in the meta-analysis by Silverman and her colleagues were categorized from the most rigorous - randomized prospective clinical trials (random assignment, blinded assessments, inclusion/exclusion, adequate sample, state-of-the-science diagnostics, well-established and sound measures with clearly defined interventions and adherence in implementing the intervention). These very 'tight' studies are Type 1 studies. Other studies included ranged from 2, to 6. As the number descended, criticism of methods increased. For example, studies designated Type 6 were case studies or opinion papers. The carefully designed studies, which contributed greatly to the conclusions reached, had qualities like strict inclusion/exclusion criteria (for example, youth with low IQ, psychotic disorder, unstable family life, co-occurring mental disorders, and similar characteristics that could affect the viability of a treatment were excluded).

Compared to the tentative conclusions of the 1998 analysis by Ollendick and King, Silverman and her colleagues concluded: "The considerable progress made shows that cognitive behavioral treatments, in individual or group formats, with and without parent involvement lead to positive treatment outcomes in children and adolescents with phobic and anxiety disorders." Similar conclusions by March and Storch for OCD, support CBT's effectiveness for all anxiety disorders in youth.

These strong improvements in methodology and treatment study outcomes that support CBT open the way for more-detailed questions about what works in CBT. Scientists want to further refine information about treatment (e.g., how much of a treatment is needed specifically, what is it about the treatment that works, what other factors affect whether the treatment works, whether medicine should be included in treatment, which aspects of treatment over what period of time make the most difference, and other similar questions). From studies of specific aspects of CBT, we know, for example, that it is important to reduce anxious self talk. Also, a parent's anxiety or depression can negatively affect treatment. Refining treatment questions (what works/what doesn't) is a good thing because it helps provide better answers for families and more specific direction for treatment providers. How much treatment, the role played by medications, how to measure precisely, and other methodological issues will occupy researchers for awhile, but it's great as a clinician to be able to offer effective, evidence-based CBT interventions for anxiety disorders in youth.

At NeuroScience, Inc., we contribute to research while we practice as clinicians. One of our current studies explores the effects of a novel medication on the disorders of the 'anxiety triad' mentioned above. To learn more about this study or consult with one or our experts about treating youth anxiety disorders, please contact us at 703-787-9090 or visit our Youth Anxiety Disorder website.

Keith E. Saylor, Ph.D., Sc.M., the President and CEO of NeuroScience, Inc., received his Ph.D. in Health Psychology from Stanford University and his Master's degree in Public Health from the School of Hygiene and Public Health, Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Saylor is a licensed clinical psychologist (Virginia) who maintains active research and private practices.

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Depersonalization/Derealization - Lost in Unreality? There Is a Way Back!

After long hours of researching mental disorders, mechanisms of action of various compounds and psychology I have successfully thinned out the anxiety-alleviating (as depersonalization arises from anxiety) techniques which I found inefficient and burdensome leaving me with the top of the shelf approaches that helped me the most. These are as following:

1.Supplements - Piracetam, Fish oil and BCAA (branched chained amino acids) - these are the supplements which I found most helpful in recovering from depersonalization. All of them address the symptoms intrinsic to depression such as fatigue, lack of concentration and brain fog. None of them pose any threat to your health, all have been around for decades being subject to myriad studies where they exhibited extremely low toxicity while being well tolerated as well. Piracetam possesses neuro-protective properties and works by increasing the density of NMDA receptors and sensitizing AMPA receptors both of which are implicated in learning, focus and various cognitive processes, which tend to be victimized by anxiety and depression. I have taken all of these 3 in conjunction for several months and although the effects might not be immediate they become increasingly apparent with continued use.

2.Find what your irritants/triggers are and avoid them - alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are notorious for making depersonalization worse, so might be excess sugars in your diet, lack of sleep and many other subjective matters. Every time I didn't get enough sleep or drank caffeinated beverages I generally felt more dissociated that day so I tried to avoid these situations as much as possible. Sleep and trying to minimize stress (which can be difficult in such a state of mind) are important in recovery and the more you can bring these to their appropriate levels the better you are off. You might know what some triggers are already while others will be revealed through experience.

3.Be patient and experiment - because there are no over-night cures you will have to appreciate each positive step of which there will be many, being apprehensive about it will not help and rather lead to more depression so try to relax and bear in mind that in the end you will recover because nothing in life is permanent nor is your depersonalization. Another remark, try to experiment with various conventional/unconventional anxiety suppressing techniques that you think might bring you benefit be it some physical activity such as jogging or psychological such as getting to know anxiety and how it works. Information about the biological/psychological processes driving anxiety and depersonalization might bring more complacence into your life as they become less peculiar and ineffable. Experimenting with a diversity of approaches will allow you to pick out the practices that are more efficient for you: what might work great for me might work less for you and the other way round due to the subjective nature of our minds.

Keep your hopes up and be patient, many experience what you do right now and many overcame it so why shouldn't you?

Many more anxiety-relieving tips can be found here:
Treating your depersonalization -
The site provides all the information about supplementation, medication and natural techniques that will help you reduce and finally overcome your anxiety and so overcome depersonalization (as depersonalization arises from anxiety)

I wish all of you the best and a quick recovery!


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Common Ways in Treating Panic Attacks

Have you ever experienced the horror of a panic attack? If your answer is yes, then you probably know what this fearful and dreadful experience is really like and the damage it can do. That horrifying moment when the attacks starts to set in can perhaps be the most stressful time in one's life. After that, you will live in fear about having another episode. You do not have to live like this though! This article will discuss techniques used in treating panic attacks and help you in preventing them.

What are the symptoms?

When you are having anxiety disorders with panic disorder, some of the most common symptoms that you can experience are chest tightness, difficulty in breathing, palpitations, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Oftentimes, these people think that they are having heart attacks. Usually, the distress is heightened by people around you as they are telling you to calm down. When this happens, try and get some clarity in your mind and realize that having catastrophic thinking and panic attacks can be controlled and is not dangerous.

How can this be treated?

Probably the first thing that you must realize is the fact that you are not alone in this. Thousands or even millions of people in all corners of the globe are suffering from the same predicament. You need to take charge of the situation and have control; people who are telling you that everything will be fine are not really helping you when you are in this fearful situation. You need to start to understand the causes of these anxiety attacks. This is the initial step to dealing with the problem effectively and the key to its treatment.

When the panic episode begins to calm down, you need to take some notes about what happened before the attack started. A few individuals find that the same conditions lead to the occurrence of these panic attacks because they have developed fear when it comes to some situations. However, some of these causes cannot be identified readily including issues related to stress and thyroid imbalances. Trying to find the root cause of these episodes can help you in the treatment of this disorder.

Individuals who seek medical help for this disorder are often given pills to help them cope with stress. The disadvantage of this is that they may take some time before having effects and the panic attacks has already subsided by then. This makes the medication somewhat useless when an attack is going on.

Regardless of what may bring about the attacks, one needs to stay as calm as he or she can during this time of stress. There are several ways in treating panic attacks and you should let yourself know that taking control over the situation is important. Clear your mind and take deep breaths so that your mind would be cleared of terrifying thoughts.

There are different ways on Treating Panic Attacks, click on the link below to discover them.

Panic Attack Treatments

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The Truth About Anxiety Medication - Why Your Doctors Advice Might Be Doing You Harm!

The first time your anxiety disorder fully reveals itself can be a terrifying and confusing experience. There you are, going through your everyday routine, when all of a sudden, without any rational reason or warning your anxiety levels go off the scale.

You've just had the first of what turns out to be a series of episodes, scary thoughts run through your mind, maybe there's something seriously wrong with you, maybe you have a problem with your heart, maybe this is a serious threat to your health!

You start to feel more and more anxiety about everyday things, afraid to go out, irrational fears stalking your every waking moment. You're scared and you feel like you're struggling to cope, so you book an appointment to see your local doctor for advice.

Your doctor listens to your story, asks a few questions, and conducts a physical examination to see if he can find any physical cause for the symptoms you are describing. Depending on your doctor's knowledge at this point he may recommend you to a specialist for further testing, or he may realize that there is nothing physically wrong with you.

Either way, the end result is often the same, you are reassured that everything is alright, but recognising how stressed and anxious you appear to be, the doctor makes out a prescription for some medication to help you relax.

The drugs that are given to you can sometimes help in the short term to relieve some of the symptoms that you are experiencing, but the relief you feel from this treatment can only be considered temporary.

It is not a way of curing your problem and giving you back your life to enjoy again. As soon as you stop taking the medication your problems will usually resurface and torment you.

Even more worrying is the fact that many of the drugs you are offered have harmful side effects, and can be very addictive.

There are a number of different drugs that are used when dealing with anxiety disorders. Probably the most common are the benzodiazepines. This class of drugs includes the well known Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin and Librium.

Benzodiazepines act fairly quickly, and produce a sedative effect. It can temporarily reduce the feeling of anxiety, but can also lead to side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and impaired thinking. Because it builds up in the body these side effects can become even more pronounced with prolonged use.

But the worst problem with the use of benzodiazepines, comes because of the need to continue using it in the long term to manage your condition. With symptoms returning upon stopping taking the drug, the risk is that your use may continue beyond the point at which you become addicted.

The withdrawal from bezodiazepines can be a harrowing experience, with insomnia, tremors, muscle spasms, gastric problems, depression and anxiety all common symptoms. Sometimes the effects can be worse, with depersonalization, derealization, hallucinations and psychosis. This experience can last for months.

Added to this will usually be the return of your anxiety condition, as the root cause of your problem has still not been identified and dealt with. The combination of withdrawal and full exposure to your anxiety disorder can be very difficult to cope with.

Long term use of benzodiazepines often leads to depression, and the escalating dosage required to overcome the effects of the tolerance that you develop to the drug can increase the risk of experiencing depressive symptoms which can also lead to suicidal thoughts and feelings.

A different type of medication often prescribed are anti-depressants. Commonly these are Serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), of which the best known is Prozac. These have less harmful side effects than the benzodiazepines, but are also more limited in their effectiveness to treat anxiety disorders, and usually take over a month to start having an effect.

However the side effects do still exist, and use of SSRIs can mean having to live with fatigue, nausea, tremors, headaches, weight gain, decreased sex drive, insomnia, anxiety and diarrhea.

There is also the danger that, in some people, long term use of anti-depressants can actually cause an increase in depression and anxiety and consequently an increased risk of suicide.

While they are not as addictive as benzodiazepines, withdrawal from anti-depressants can be very tough. It is common for it to cause depression, and can also result in tremors, insomnia and nightmares, and of course the resumption of your anxiety disorder in full force.

Beta blockers are another type of medication that are sometimes used to help anxiety. These are more frequently used to treat people with heart and blood pressure problems. They are not FDA approved for use with anxiety disorders but can be prescribed because there are scientific reports that support their use.

While they can help to keep some of the physical symptoms under control, like trembling and sweating, they are not useful for dealing with the psychological aspects of anxiety disorders.

Consequently they are of very limited use, and mainly seem to offer help to those with social phobia and performance anxiety in dealing with specific situations, such as giving a speech or performing in a public venue.

They also have a number of adverse reactions associated with them, including nausea, hallucinations, diarrhoea, dizziness and fatigue. Commonly prescribed beta blockers include Inderal and Tenormin.

Medication can be of help to people with severe symptoms who are desperate for immediate relief, but it should only ever be viewed as a very short term aid. Ultimately you need to cure yourself of this condition if you want to live a happy and satisfying life in the future, and the drugs you are prescribed are unlikely to do that for you.

If you are currently taking drugs to deal with your anxiety problem, strongly consider speaking to your doctor about slowly withdrawing from them, and start looking for a permanent solution.

You don't have to continue to suffer, or accept a future in which you have to manage your condition. You can beat your anxiety disorder, but you will need to utilise a different treatment method because relying on medication may end up doing you a lot more harm in the long run than it does good.

You can find out more about finding the right treatment method for you in my free report here: Dealing With Anxiety.

Don't lose hope, you can get better. Learn more about How To Relieve Anxiety without medication by clicking the link.

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The Best Way to Overcome Panic Attacks: Using Meditation

Panic attacks can be really terrifying experiences for an individual to go through. It seems like out of nowhere, your heart is beating a million miles an hour and you feel like you're going to die. This article will give you some extremely helpful strategies to enable you to take back control of your life. You will learn how to strengthen your mind and control your body with the knowledge you will gain from this article.

There are a lot of different types of meditation that exist in the world today, but there is only one thing that really matters when you are learning how to meditate. The real important thing to think about when meditating is that you need to focus your inner thoughts and concentration on shutting down your inner thoughts and looking within.

Why Meditation Will Help You with Panic Attacks

Learning how to meditate will help you deal with panic attacks because it will help you be present in the moment during your attack. You will develop strength in your mind and control over your emotions and your feelings. Practicing mediation will force you to be strong and disciplined enough to deal with everyday stress.

Another great benefit of meditation is that you will learn how to control your breathing. You will learn how to breathe deeply and slowly. You will also start feeling the benefits of deep breathing and begin to understand how much it will help your life.

Learning How to Meditate

If you can focus on your breathing and stop shifting your thoughts from one thing to another all the time, then you can learn how to meditate. As easy as that sounds, it is not as easy when you put it into practice. Once you begin to practice, you will start to notice how much your mind wanders and how little control you have over your own thoughts. Panic attacks happen because your subconscious mind has control over your thoughts and your body.

Once you begin to meditate on a regular basis, you will begin to control your own thoughts. You should begin by trying to empty your mind and having no conscious thoughts. Once you master that, you should then begin to visualize yourself without anxiety. Think of a situation which has caused a panic attack in the past, and then imagine yourself relaxed in that same exact situation. Once you can shut down your thoughts and visualize, you are much closer to a life without panic.

In order to cure panic attacks, visit our how to stop a panic attack website and get all the help you will need.

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Dealing With Chronic Anxiety - What You Need to Know

Living in fear or suffering from chronic anxiety is robbing you of your freedom to live your life. Repeated episodes of anxiety attacks can be very disabling. Dealing with chronic anxiety disorder can be very difficult if you do not know what to do. Without treatment this kind of disorder can totally take control of your life.

People with anxiety or panic disorder have irrational or exaggerated worries on something that are not real or have excessive fears on something that are normally not threatening. If you are dealing with chronic anxiety disorder, your life may become restricted. Your excessive irrational fear can prevent you from doing normal everyday activities like going to work, driving, shopping and socializing with people. Your life will be ruled by fears and your fears will define how you will live or act on your everyday life. Living in constant fear or chronic anxiety disorder is not living at all and you have to break-free from that cycle and know the best ways of dealing with chronic anxiety disorder. If you want to get your life back, learn how to stop surrendering to your irrational fears or anxiety.

Finding help is important in dealing with chronic anxiety disorder. There are people with anxiety problem who suffer for years before seeking treatment. You should know that anxiety disorder is a treatable illness, there is help available for you and it is important to seek professional help. People who are trained to treat mental disorders are psychiatrists and psychologists. In choosing a mental health professional you should take into account their credentials, experience and expertise in treating anxiety problems. Cost is also a big consideration in seeking treatment. It is your responsibility to know the coverage of your health insurance and ask if your insurance is acceptable by your health care provider. Although anxiety disorder is treatable, the harsh reality is that the high cost of treatments and medications prevent sufferers from seeking treatment. For those who do not have a health insurance or have limited funds, find out if there are health centers in your area that offers low-cost treatments.

One way of dealing with chronic anxiety disorder is through psychological treatment. The therapy commonly used to treat anxiety disorder is CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. This is the most effective psychological treatment helping patients to develop new ways of thinking. This therapy involves identifying the thinking pattern that makes them anxious and then helping them change their thinking pattern. The treatment also includes exposure therapy where the patient is gradually exposed to feared situations to help the patient cope with his or her anxieties or fears.

Pharmacological treatment or medications is also another way in dealing with chronic anxiety. There are cases that psychotherapies are combined with medications. The use of prescribed medicines like anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medicines can help patients to contain the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks like palpitations and trembling. Medications have their side effects and addictive so it is important to follow your doctor's advice to avoid drug dependence. Do not increase the dosage or stop taking medications without consulting your doctor. Increased dosage or sudden withdrawal may lead to other health issues. Discuss with your doctor if you are taking herbal medicines or vitamin supplements to avoid interactions with prescribed medications that might be dangerous. In dealing with chronic anxiety disorder, it is important to always communicate with your doctor about the medications you are taking.

Aside from the conventional treatment, alternative treatments are also being used now in dealing with chronic anxiety disorder. Of course before using alternative treatments, you must communicate with your health care provider to ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the treatment. There are a number of alternative treatments for anxiety disorder like yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy, massage therapy, deep-breathing exercises, acupuncture and herbal or dietary supplement. To know more about anxiety disorder natural remedies visit Panic Disorder Freedom.

Thesie Cortez is an article writer and an internet marketer. This article is free for publishing provided that the article must be published in its entirety without alterations. The author's name and all links must be included and remain intact or unaltered with every reproduction.

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What To Do When You Are Having A Panic Attack Might Surprise You

When you know what to do when you are having a panic attack, you will have your first knowledge that panic attacks are really harmless. Panic attacks are caused from chemicals being released in your brain that cause you to believe that something terrible is happening at this very moment. You immediately begin to respond to the alert, causing you to feel the sensations in various locations throughout your body. While this is happening your mind is trying desperately to make sense of the situation, and you tend to fall deeper and deeper into the fear. At this moment you know all too well the meaning of the fight or flight mechanism you were born with.

You can't find anything to fight, you don't see anything to run from, so while all of this happening your more logical mind is wondering if this is imagination? A panic attack is not imagination, but it does no damage. It is in fact a false alert put out by your brain. When I learned to be present during these attacks and stop trying to make it go away, I stopped perpetuating the event, and they went away. There is no doubt that you can do this. You can teach your brain to stop doing this. The first step is to stop trying to fight it off when it comes to see you.

The harder you try to make it stop, the more chemicals your brain releases, and the longer it last. So, take heart in the fact that it is actually no more than a muscle that cramps and then goes away. The moment you become aware that a panic attack is upon you, or is beginning, your job is to look at it. Think about exactly where the symptoms are, and go there in your mind. You will be amazed beyond words at what happens if you can cause yourself to try to pinpoint the exact location of the symptoms, and then try to make them even more severe. That's right! As you bring all your attention to the symptoms you will be astounded that they are not as physical as you thought, and as you are becoming conscious of them they will begin to fade away.

It's at this point that you can try to call the sensations back, and they won't come back. Instead you will find yourself fully in the moment and very aware that you feel great. The symptoms of a panic attack vanish naturally, as if they were smoke slowly vanishing into the air. When you learn that you can cause them to vanish your fear also vanishes. When you learn what to do when you are having a panic attack the emergency of it all leaves, giving you the confidence you need to just make faces at anxiety at it's best.

At Natural Cure For Anxiety we search the internet every day to bring you ONLY the finest news, articles, and videos from the fascinating world of methods and techniques that provide relief for anxiety and panic attacks.

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How to Deal With Anxiety and Worry

What good is life without living? That is what anxiety and worry does to you. It stops you from living a fulfilled life. You keep wondering about things that you have no control over. What good will it do to worry about such things? It will only bring you sadness and cause you to be stressful and depressed. Then what? You get tired of life and you just give up or even end your own life. Is it worth it in the end? There are things that we can control in life and there are things that we just simply cannot control and we should not worry about these things.

Matthew 6:31-34 Therefore, do not worry, saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we wear? For after all these things the gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

The bible tells us not to worry. God is our provider and He can give you all that you need. The earth and everything in it is His. If you will only give Him your life and let Him guide you then He will be more than happy to be your Father and He will provide for all your needs and you will not have to worry anymore.

Martha and Mary were sisters of Lazarus, the same who was brought back to life by Jesus after being dead and buried four days. They were having a feast to celebrate Lazarus' resurrection and Martha was helping the servants to serve the guests and was directing the feast from the kitchen. Mary was sitting at Jesus' feet at that time and so Martha became angry with her. She felt as if she had been left to do everything alone. So she came to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to come and help her in the kitchen. But listen to what Jesus said to her,

Luke 10:41 - "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her."

First of all, He told Martha that she was worried and troubled about many things. This is true for us also today. We are always worried and troubled about many things in life; especially now with all the recession going on around the world and people losing their jobs. Some do not know how to handle all their worries and anxieties so they commit suicide, others begin a life of alcohol and drugs to try and drown their sorrows and fears. This world will always bring you anxiety and worries. Jesus says, do not worry about anything. There is no point in us worrying ourselves to death with the things that we cannot control. That is what He was telling Martha.

Secondly, He said to her that Mary had chosen the good thing and it will not be taken away from her. What is the good thing? It is the presence and love of Christ in our lives. You receive the good thing when you invite Jesus into your heart. You become His child from that day on and no one will be able to take that away from you. Nobody will snatch you out of the hand of God. He will provide for you and you will not lack anything. You will want to stay at Jesus' feet like Mary, for you will have found the good thing, which is the only thing that is needed. You will have your very own eureka moment.

Jesus can give you peace of mind. Worry not about the things you cannot change or have, be content with what you have and change what you can and leave the rest to God. He will be the one to supply all your needs. You simply remain in Him and trust in Him and walk according to His statutes and He will open the floodgates of heaven and bless you abundantly.

Philippians 4:19 - And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Jesus wants to give you the best of the best in everything. Have you ever seen how royalty dress up and what they eat? Do you think that you will see a royal person begging for anything? Do you think they ever worry about what to eat or drink or what to wear? Of course they don't. So why do you have to worry then? You are the child of the King so that makes you royalty also. Your father owns everything. All you have to do is come to Him and ask. He will not give you a stone when you ask for bread and He will certainly not give you a snake when you ask for fish.

Matthew 7:9-11 -What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

If you ask God for the good thing He will certainly give it you. That is exactly what Mary was asking for and she got it. Martha did not get it because she did not ask so she was worried and troubled. She was weary and heavy laden and she was carrying all her burdens alone instead of giving it all to Jesus. If she had, she would have found rest for her soul just as Mary found it.

Matthew 11:28-30 -Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.

Do not let the world and its worries drag you down with it, beloved. Do not be like Martha. Take up the yoke of Jesus and learn from Him. Cast all your cares and worries upon Him. Be like Mary. Let Him take care of your needs and wants. Do not stress yourself out with anxieties and worries. Jesus is waiting for you to give it all to Him. He can carry it, you can't. Surrender all to Him and let Him set you free from your burdens.

C.L is an aspiring author who writes inspirational books directing towards women's issues. C.L.'s books will inspire you and give you spiritual tips to overcome your problems. For more information about C.L. Leon and her writings visit

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Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety - Music

If you are constantly distressed or anxious and the stress seems to be taking over your life, then you should seek help instantly. Although anxiety is actually, on an emotional level and emotionally incapacitating for anyone, there a few relaxation techniques for anxiety which will help fight the in your life. If you want to once again practical knowledge joy in your life, then you need to consider trying these relaxation techniques for anxiety.

Although it is advised that you seek advice from your doctor prior to trying remedies to fight your anxiety issues, there are a few relaxation techniques for anxiety that can be used by anyone. One of the most common methods used is relaxation, and it is very successful in fighting anxiety. Arbitration requires directing all your depressive and negativity and ideas into something enjoyable and positive. To be able to get the best results from mediation, you need to select a position that is suitable for the act. It is best that you select a basic position for relaxation, so that you will be able to collect your ideas without having any disruptions.

Music therapy is another successful one of the relaxation techniques for anxiety. Everyone loves enjoying popular music, and it has been proven that enjoying popular music is very helpful in reducing anxiety. Relaxing popular music is very successful in soothing your worn out nerve fibres and allowing you to chill out. Additionally, there is a variety of leisure popular music available on the market, which is specifically for assisting persons to relax and fighting anxiety. As a result of the enhancements in technology, you are now able to obtain some of the best leisure popular music from the Internet, if you want to reduce the anxiety that you practical knowledge.

Socialization is also one of the most commonly used relaxation techniques for anxiety. Rather than sitting by yourself and trying to deal with your anxiety, you can talk to someone you trust about what you are going through. Ensure that you discover someone whom you are relaxed with, and who also knows you. Speaking with someone about your issues will not only help to reduce the anxiety that you are suffering from, but it may also help you to take action to your issues.

If you are not relaxed with discussing to anyone about your issues, another one of the relaxation techniques for anxiety that is very successful is writing down your ideas in a book or on certificates. This way you will be able to reduce your anxiety, without having to share your secrets and techniques.

Johnny Bill Dowe - Accredited psychiatrist for 30-years. Proven techniques to help reduce anxiety and stress at to help those with anxiety or stress issues overcome their problems to lead a better, happier life. There are numerous techniques thought and to understand how the feeling of anxiety manifests itself in us. Check it out now

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Stop Struggling From Panic Disorder

Anxiety is a common human emotion or response to unusual situations. It is normal for people to feel anxious from time to time. However, if you are having anxiety even on situations where there is nothing to worry or fear about, then you might be suffering from anxiety disorder. Severity of anxiety problem may range from mild that lasts only for a day or two to severe anxiety disorder where attacks may last for a month or longer. Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that affects millions of people. This kind of disorder can disrupt your normal life and it is important to find a way to stop struggling from panic disorder.

Panic disorder is an episode of sudden strong fear or terror without warning and without rational reason. This irrational intense fear or panic is accompanied by disturbing symptoms like pounding heartbeat, chest pain, sweating, dizziness, trembling, racing thoughts and feeling of going crazy or out of control. Living with this kind of illness can interfere with your normal life. You will find it hard to perform your normal daily activities when you are suffering from panic disorder.

Anxiety disorder is commonly treated by medications. One way to stop struggling from panic disorder is through anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication. The drugs are usually prescribed to be taken on a certain period of time because prolonged use may lead to drug dependence. It is important to follow the direction of your doctor on how and when the drugs should be taken. Drugs have their side effects. Drowsiness, fatigue and confusion are the common side effects of anti-anxiety medications. When taking medications, it is important to practice healthy habits. Getting enough sleep and proper nutrition are important. It is also recommended not to drink alcohol while you are under medications because the combination of alcohol with anti-anxiety medications could be life-threatening.

Therapy is another way to help you stop struggling from panic disorder. Psychotherapy performed by a psychiatrist or a psychologist is a common treatment. With the combination of medications and therapy, panic disorder sufferers can learn to manage their attacks and can lead a normal life.

However, there are cases that even with the presence of medications and therapies, there are people who continue to suffer from panic or anxiety disorder that is why there are those who turn to alternative treatments to stop struggling from panic disorder. There are a number of herbs and natural treatments that offer anxiety relief without the side effects of drugs. But of course, before engaging in any alternative treatment it is best to first consult your doctor to ensure your safety in taking natural remedies.

It can be a daunting experience to live with panic or anxiety disorder and knowing the best way to stop struggling from panic disorder is important to improve the quality of your life. It is a great relief to know that anxiety disorder is the most treatable mental illness. Panic disorder is a treatable disorder and there is help available for you. If you looking for natural treatments, find out how sufferers treated their panic attacks with natural remedies, visit Panic Disorder Freedom

Thesie Cortez is an article writer and an internet marketer. This article is free for publishing provided that the article must be published in its entirety without alterations. The author's name and all links must be included and remain intact or unaltered with every reproduction.

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What Is General Anxiety Disorder?

You will often worry about things yet to come instead of just what is going on in the present. You can become depressed quite easily.

This is not like a panic attack where it comes on all of a sudden. You just constantly think and worry about things and stay anxious. This disorder does not necessarily have a trigger and many times you know that some of the anxious feelings you have are not rational. The stress of this can zap your energy.

You think the worst is always going to happen. If your wife is a few minutes coming home, you picture her having an accident. When she gets home you find out the only reason she was late is that she stopped to by milk. There is no way to relax when you have this general anxiety disorder.

At work, you may fear that you are going to get laid off just because the company says sales are down. This could make you anxious enough that you cannot perform your job as well as you should. Next thing you are being called on the carpet for not producing effective results. You indeed now could lose your job.

When you have this disorder, you could have days where it is not as bad as others, but it lingers ready to worsen at a drop of a hat. Being anxious too much can severely affect your health if something is not done. You should seek treatment for this disorder to alleviate the symptoms.

Symptoms of GAD
There are a number of symptoms that can show up with general anxiety disorder. Some of these are listed below:
• Worries constantly on your mind
• Not being able to relax
• You cannot control the fact that you worry
• Inability to focus or concentrate on tasks
• Constantly thinking of things that stress you
• Getting overwhelmed easily and avoiding doing things because of it
• Feeling apprehensive too much
• Staying away from anything that stresses you

Treatment for GAD
To get treatment for GAD, you must first consult a doctor, and be properly diagnosed. A mental health professional should be used for proper therapy options. Cognitive-behavior therapy has been found to be successful with the GAD. Other therapies have also been found useful along with medications to take the edge off the stressful feelings.

Luckily, general anxiety disorder can be overcome in time. You just need to learn how to control your anxiety through therapy and self-help techniques such as relaxation therapy. Once you overcome it you can go on to live a normal life.

If you want to know can anxiety be cured, you can visit the website. You can get information on general anxiety disorder also.

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How to Change Your Lifestyle and Reduce Your Anxiety

With so many people living hectic and stressful lifestyles these days, it's no wonder that as many as forty million Americans suffer from some form of anxiety disorder every single year. This is a situation that is mirrored around the globe, and there is no doubt that the changes that have taken place in the way people live over the last hundred years have had a part to play in making this problem so increasingly common.

The demands and expectations of modern life can sometimes feel like more than we can cope with, and when we develop an anxiety disorder the strain can become unbearable.

As you have probably experienced, anxiety disorders can have a huge effect on the way you live your life, preventing you from living it to the full. But the relationship between your anxiety and your lifestyle works in the other direction as well. Your anxiety has a negative effect on your life, but your lifestyle can also have a bad impact on your anxiety.

My personal battle with anxiety and panic attacks started at a time in which my lifestyle was not ideal and I was living with a great deal of stress, and I have since heard from many other people that their problems also began during a similar period of time in their lives.

For some people it's the busy, fast paced stressful lifestyle with little time for themselves. For others it's the dissatisfaction of a boring, inactive life, maybe unemployment, fears for the future and money worries, and the responsibilities they have to their families that they struggle to live up to.

Even if your anxiety problem was not initially caused by your lifestyle, an unsatisfactory way of living will only add to your anxiety and cause your condition to have a greater negative impact on your life.

Take a good look at your current lifestyle, and ask yourself honestly if there are any areas of your life that are currently causing you difficulties and concern, or maybe aspects of your life that need attention but that you have let slip.

The following advice will give some common areas in which we sometimes need to make an improvement to reduce our anxiety

1. Work

Our jobs are important both in the sense of purpose that they provide us with and the demands that they place on us. People who work in jobs which offer little responsibility, and in which they have a very limited amount of control over what they do, can often find their jobs unsatisfying.

Those that are forced to work long hours with very high demands placed upon them can sometimes find their jobs to be too stressful. Neither situation is good for our state of mind.

In addition, some people's jobs are not particularly secure, and the threat of redundancy can cause a great deal of anxiety over future prospects. Whereas for other people it can be the absence of employment causing negative feelings of self worth and creating a great deal of anxiety.

Take a look at your working situation and make a list of the things you would like to change and what you could possibly do about it. This could mean considering changing jobs to something which will give you a more satisfying or less stressful life. Even if that comes at the expense of how much we earn, it can be worth it if it improves our quality of life.

2. Home life

The quality of your home life can have a massive effect on your state of mind and your anxiety levels. Your home should be a place in which you feel happy, safe and secure. A place that you enjoy coming back to after time spent away from it.

If this is not the case then it could be having a harmful effect on you. Maybe you don't like the area you live in, maybe you don't like the town or city, or maybe your relationship with the people you live with is difficult.

Family life can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience, but it can also be stressful if you don't get along with the people you are living with, or if one of them treats you in a way that makes you unhappy. When there is tension in your home life it can be very difficult to relax, and an increase in anxiety is inevitable.

Think about ways you can improve your living arrangements, or the relationships you have with those you live with. If you identify a situation that causes you stress and anxiety you may need to change it.

3. Commitments and Responsibilities

These can place a lot of stress on your everyday life. Sometimes the amount of these we take in can reach the point at which it becomes overwhelming, and this can make it even harder to cope with the other stresses and strains that are present in your life.

If you are feeling too much pressure, then now is the time to carefully analyse these and cut back your load to the essentials, to give you a little more time for yourself to help you relax and unwind.

4. Diet and Exercise

Taking good care of this aspect of your lifestyle really is essential for both your mental and physical health. Eating a healthy balanced diet, high in fruit, vegetables, fish and whole grains has been shown in studies to make people less likely to experience excessive anxiety. Stay away from eating too many processed food items and food that is high in saturated fats.

Regular aerobic exercise has also been shown to have a significant effect on anxiety levels. Exercise can help to burn off excess adrenaline in your system and studies have shown that regular sessions can have a similar effect on anxiety levels as taking a common anti-anxiety drug.

Are you living a healthy lifestyle? If not, then improvement made in this aspect of your life could have great benefits for your well being, and is probably one of the most important lifestyle changes you can make to help yourself.

It can be difficult for some people to motivate themselves to change their lifestyle. We often feel more comfortable with situations that we know, even when that situation is far from ideal. But if you don't make the changes required to reduce the anxiety in your life, it will be very difficult to achieve a long term solution to your problem.

It is your responsibility to change your lifestyle. Take a careful look at all the areas of your life that might be adding to your stress and anxiety, and write a list of things you need to change and a plan of how you are going to change them. Keep it somewhere where you can look at it often to help motivate you.

Change can also cause stress, and people who suffer from anxiety disorders can be especially vulnerable to its effects, so try and make the changes carefully and at a pace that you are comfortable with. It's no good rushing into major changes without sufficient thought, and then regretting the decision. But this doesn't mean putting it off forever.

Changing your lifestyle for the better will help to reduce your anxiety and will make it easier to cope with your disorder. But it is only one part of what you must do to overcome this problem for good. The fulfilling, happy life, free from anxiety, that you dream of can be yours, but you will need to find an appropriate course of treatment to help you put these problems in the past.

You can find out more about finding the right treatment method for you in my free report here: Dealing With Anxiety.

Don't lose hope, you can get better. Learn the truth about Panic Attack Medication by clicking the link.

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Most Common Panic Attack Symptoms

Almost everyone has suffered a panic attack at some point in their lives. It could have been simply a momentary fright or a longer lasting sense of being very, very scared for whatever reason, but the fact is that a panic attack is devastating and often has long lasting and detrimental effects on general one's health. Anyone who suffers from a panic attack for whatever reason and at any age is deemed to be suffering from a syndrome known as Panic Disorder.

Panic attacks occur in a large percentage of adults, with statistics showing that around 20% of adult Americans; and around 60 million people worldwide, are sufferers. It is to be noted that women are twice as likely to be afflicted by this disorder than men. The onset of the first episode of panic attack usually occurs between the ages of 15 and 19 years of age.

Panic attack symptoms vary just as much as the people afflicted by them. As they happen very suddenly, they are unlike other forms of anxiety, which mostly build up over a period of time. The most common is an intense feeling of terrifying fear which leaves the victim rooted to the spot, unable to move, cry out for help, or act rationally. This awful fear is almost always accompanied by a pounding heart which sufferers relate can actually be heard and which results in the person shaking uncontrollably and, in a number of cases, with severe chest pain.

All these symptoms result in the inability to breathe normally and thus the person tries to gulp in air in an effort to get oxygen into their bloodstream. Thus, faintness and dizziness are further symptoms; and so in hyperventilation, where the person afflicted breathes in too fast and too shallowly and all the symptoms experienced thus far are magnified. More minor, but just as important, symptoms may include sweating, especially of the hands; and a tingling or numbness of the fingers and the hand. A feeling of being chilled or cold may manifest too.

An episode of panic attack is commonly mistaken for a heart attack, as there are many symptoms which are alike in the two, especially those of the racing or pounding heart and the chest pain. This, in turn, causes the episode to be lengthened, as the sufferer becomes more and more frightened. The phrase 'scared to death' is appropriate in this scenario.

It is important to know that a panic attack is usually of a very short duration, although the victim generally does not know how long an attack lasts. Statistics reveal that episodes usually only last up to ten minutes and most of them are considerably shorter. Bear in mind too, that even when most of the symptoms disappear, some may persist with the person for some time.

It is generally accepted that once someone has had one panic attack, he or she will be prone to experience the symptoms again, thus they will be known to suffer from Panic Disorder.

There are various Panic Attack Treatments available, such as the Linden Method and Barry McDonagh's Panic Away.

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Childhood Anxiety Disorder

Much the same as adults children can experience issues with anxiety. A certain amount of anxiety in children will not cause problems, however if the anxiety becomes intense and recurring they can quite easily disable the child. Increased levels of anxiety can affect the daily life of the child.

Here are some common causes of childhood anxiety disorder:

Change in Lifestyle - children can be dramatically affected by a families relocation. Moving away from their school and neighbourhood friends can make them very stressed and if the child cannot cope with stress it can lead to bouts of anxiety.

Separation anxiety - this is an excessive fear of being away from someone the child is comfortable being with.

School Phobia - the reason behind this phobia is not completely understood, what happens is the child will increasingly come up with excuses as to why they cannot go to school, complaining of toothaches, headaches, stomach aches anything to keep them away. School phobia is often linked to separation anxiety.

Relationship Problems - Family problems can play a large part in a child's anxiety issues. If a child experiences the loss of a family member this can trigger anxiety attacks. As can family conflicts, divorce or fighting in the family can be traumatic for a child.

Performance Anxiety - this can be a common problem for children who find themselves at the front of the class if they are not very good at their lessons or on the sports field if they are no good at sports.

General Anxiety Disorder - this is an uncontrollable fear of almost everything. Symptoms of GAD in children are the same as they are in adults.

Here are some of the possible symptoms that your child may display if they are suffering from a childhood anxiety disorder:

Bed wetting
Feeling of panic and fear
Fear of making mistakes
Fear of embarrassment
Not wanting to go out at all
Lack of confidence

Looking at the above list you have to agree that with some children it is very difficult to actually determine if a child has an anxiety problem. Due to the fact that the symptoms are similar to other physical, behavioural and psychological conditions it is very important if you do think your child may have a problem to take them to a doctor.

Doctors will usually prescribe medication to help relieve your child's anxiety issues. You may however wish to try alternative treatments such as:

Play Therapy - this is the child version of exposure therapy and is an effective treatment for anxiety in children.

Herbal Medicines - these can be an effective means for treating childhood anxiety disorder. Some of the most common herbs are: valerian, st. johns wart, and scullcap.

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Get Your Life Back - Stop Living With Fear and Anxiety Disorder

We all get anxious when faced with unusual or fearful situations. Having a normal amount of anxiety from time to time is useful because it helps us to be alert in the face of dangerous situations and it can also push us to make the necessary preparations to perform well on frightening and difficult tasks like exams and job interviews. But if you are living with fear and anxiety and you are excessively afraid of situations and things that are not frightening, you might be suffering from anxiety disorder.

If you are suffering from anxiety disorder, it can be a daunting experience. Living with fear and anxiety is not fun. The physical and psychological symptoms of this mental disorder can be very disabling. Living with anxiety disorder can rob you of your happiness and the freedom to enjoy and do the things that most people do on their everyday lives. You need to know how to conquer your anxiety disorder and stop living with fear and anxiety to get your life back.

Some of the physical symptoms of anxiety disorder are increased heartbeat, shortness of breath, excessive sweating, trembling, nausea and light-headedness. The psychological symptoms include excessive fear or worry and the feeling of going crazy or losing control. Excessive worry or anxiety can make you restless and you will find it hard to relax. You may also find yourself unable to sleep and concentrate on your daily activities. It can prevent you from functioning normally on your everyday life. If the fear is so severe, you may also experience phobia. This mental disorder is not only destroying your self-image but it can also ruin your job and your personal relationships. Anxiety disorder can rule your life if not treated.

Fortunately, anxiety disorder is a very treatable mental disorder. With the proper treatment, people living with fear and anxiety disorder can learn to function effectively in their everyday lives.

One way to stop living with fear and anxiety disorder is through medications. Of course it is important to seek professional or medical help. A psychiatrist or a doctor trained to treat mental disorders like anxiety disorder can help you. Anxiety problems can be treated by anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medicines and psychotherapy. The treatments require a great deal of work and dedication so it is important to work with your doctor if you want to stop living with fear and anxiety.

It is also important to know how to manage your stress to stop living with fear and anxiety disorder. Stress and anxiety are connected with each other. Stress is one of the major causes of anxiety. People normally get anxious when stressed out. Stress is unavoidable and it is a normal part of life but there are ways to manage your stress and avoid anxiety. The first thing that you should do is to identify your stressor. Learn and understand the root cause of your stress to identify the necessary changes that you have to make to relieve your stress. Do you have marital problems? Are you experiencing financial difficulties? Or are you starting a new career? These things can give you stress and anxiety. When you are experiencing severe stress, meditation or simple yoga techniques can be very helpful to relieve your stress. It is also helpful to withdraw from a stressful situation for a while and deal with it later. Take a walk, smell the flowers, exercise or do some deep breathing exercises and comeback with a new perspective of the situation.

Alternative treatments are also gaining popularity because there are people who do not like the side effects of medications. Of course before engaging yourself into any alternative treatment, you have to do your homework. Consult your doctor to ensure that the alternative treatment is safe for you. There are herbs and vitamins that can help you stop living with fear and anxiety. Passionflower and Kava Kava are common herbal remedies used to treat anxiety.

Do not allow anxiety disorder to ruin your life because there are ways to conquer this disorder. Get your life back and stop living in constant fear and anxiety visit Panic Disorder Freedom

Thesie Cortez is an article writer and an internet marketer. This article is free for publishing provided that the article must be published in its entirety without alterations. The author's name and all links must be included and remain intact or unaltered with every reproduction.

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Social Anxiety and Some Treatment For Social Anxiety

Everyone can remember that nervous feeling when you are introduced to a crowd of total strangers for the very first time. Maybe in school you can recall kids who had trouble making friends and did not talk much and pretty much kept to themselves. Have you ever gone to a party and saw everyone else engaging in conversation and you just sit there because you cannot think of anything to say? Anyone who has been in front of people and has to talk would also claim to have experienced a sudden breakout of sweat, blushing and sometimes tremors in their hands. For people with social anxiety any form of social situation can cause terrible butterflies and great nervousness. Shy people and people with a social anxiety disorder tend to exhibit timidity, fear, and in certain situations even phobia. It's more than just being very self-conscious or finding it difficult to meet new people. People with this type of anxiety think and feel that everyone is watching their every move.

They feel under constant scrutiny by everyone. They can't relax and are always in fear that people are judging them in some way. Even things like going shopping are affected because of their fear of being in any sort of social situation. Walking into a bar or restaurant and even going for a walk in the park can be daunting. People who have this type of problem can isolate themselves, even if they are around familiar people. It is a life changing condition called social phobia or social anxiety disorder. This is an all consuming fear of social situations where people think they are going to be viewed negatively. People can compound this fear by thinking negatively of themselves and because of this they become so self-conscious and are afraid to be humiliated in front of others. Aside from fear and anxiety, people with phobias do everything they can to avoid social situations. Health professionals use the following signs in people to determine the presence of a social phobia: Unreasonable fear triggered by the presence of people especially authoritative figures. Fear of exposure to a crowd or a feared situation.

Intense anxiety from a situation that interferes with a person's normal routine or causes great anxiety. If you have a social anxiety there are ways used for help with social anxiety. Separating whats real from what you believe is real is one way. Taking control of the things you can change and accepting those which you cannot. Of course with the help of family and friends you can slowly confront fears. For serious cases you may need a psychologist, counselor or doctor. Here are other ways you can use for the treatment for social anxiety. Using relaxation techniques, doing yoga, meditation, and exercise. Learning to be assertive is also one technique that can be used in the treatment for social anxiety. You should also focus on your good qualities and make an effort to make eye contact whenever you meet and greet people. With effective help and if needed, appropriate medication you can overcome fears and reject phobias that may be controlling you.Getting motivated and joining a support group is a fantastic treatment for social anxiety.

It may take some time, but if you decide to beat it now, the better for you and those people around you. Living life without that fear will help you, your family, and friends to develop better relationships. You would also enjoy life so much more without those fears and be able to live life to the fullest.

Do not let your social anxiety control you. Beat it today. See how.

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What Causes Anxiety Attacks

Anxiety can range from extremely mild, to severe cases that can affect your daily life. To understand what causes the anxiety that you feel, you will need to learn more about the way your body reacts to different situations.

Anxiety is a mental and psychological feeling which is caused by a certain situation within your life. There are no rules when it comes to anxiety, and what causes one person to feel anxious, may be entirely different to another person. Each case of anxiety is different; therefore, you need to understand your symptoms to be able to cope on a daily basis.

How your body reacts to different situations can affect how your anxiety levels are controlled within your body. Some people deal with their nerves far better than others; however, for some people it can be extremely worrying as they feel out of control. As you begin to look at what causes anxiety attacks, you will realize that there is often a trigger. Once you find out what is causing you to feel the panic that you do, you can learn how to deal with your anxiety.

There are vast arrays of different situations, which can cause you to feel anxious; therefore, you will need to analysis each panic attack. If there is a cause behind the panic that you feel, you will be able to work through this and get help. However, for many people there is no trigger, and you may not know why you feel as anxious as you do when placed in a certain situation. Therefore, learning to relax and breathe correctly is essential, and will help you to cope with your anxiety.

The attacks that you are suffering from are believed to be caused by an imbalance in your body, which is producing your adrenaline in greater quantities. Your body will not know how to cope with this increased level of adrenaline, therefore, causing the fight or flight response. You have to be strong and ensure that you stand your ground and fight the way that your body feels. Once you have overcome the nervous feelings that you are experiencing, you will feel a sense of achievement.

You need to remember that you are not the only person who is searching for the answers for what causes anxiety attacks. There are plenty of people who feel exactly the same way as you, therefore, providing you with a massive amount of support and research material. Learning to cope with your anxiety may seem a challenge; however, it is possible to overcome your fears.

If you want to know can anxiety be cured, you can visit the website.

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