Home Remedies For Anxious Thoughts

However you have decided to treat your anxiety, there are a few simple things that you can do for yourself to speed things up. Having a healthy lifestyle and making sure that you look after yourself will help improve your natural resilience to anxiety and stress, helping you to cope much better with the everyday symptoms caused by anxiety. Here are some ideas on home treatment for anxiety. Firstly, be honest with yourself.

Don't read any further if you have a closed mind.

These suggestions will genuinely help you to cope with your anxiety but one of the problems with anxious thinking is negativity and an unwillingness to step outside of your comfort zone. This is a perfectly normal part of anxiety. It may just be that you are not ready to take on board new ideas just now

Make sure that you eat healthily! I'm not talking about going vegetarian, eating whole grain foods or maxing out on fruit and vegetables. balance into or back into your diet and lifestyle. Try to eat three meals every day. Steady blood sugar levels from regular eating habits will be less anxious.

If you don't believe me, try missing a meal and see how your anxiety levels increase.

Cut out junk food. Take the time to eat and enjoy it. Cook proper meals. It might sound simple but take the time to enjoy your food. Give yourself permission to slow down and relax whenever you eat a meal. A bit of quality self-centred time will always help to reduce your anxiety levels so stop eating on the run and don't snack.

Start exercising! But have fun. Do something that you can enjoy and start exercising two or three times a week. Aerobic exercise has been proven to help with anxious thoughts by releasing endorphins into the bloodstream. Endorphins produce a natural feel good factor when we exercise. Exercise will also help to distract you from your anxious thoughts and also helps your heart to cope with the side effects of anxiety. Try to do different exercises to keep it interesting. Try a different class each week, start a sport like tennis, badminton or squash that makes you interact with others to help take your mind off your worries. Join your local gym, try swimming. Even something as simple as a brisk walk will help you cope with anxiety. Mix strength building and aerobic exercise. As you start to get fitter you will begin to feel better about yourself and cope better with anxiety.

Try a weekly class of Yoga or Tai Chi. It will show you useful breathing techniques to help you relax and will also get you fit into the bargain.

Start gradually. Try just ten minutes exercise each day to start off with and then, when you start to feel fitter decide about joining your local gym or an exercise class. Gradually build up the level of exercise. You are far more likely to stick with it if you start gradually and build up.

Allocate some time to your anxiety. One thing about anxious thinking is that it can start without warning, taking you completely by surprise. You're just getting on with your day and suddenly an anxious thought sends you into a downward spiral. Try just accepting that thought. Is it something worth worrying about? If it is, then give yourself permission to think about it later. Allocate a time to think about your worries. At the alloted time, think about them until you have come to a conclusion.

This is an amazingly powerful tool that really helps to to take control again.

It also works for the anxious thoughts that wake you up at two in the morning. Simply acknowledge the anxious thought but tell yourself that you will deal with it in the morning. Set a time and think about it later.

You can do lots to help yourself with anxiety or even overcome anxiety completely. Give yourself the best chance that you can by beginning your own home treatment for anxiety regime.

If you found this article interesting and would like more tips on overcoming anxiety visit http://www.selfhelpanxietycures.com/

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