What Are The Symptoms Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

If you find yourself worrying about things that, in reality, are unlikely to take place or you often feel worried, anxious or tense all day when there is really no reason to, then you may well be showing some of the symptoms of GAD.

All of us have worries and fears about parts of our day to day lives but if your worrying is constant enough to get in the way of your life, preventing you from relaxing and preventing you from carrying on normally you may have developed generalized anxiety disorder.

GAD is a fairly common problem that affects millions of people throughout the world. It tends to manifest itself as chronic worrying or anxiety, general nervousness and tension with sufferers finding it very difficult to switch off and relax.

When you suffer from generalized anxiety disorder your anxiety isn't related to any specific thing, event or occasion. You can feel anxious all the time and your anxiety can colour every part of your life. The feeling is, however, no where near as intense as, for example, a panic attack but instead is a long lasting feeling of general anxiety that makes a normal life impossible.

The condition is both mentally and physically debilitating, it saps your energy, destroying any sense of feeling good and generally wearing you down. You will probably worry about the same things as other people such as health, family, money and work but your worries will be exaggerated out of all proportion.

Your worries will be constantly repeating in your head, you won't be able to switch them off.

People with generalized anxiety disorder will go through their days in a constant state of anxiety, thinking the worst of every situation even when there are no grounds for their anxieties.

Being worried or concerned about things is a normal part of our lives but it is when the worrying gets out of hand and begins to get in the way of our normal life that you have a problem. Excessive worrying, intrusive thoughts that keep appearing in your head are symptoms of Generalized Anxiety. The anxiety can become debilitating actually preventing you from finding a solution.

The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder can be different from hour to hour and day to day. You will experience good days and bad days, you may find that your worrying is worse first thing while for others, late at night will be the worst time their worries. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms but most people with GAD have some or all of the following symptoms of GAD.

Worries continuously running through your mind. Intrusive, irrational thoughts with anxiety popping into your head at any time.

An inability to cope with uncertainty, a need to know exactly what is likely to happen in the future.

A sense that your anxiety is out of control, that you can't stop yourself from worrying.

An all encompassing feeling of fear or apprehension.

Feeling tense all the time with muscle pain from the tension.

Trouble sleeping either difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

An inability to relax, as if your brain can't switch off.

Unable to enjoy being alone.

You put things off because you feel completely overwhelmed by life and avoid social situations where you feel anxiety.

You have difficulty concentrating on things.

You feel nervous and edgy a lot, jumping at sudden sounds.

You might start to suffer stomach problems, diarrhoea and sickness.

It is always worth getting a professional diagnosis and getting yourself checked over. Generally speaking, if you have tended to worry or be anxious in the past you could well have developed GAD but similar symptoms can also be caused by other medical conditions and medication

General Anxiety Disorder can be treated successfully and people go on to make a full recovery!

If you found this article informative and would like more information on overcoming generalized anxiety disorder visit my site at http://www.selfhelpanxietycures.com/

Original article

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