Self Help for Social Anxiety Disorder

There had been many drugs and lab-made medication out there that claim to help alleviate social anxiety and other anxiety disorder, but few ever step up to full recovery. Much like drug addictions, anxiety disorders can come back and haunt you if you don't take careful steps in preventing it or completely overcoming it. In most cases of anxiety disorders, a select few of medications truly work but self help for social anxiety disorder is slowly proving to be more effective means in treating these types of disorders without having to resort to heavy medical measures.

Shyness in Relation to SAD

Is shyness related to social disorder? Well, shyness can be a symptom of social anxiety disorders, but they are categorized as such in its more severe cases. Simple shyness is attributed to a common feeling of awkwardness in a given environment, but SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) cases tend to be more extreme in this case. The person exhibits physical manifestations caused by panic such as increased palpitation and nausea to this effect. People who have this anxiety do have shyness since they will do everything in their power to avoid social contact of any kind depending on the severity of their situation. This dissociative behavior exists within them so as to maintain their sanity much like how your brain tells your hand to get itself away from stove in order not to get burned.

Diagnosing SAD

It can be determined fairly easily, but it's safer to take him or her to a therapist or licensed psychologist in order to get a more thorough diagnosis. Untreated symptoms of this disorder might even result in alcoholism or even substance abuse as coping substances. Since treatment varies greatly on how early the stages of the anxiety are, getting a proper diagnosis as early as possible can greatly help the person recover as soon as possible.

Possibility of Treatment

Unlike more severe variations of anxiety medical conditions, social anxiety has a possibility of being overcome. Since all that's need to be done is to re-establish that person's comfort zone when it comes to social situations, all it takes is a slow reintegration into social circles without scarring the person suffering from social anxiety. Self help for anxiety disorder can even be done in milder stages to calm him or her down without having to resort to heavier forms of medical treatment. It is tough when you don't understand what you're going against.

Check the link below to get to know about this disorder and ways on how to fight it on your way to overcome social anxiety to live a life filled with love, laughter and freindship - without fear.

Self Help Social Anxiety Disorder

Original article

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