Identifying and Controlling Severe Anxiety

Anyone who suffers from severe anxiety will already know that their symptoms can, at times, be hellish. Many of those who suffer these severe symptoms will experience chest pain, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, and other frightening symptoms. For those who have severe anxiety attacks a trip to the hospital ER is not uncommon as many of these symptoms mimic heart attacks.

There are reasons these symptoms feel so terrifying. During a severe anxiety attack the body often produces a great deal of adrenaline. This is one of the more powerful stress hormones that we produce naturally. It is the hormone that is produced during times of extreme stress or fear.

When a severe anxiety attack occurs you may feel a sharp or dull pain in your chest. Your heartbeat may increase to the point where it is noticeable and frightening.

You may also encounter problems catching your breath or breathing in general. This is often seen as quick, swallow breaths. Many of those who suffer these attacks are taught to breathe into a paper bag as this can help restore carbon dioxide balance which occurs during hyperventilation.

Many people will also feel dizzy during an attack. This is often the case with those who also have breathing issues during an attack. Also, it is not uncommon to experience upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting.

The sense of feeling as if all is lost or doomed is also a common symptom. These intense feelings can become very powerful in some people and can cause a variety of quality of life issues.

What is important to remember is that these symptoms are phantoms. They cannot hurt you or kill you. It may feel as if they can, but they cannot.

If you have suffered any of the above symptoms, seek medical advice first. Make sure you do not have a real problem with your heart or other part of your body. Tell your doctor about your attacks and listen to their advice.

Once you know that you are otherwise healthy, take some action to fight your anxiety symptoms. Your doctor can help with this as well.

Today, there are many treatment options available for those suffer from severe anxiety attacks. These range from medication to relaxation techniques, with each having its own level of success depending on the person. There are also herbal remedies as well as many self-help programs available. It is possible to control symptoms of severe anxiety!

Want to learn more about symptoms of severe anxiety? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn about the best anxiety natural remedies.

Original article

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