Surprising News About Anxiety Supplements

It is no secret that many of the pharmaceuticals that are used in the treatment of anxiety work just fine. But, it is also no secret that many of these have side-effects such as headache, sexual dysfunction, and nausea. Many of those who suffer from anxiety would prefer a more natural remedy that does not involve dangerous or annoying side-effects. Here are some natural options to consider:

The fatty acids known as Omega 3 occur naturally in some types of fish, salmon being just one example. The Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in some types of foods. These acids have been clinical proven to help in the treatments of depression as well as anxiety. They have also been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol as well as contributing to a healthy heart.

Amino acids are also known to be a good treatment option for those suffering from anxiety issues. Amino acids, in general, work as neurotransmitters. They are known to decrease the stimulation that occurs in the brain which, in turn, reduces anxiety. Several of the more popular drug treatments for anxiety, benzodiazepene medications for example, are based on amino acids. For anxiety, the essential amino acids include:

Gamma-Aminobutyric acid, more commonly known as GABA, works with neurotransmitters in such a way that it inhibits various activities within the brain which lowers anxiety levels. GABA is often taken as an anxiety supplement.

Another amino acid is L-glycine. It is provides a calming effect within the CNS, (central nervous system) much the same as GABA. It has also been shown to inhibit the release of certain known stress hormones within the human brain.

The amino acid L-theanine helps to activate alpha waves within the brain. This helps to increase relaxation and overall alertness. This amino acid is found in various types of green tea.

L-glutamine reduces feelings of stress and helps regulate blood sugar levels (a dip in blood sugar levels can cause anxiety). It also creates a feeling of alertness by reducing the build up of ammonia in the brain.

For treatment of anxiety, L-tryptophan can play an important role. This amino acid helps in the production of serotonin which is an important neurotransmitter within the human brain for regulating mood. A lack of L-tryptophan will lead to a lack of serotonin. Several of the antidepressant drugs do their work by maintaining serotonin within the brain synapses longer, thusly allowing it more time to work. This added time helps to bring about a better, more positive, mood which, in turn, reduces anxiety symptoms.

In addition, 5-HTP (5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan) also works in the process of producing serotonin. It is a proven mood regulator for those who suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety sufferers can also benefit from vitamins and minerals. The vitamins B and C, as well as the minerals calcium and magnesium are thought to very effective in helping to reduce anxiety symptoms when they are taken as anxiety supplements. All of these are key elements for improved neurotransmssions. They work to help decrease the stress hormones found within the brain. It is important to ensure that anxiety sufferers get enough of these important vitamins and minerals either in their diet or as added supplements.

Want to learn more about anxiety supplements? Click here to visit Anxiety Panic Solutions and learn more about herbal anxiety remedies.

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